Who's your main Sup Forums?

Who's your main Sup Forums?
>92 hours of Genji and counting

And I bet you are still fucking dragging your team down and/or refuse to switch if anyone other than you is playing "the ebin ninjacyborg".

Why would I switch? Genji is my main, I play him exclusively. Please tell me you're not one of those shitters who thinks if you actually try to make a good team comp with the shitters you end up with you have a better chance at winning than if you just play something you're good at, because if you do fucking lol

>"Hey! We need a support, we have too many offence heroes. You playing Genji! Switch to a support hero!"
>Team loses
People who "main" in Overwatch need to be shot.

>He actually thinks healing the autistic mongloids quick play lumps you with will give a better chance of winning than just carrying the team on your back

Fucking idiot. Enjoy your losses while your dumb ass tries to be a 'team player'. I'll be over here with my 62% win rate because I wipe the enemy team and get the objective.

>enemy team has a semi-competent Roadhog
suddenly you are dead weight.

it's an example you nigger, there could be no tanks or not enough defence.
There can be 3 widowmakers on attack doing jackshit, only caring about their dumb K/D and not getting on the point.

Roadhog a best

>He thinks we care
Man I can't wait until competitive comes out and you get called out for being the shitter you are and get to stay down in bronze league where you belong.

>he thinks roadhog counters genji in top level play

try winston and zarya

Doesn't matter who is on your team. Shitters gunna shit. You just need to carry them to victory and it's way easier doing it by picking a hero you're skillful at than trying to make up for 2 Hanzos and a Widow by playing a tank and getting shit on anyway because none of them can hit a target (shocker!)

>I'll be over here with my 62% win rate because I wipe the enemy team and get the objective.

I'll take "Things that never happen" for 1000 Alex.

I don't mind someone maining, but don't come into the game as the 6th man, pick anything other than support, and then spam chat that WE NEED A SUPPORT GUYS. Don't ever be that guy. If your team doesn't have a Mercy/Lucio/Zenyatta, you are morally obligated to roll support.

>top level play

T.racer here, I have the speed racer theme song on repeat while I play.

I never wanted to main Lucio. It just happened.

Hope you mastered his edge jump exploit with all those hours user.

nope; at least a quarter of the game is actualy counter picking.
I do enjoy tracer, pudge, indian portal lady and swedish dwarf engineer

>morally obligated
I'll pick Tracer even if the entire team is offensive. Hell, I've convinced entire teams to play as Tracer and it was a lot more fun that your defensive bullshit.

>enemy team has Zarya
>enemy team has two Symmetra
>enemy team has NO Bastion
>enemy team has NO Widowmaker
>my team has a Genji
>see he's getting killed over and over in the kill feed
>never changes
>10 min match
>"someone needed to take out those sentries"

lmfao people actually play overwatch and think it's a game that requires actual skill loool

it's only good for the fuckin rule 34 porn, and maybe like an hour or two of gameplay a day or whatever.

>maining in a game designed about constantly adapting by counterpicking

>Maining in a class based game
What a retard, do you also "main" in rock paper scissors?

>My team is always shit! I'm so much better than them and need to carry to win!
>in a game which matches you based on a hidden elo rank
I'll take shit that never happened,

Now fuck off with your shitty bait.

WoW also has classes and everyone has a main, retard

I don't think fucking anyone wants to main Lucio, but I ended up in the same boat.

He's just too useful to not have on a team. Too bad he's absolutely no fun at all to play. Especially on consoles where shooting and wall riding simultaneously is essentially impossible.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get the "get three kills while wall riding in a match" achievement?

I think everyone should have a main per class. Someone you know you can trust to solve the teams problems because you have experience with them.
World's Oldest Piece of Shit
MIT Manlet
Ironically racist SJW boogie man

>not maining paper

Why do you have to bait OP an overwatch thread, of all things?

Fucking tag it for my filter, you fucking faggot.

