What are you working on?
also, which one do you use, Sup Forums?
What are you working on?
also, which one do you use, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lumberyard actually in the fucking poll
Does anyone use it?
Which engine's dev environment works with Ubuntu?
What's up with the dead?
Is unreal bad?
Everyone's crunching for demo days.
I know I am.
I think Unity has a Linux branch but I can't remember if they already released it to the public
I don't know. I just based the poll of the image. Got the image from a random thread sometime ago.
Started working on background graphics.
Everyone says that Unity is shit but is that just a meme? there are a lot of good games made on it
give him mega man shorts, please. Underwear is too much and makes your game like a furry made it.
There's a good chance that user is a furry.
What should I use for making a Super Mario Bros./Mega Man type of game?
Whatever you want.
Is really furry but at least there are some effort put into the sprites.
Change the briefs to panties
>No Love2D
GameMaker user, how are you finding it? I don't know shit about it. Is it very restrictive?
well that's disappointing, I'm trying make a game with a birdperson without it looking like fur shit. here's A fanart sprite of the main character, I'm still doing some concept art for her though before I make a 3D model.
mighty no. 9 2 is looking great !
keep it up con man!
There are a lot of tutorials for GM to do something like Mario, but honestly you can choose whatever you feel good for you.
It's the memest of memes.
Is this another harmarist game or do you just clone his art style
Working on a turn based strategy game. I made it so when you click on your dude it shows the tiles you can move to. I'm proud of this accomplishment.
Thanks friend
Check out some color theory stuff. The character design itself is alright, but the colors are all wack.
I'm basing it off this kind of bird, what colour clothes should she be wearing? I get nervous when it comes to colour.
You can compile unreal editor 4 for linux now. Though I don't think the marketplace UI works yet. You'll have to make any purchases via web.
I’ve done a bunch of stuff since the last update. Check it out!
Of course it’s STILL a work in progress, but I feel like the game looks slightly less worse now. I also changed the inventory, added a “toolbox” inventory where tools get stored, a test options menu, (simple) real world-synced day/night, changed the way casting the fishing rod works, added footstep sounds (that change based on what terrain you’re walking on, including nothing if you’re in the air), and a lot more. agdg Demo Day 9 is coming, and I’m going to try to get as much as possible in the game for it.
(I legitimately don’t even remember all I did since the last update. I did a lot of stuff. I should probably start keeping track of all of it)
I post updates more frequently at nacidev.tumblr.com
>What are you working on?
fix that
what's your fa?
I have seen that terrain somewhere else. Is it from a tutorial project or something? If so, could you link it, please?
Adding some new items to my auction house
gotta improve those programmer-art category icons at some point
But making games takes so long, and learning programing is boring.
And then I'd have to learn art too.
I just wish my brain would stop randomly coming up with video game ideas
Yes, it's a meme
He has an inkbunny and draws cubporn. I don't think I'm gonna link you to it because it's gross.
user come on
where's an easy entry point for first person shooter creatan? I'm on a toaster so no UE4 or anything too strenuous
They rotate around too
The most restrictions are about optimization. The drag and drop is worthless and should never even be considered, but even with decent usage of GML you'll still be somewhat stuck with having to use inconvenient solutions and code that might lag your game. Don't even think about doing anything 3D either. But if you stick to 2D and don't try to make anything too processing heavy you'll be having a good time getting a prototype of your game up fairly quickly. It's kind of like an iPhone in that it's easy to get into but you have to concede some of the control that other fleshed out programing languages would give you
It's from UE4's Stylized Rendering and it's placeholder pls no bully
I just can't wrap my head around programming
all of the tutorials assume you know shit beforehand and don't treat you like you're an actual newbie
Comedy option, cube 2 sauerbraten
Though UE and Unity should be scalable enough for you. Just run in mobile dev mode or whatever, low spec.
I fear that Nintendo will soon do my idea and then my game will be seen as a ripoff.
The moment they announced a multiplayer Zelda I feared for my project of five fucking years.
>tfw game isn't ready to show yet and won't be for another few months
>tfw I have the strangest fear that someone is going to coincidentally end up using its name for another game
I've fapped to worse, just give me a name
>project of five fucking years.
>still not done
Hurry the fuck up then.
Sounds like the name is generic as fuck. Are you sure someone isn't already using it? Have you done a thorough google search?
how easy is it to just jump in feet first with no prior knowledge?
I'm following Tom Francis' "Make a Game with No Experience" series and he does a pretty good job of explaining things completely.
I'm self taught, but if you have any questions, fI might be able to help. If there's anything that would help make the basic tutorials make sense for you.
It's not generic, and so far it hasn't been used as the title of any other game. It did turn out to be a name used within a specific popular game released a year or so ago, but only as a portion of a level I think.