On Lijang tower it's relatively easy, especially on the one point in the garden. Just wall ride around the outside and blast people into the pit. With that said, it's still hard as fuck

I disagree, wall skating and bonking people around with right click is fun. So is unkillably darting around a point to extend overtime as long as possible.

I encountered and extremely angry Genji main called 'Niinjah', who used Sup Forums slang as well.

I hope you weren't behind it, user

Fuck paper fags you're a broken piece if shit. At least scissors is balanced. I can't believe devs let you go unchecked for damn long

>that guy that always complains other people don't drop what they're doing and go healer
>heaven forbid they're ever the ones to just do it, no it's someone elses problem

Every time.

First of all

Second of all

What do you do for a hobby, user?

>I go Reinhardt on a payload map
>Hanzo faggot complains endlessly about no healer
>everybody tells him to go fuck himself
>I say "ok, I'll switch to something more useful" and change to Hanzo
>proceed to copy all of his hero picks (Genji, and then Mercy for the last five seconds) for the match

He baits retards like you.

Now do you have to still be wall riding when "Eliminated" comes up for it to count? Seems tricky as hell to get it in time.
>Right click
See, I think he's be exponentially more fun on PC where you have significantly more control and can do some crazy wall ride actions, and actually aim your standard burst shot as well. On PS4 it's fucking hell.

fucking battlefield 4 takes more skill than overwatch

>not playing a low skill game your gf can enjoy

Make the one tank change to support and keep the 3 attack players?

yeah but overwatch players think the game is a fucking hardcore test of skill. it's laughable my dude. the best thing about the game is the rule 34 porn.

Wall riding is really only good for the occasional shortcut or saving yourself from a fall death, mostly it just makes it easy for people to lead their shots. I think the somewhat useful tricks like skating in the well in Ilios or the top of the tower in Lijiang wouldn't be too hard on console.

Anyone else notice how psychological this game is?

If a single player is dominating your team and you kill them a few times they tend to back off and go back to being cautious.

>sometimes just hearing your team pop multiple ults is enough to break the enemies' will

>I main "X"

Prepare the rope.

Zenyatta, because he melts tanks, erases flankers and can heal anyone at any range.
MVP card all day erryday.

Also fresh OC.

Zenny. I've grown to love him after picking him game after game to support the insta genjis and hanzos.

Lately however I've started also picking genji and following the "genji mains" around stealing kills. If you're gonna main him I figure showing you how to actually play him is better than healing you and your 30% accuracy.

You are the real cancer


It's a little tricky on console but I've managed it.

Use the claw grip i got it easy

Lucio is my boy. My team only wins when I'm playing him. Whether that's a placebo or not, I ain't breaking the chain.

Which hero counters the shit out of Junkrat?


The thing that can fly

>still playing overwatch
People are still living the meme

>guys look at me! I'm so cool and jaded!
fuck off
go shitpost somewhere else

yeah, it's pretty funny. i only linger around overwatch threads in hopes of seeing pr0n.

>tfw yous stopped playing because the friends you bought it to play with are obnoxious cunts who also happen to be Leaguefags

>wrong font
>jerking yourself off
haha, terrible.

Hey, you leave Zenyatta alone. He's a cool guy, it's not his fault his character is bad.

not that guy but i play 2 matches and get bored before logging off. its not as good as tf2 thats for damn sure.

Cheers mate, the cavalry is here!

It's almost impossible unless you either rebind jump to one of the shoulder buttons/triggers or having hideously malformed fingers. Same with Pharah if you actually want to move and turn while hovering.

I have fun playing reaper, why would I stop having fun just to appease scrubs?