I should also probably be concerned about the concept as well. Since I came up with it I've seen a few games come sort of close.
Video tutorials, video tutorials everywhere.
I don't expect you to follow me around for the next 6 months while I learn how to program so instead, what resources did you use to self teach yourself?
Re-posting my freeware game:
Also, if the user from the previous thread is here, did you get any further?
I'm not him, but if I may jump in here, what is it you want to make? I find that without knowing why I'd want to use the tools it's impossible to learn them.
Having also been self-taught, I learned through the desire to make specific games or applications, and not simply for the sake of learning. If you're able to break down complex ideas into steps for the program to proceed through one at a time, it's really just a combination of using the few concepts available (conditionals, loops) and looking up pointed questions on Google.
Wow, this looks cool. Would it be disappointing if I said it's probably too complex for me to want to try it? I admire the hell out of the implementation, but I don't entirely grasp the idea.
Want to make a demake of Call of Duty 4 to look like Doom or Wolfenstein 3D, but I'm not sure if people would want to play it.
What do you guys think?
I want to make a 2d sidescroller with turn based combat
Do you have specific mechanics in mind? Can you visualize how the game will play?
The first step in your case might just be to display graphics on the screen. Then you want to learn how to place specific graphics in specific places. Then to place a character, then to be able to control him/her with the keyboard, then to test for platform collisions, etc.
Eventually you can move on into deeper mechanics. But you have to start simple. Run google searches extensively. Tutorials might help you, but they rarely help me as they seem adapted to copycat-style programming more than anything.
oh hey. Yeah I did get sliiightly further. I managed to make one loop that constantly sent charges into one house. Wasn't able to go beyond that though.
Guess I couldn't come up with feedback because I didn't get very far with it. I do think the game is tough to get into. The manual is kinda long, and obviously there's no tutorials in-game. I do have a question though, does the game essentially go on forever (or at least as long as you can keep it going)? I assume there isn't really a win state to it.
I was thinking the game could be turned into a puzzle game, though that would be very different from the sim it is now.
The game actually kind of has a singular, minimalist feel to it, with depth coming from the mathematical side of things (and not from breadth of features, like in a game such as Dwarf Fortress).
No, it's not disappointing - I understand that it isn't for everyone. I'm glad you can appreciate the concept, though.
Well I'm always enamored with any good effort at a simulation/cellular automaton-style game, so it's on my radar. I might come back to it one of these days. Reminds me a lot of Zachtronics' work.
What engine are you using?
Well, that's a great start. Figure out how to split from the loop, and you'll have a grid going in no time (if, of course, you don't run out of money lol).
Yes, the game goes on forever, though it isn't possible to maintain a grid indefinitely (the license fees increase linearly, while the income from houses would be limited once the entire screen fills up with houses - I suppose you could say the game "ends" around that point).
I just wanted to maintain a sandbox-y feel, and encourage players to see how far they can get as they figure out strategies.
Making it into a puzzle game would go a completely different route, yes. I've thought about it - especially since puzzle mechanics could make use of the Turing-completeness of Wireworld. I just don't see it fitting in the tone or gameplay style of this game very much.
Thank you, I'm glad it reminds you of that.
Absolutely, there's nothing wrong with the sandboxy feel, and I gotta say although I didn't get very far, it was a great feeling to figure out what I did "on my own." Again I tried for a long while not to read the manual at all first. I figured out the buttons by literally pressing everything, for example. I'll probably return to it sometime and try to figure out how to split off. I knew that was the "next thing" I had to do too, just couldn't figure out how.
He is using Unity.
Well, you did pretty well for just figuring out the mechanics on your own. Other than trying to guess the controls, I guess this says the game has pretty intuitive rules, which is good.
I need to get back to doing work. Been slacking and I need to leave my home to get a job.
I should say, I do think the rules are pretty intuitive. Part of it may be the overly simplistic graphics, but I knew each individual "tile" had something that made it unique. I found out through testing that the -, ^, and ~ tiles all had different prices for when you placed objects (but obviously consistent within themselves). After every month (and if you press F1) you could see how much money you made or lost, which gave the clear goal I think of making money somehow, without having to spell that out to the players, and the buildings were obvious points of interest. I think the fact that they looked like houses intuitively made me want to get the charges into them, as if "getting them home."
In terms of say marketing a version of this game to the masses, I would probably make a level-based puzzle game out of it, the first level being the simplest challenge like say, just letting out a single charge so it travels on a wire and goes into a house. I would also include the original "sandbox" mode as well, probably from the get-go too (for seasoned players). But for this game itself, as far as I can tell it does pretty much everything it needs to do, and works for what it is. I think that's also a big reason I couldn't give any feedback, everything's "already there" and makes sense. All in all it's a very nice game, and nice work, dunno if the programming gave you any trouble or not.