Why do all genji mains sound the same? You dont have a 68% win rate, it most likely under 50. I bet you over extend for a few kills that contribute nothing while your team actually tries to get the objective.
All genuine mains sound like this, autistic crybabies who smash their keyboard and ragequit if their juvenile bullshit loses the game for the team.
All genji mains are this conceited, they think one or two solo kills nowhere near the objective is helping, and that their team which is frantically pushing the payload is the ones at fault for losing.
If you get stuck in a game with a "genji main", fucking leave. Can't wait till I can start selecting avoid for all genji autists

Fucking hell my head can't handle it

All rock. It's called the avalanche. Is this your first day?

80 hours of widomaker
60 hours of hanzo
54 hours of mei

Do you have a life?

Long term WoW players also used to, I dunno if they still do it's been a while, switch to do other things. Almost like you're supposed to do in Overwatch. Huh.

Holidays for 2 weeks

Also my playtime is pretty tame compared to the level 300+ guys.

I have not noticed that at all, no.

I play Junkrat a lot and I've never been troubled by Pharrah. Especially once you get the hang of your gun and realise just how fucking slow rocket bitch is in the air.

Not him but why would you respond to someone who calls you jaded by proving that you're jaded?

50% of reinhardt's gameplay is jumping around a corner while winding up the charge, pinning some random fuck, turning around ulting and spinning with your left click

My favourite part is anyone who claims that they main Genji don't understand how to PLAY him. It's like fucking clockwork, every time you see them they're acting like retards and dying over and over again.

And the only reason so many people want to main him in the first place? Because he's a fucking ninja. I'm about as weeb as it gets and that still makes me sad.

Volskaya on defense.

Wall ride the right wall near the spawn as the match starts

I rode past a Reinhardt shield and bumped 4x people off the ledge. Dependent on whether or not people have the tendency to huddle though.

Ah, I see you dont like winning or being a team player.

The bait is.. Pretty solid actually. 8

>unironically asking this on Sup Forums

>tfw you ult and rape the entire team solo
Lucio is good aswell.

>Mainimg anyonr in a counter based game

I have favorite heroes, heroes that i play better than others and heroes that o try to avoid because im just to terrible with them. In the emd i just pick whateber is necessary to the team.

My favorites are roadrog and Zenyata.

Change the controls nigaa, it is what i did

Well sir, of course my main is the only hero that truly represents my dark and twisted side.
I can teleport behind you and destroy you so fast that you'll spit your milk all over your stupid and fake Bible.
Reaper is the only hero for grown ups like me, I only play him while sipping some delicious red wine.
The only hero that gives me problems is Bastion, but that's just because it's a childish and stupidly OP character that I'm sure Blizzard's Devs will nerf, since they're the best Dev's out there.

Good day, my dear.

Battleborn sucks, it's shit

>Why don't YOU switch

Just as much their fault

an hour or two a day of game play seems pretty good to me.

Genji, Reaper, Widowmaker and Tracer mains are all underage faggots.

If your intention was to make me mad, you did it.

>4h hanzo

time for suicide buddy

Is it weird that the most retarded part of this post was Reaper having problem with Bastion?


>In a group of four
>Pick Genji the second I have a choice because I know one of the randoms is going to
>One of them picks Hanzo
>The other picks Genji anyway

What do you do when the team has multiple Winston's?

>rockfags complaining about balance

when will they learn?

Wonder what this user's winrate is. I do compose well rounded teams, solo, and have a positive winrate.

>switch from tank to support
>team now has no tank
>switch from support to tank
>team now has no support

But at least we have that additional selfish faggot out pestering the enemy team while we're all still getting melted.

I main Lucio because this game is full of presumptuous faggots and I kill them all the time by blasting them in the face, punching them then m2. And no one bitches at me for not healing.

I main reinhardt and charge constantly

I've found that as Reinhardt, if you do it right he gets his ultimate so damn fast it's unreal. When I'm on my game, I just roll through the other team so quickly.

All of my friends got epic/legendaries for Reinhardt, and so I stopped playing him so much because they want to show off. But man, it's so fucking painful to watch them flail around as Reinhardt when I know I could be outperforming them in every way.