Just another view.
What kind of game is this user?
Its just a scene I did for school. Havn't stepped that far into game making yet. Mostly just focused on environment creation.
Oh I see dude, cool.
I'm working on a porn game.
I think the butt of the right sprite is too large compared to the left and I'm not sure what to do, or which one to change. Should I just leave both as is and attribute the inconsistency in size to a change in perspective?
This looks dope as hell keep up the good work user
In an rpg, what is the ideal balance between making status effects useless or overpowered?
In my early prototype I have a character with a skill right off the bat that reduces attack and has a relatively high (about 70%) of stunning a single enemy, and their skillset revolves around debuffs and such.
Home alone game, haven't had any updates since I started a few days ago
First prop, with normal mapping
What's the goal of the game? Set up the most elaborate traps you can for intruders?
Hiya pallllllll
Yes, think Friday the 13th, two players play as the bandits, the other as Kevin
I'd rather they be overpowered rather than useless. A good balance I think would be to have them cast fairly reliably, but require additional planning to follow up on. For example, you could have a blind spell that wears off really quickly, and a character who has a high damage ability that provokes an immediate counterattack. When you use both together, you get high damage without a drawback. Put lots of stuff like that in, and leave it for the players to discover. When they do, they'll feel like geniuses.
Also, depending on how your turn order goes, you can introduce additional complications, like having the possibility of your debuffer getting knocked out between the time you input the order and the time the order executes, meaning that your blind spell doesn't go off and your high damage guy gets counterhit. It's all about how status effects play with other game mechanics, imo.
Another Kevin test import. I'm using the same face technology as oblivion
Stuck in concept hell. I have two fully fleshed out fantasy plot but I wanna do something that takes place in the subconcious or astral plane or better yet dreams.
Make status effects useful, if you need to teeter on op. Make sure at least one status effect works on bosses, but dont let the player stunlock unless it makes sense. Perhaps give bosses resistance to them rather then immune outright to stuns and whatnot. If you can, "piercing status effects" can be done right. Basically a guaranteed status at some penalty.
Your starting status effect seems more of a mid-game thing. The stun should be a 5% chance if its also got an attack drop.
DoT ticks should be set to a number that wont fuck over bosses or set to 6%-8% (rng between the two) of max hp, with fewer turns active on bosses.
Stuns and whatnot should be limited to a turn on bosses if at all.
Sleep is a fuck no unless its a lazy fuck and that would make an interesting early game fight. "Put this invincible boss to sleep to win".
Balance flavor with mechanics.
What you say makes a lot of sense, and thank you.
No, I don't plan to sell this game, nor do I plan to market it to everyone. The ideas you describe would work well for this, but personally, I don't like these kind of increment-based challenges to start games (they feel like glorified tutorials to me, which I don't like either). I understand the game might be for a certain niche audience - I just want them to give a try, and seem my ideas.
I'm glad you like it. No, the programming wasn't hard (earlier, I tried to code a tactics game, and the AI for that was indeed hard). It's all written in C, and I had fun implementing the mechanics in a logical, efficient way.
Is it worth getting the newest version UE4 or should I DL one of the older, better supported versions? Many of the tutorials I see are using something earlier than the recent one and comments state that certain tutorials don't work on newer versions.
I want to make video games and give the Japanese versions of them extra lewd content that the western versions don't have just to drive Sup Forums up a fucking wall.
What is your favorite color?
Player 2 and Sandy Sky. All the others are kinda grating in some fashion or another.
sandy sky
I actually like Shit Brown, despite the name. The other color pairs are too contrasting, and not in a good way.
Depends on the rest of the game
But just for what that dude looks like, Vape wave
Shit brown is like one of the worst one's on that list along with shrek line and cotton candy.
These are creepy. I like it.
forgot to mention, I only said the puzzle stuff as a hypothetical. You're right that the incremental challenges are glorified tutorials basically. I feel like it's one of the best teaching methods we have out there, where we can control how to effectively teach things to people (in this case players.) But I do also think that figuring stuff out on your own is much more rewarding, and I honestly think there should be more games where, at least towards the late-game, they let you really figure stuff out on your own. Again, I didn't get very far, but that's certainly something I loved about your game.
And nice, I'm glad you enjoyed making the game, it seemed like a labor of love to me. Like a "I wonder what'll happen" kind of thing in terms of both the mechanics, and allowing players the freedom to figure things out their own way.
>not diapers
Wasted opportunity.
This desu
>tfw even if I had the will to start I would give up halfway
My programming skills are wasted