Steam VNs

If you buy these, I hope you realize that now, when you have a son or daughter-

>hahahahaha I will never have children

Ok edgelord, I hope you realize that now you can't let your little niece or nephew play games on your account because literal porn games are on them.

Maybe not now, but the time will come for you.
Steam games are forever attached to your account, and look at your desicion. I hope you're proud.


its much better to torrent them, steam always censor visual novels

Why would I share my account with literal children?

Also steam VNs are censored to shit so who cares anyway. There are like a couple of uncensored VNs and they're softcore porn at most.

>not full-blown h-game with patch

The children would have to install the patch first.

Even in the off-chance I actually have children in the future and somehow I feel ashamed of having VNs in my account I can remove them from it so why should it be an issue?

Why were VNs added? I liked when normies didn't know about them

>he won't let his child play porn games

boy it's going to be fun when he comes home at 14 saying he got a girl pregnant

I hope that one day I can share my h-game collection with my kids.

My mom plays games like these and let's me use her account, I don't see the problem if you're not retarded

How old were you when she first molested you?

I wish I could be alive to see the day my kids get to enjoy Otome Function.

You shouldn't buy Nekopara because it's garbage, not because it's porn.

>garbage thread

>Set Categories
>Hide this game in my library

You can ask valve to remove games

>Steam games are forever attached to your account
They are not

>seal of quality


How do you lose them?

>Letting kids play in your computer in the first place

Nigga what are you doing. Just give them an iPad with parental controls or something.

Who cares?

I already have this on my account, and going by the jews, this is worse than nekopara, because this was actually banned from steam at one point.

Fuck yes I'm proud.

I want, WANT, to be the weird degenerate uncle with the weird porn.

"Dear Mr. Steam Support please remove the porn from my library."

>trying to look cool in front of your children
They will know you're a degenerate you don't need to hide it.

Spotted a literal newfag.

You can remove games, you fuck.

>thinks he matters

Spotted the literal homo.

If I have my way my children are going to be haifu anyway. If anything I'll have to explain why Americans love guns and war so much.


you sound like the guy who watches markiplier videos and leaves x/10 meme reviews on steam

Massaging your mom's breasts is NOT molestation!

>Steam games are forever attached to your account, and look at your desicion. I hope you're proud.

>Not wanting to get all the little people in your life addicted to hentai

Insert a bullet into your skull, my man.

>Family mode
>Can't play designated titles without pin #.

Are you dumb nigger?

Can't buy any games with blood/gore or any sort of graphic violence either because your hypothetical niece and nephew might end up playing those as well.


kys pedo

>sharing your steam account with your siblings or whatever
>dismissing the fact that family share exists anyway
At least reasearch before you shitpost

>paying for fucking hentai stills in the first place
I can buy a copy of the latest D44M or any good game for the same price as Kindred Spirits on the Roof or CLANNAD.

I can buy any good old game for the same price as nekopara

Kys yourself puritanfag

>He doesn't know about the parental features steam integrated like 2 years ago
lookin' like a fool w/ yo pants on the ground, son

yfw crush crush is super addicting, full of meme waifus and is actually pretty fun

>can't let your little niece or nephew play games on your account
I don't condone buying VN on Steam, but you can just hide that fucker

my daughter likes weeab shit
I like it too

You can remove games from your steam account
You can hide games from your steam list
>ever letting a kid use your computer/accounts ever

>buying vn's on steam
only retards and attention whores would do this, enjoy your censored meme garbage

Kill yourself.


Why are these even a thing?

>when you have a son or daughter
Is the best way you thought of making a neko thread?


I'm not though.

I guess shouldn't let them play rapelay either.

You are such a pussy op

Back in school I accidentally turned a dudebro into a full blown weeaboo, fucker even brought a dakimakura to school. He drooped out of school since he never came to lessons and rather spend his days watching anime and fapping to his Chinese cartoon waifu.

Oh man edgey

Here's your (you)

Im 40. I have 3 daughters two of which are old enough to post here. I have a wife who would get pissy and glue her knees together for a month if she found out I was playing porn games. I still don't give a fuck. I still play waifu, jiggle physics, neko fucking games. You know why? Because it saves my marriage and a happy home makes for happy kids. The birth of my children DESTROYED my wife's body. She looks like a deflated balloon that was blown up 4 times as large as it was supposed to be. She still wants me to have sex with her so I close my eyes and pretend shes Katsuragi.

Women are just going to have to get over the fact that men need porn just like men need to get over the fact that women are psychotic self absorbed materialistic whores.

Don't just leave us hanging.

How did it happen?

i did that to a black guy i worked with once. I was playing SK on my vita and he asked me what i was playing. He shouted something like "damn them some big titties". About a week later he came to work with a vita and SK. Then ot went downhill from there.

Sucks to be you. I'm 32, married have have 4 sons. I play h-games almost every night, my wife knows and doesn't give a shit. We still have sex regularly and her body hasn't changed much from having kids except a few stretch marks on her tummy.

Who gives a shit about children, just don't let them use your account.
>buying the hot garbage called a VN
>buying porn

Your kids are going to consider you h-games primitive in comparison to theirs.
>GOD DAD how did you manage to jerk off to this?

You should introduce everyone to the wonderful literary world of VNs.

grats on winning the lottery. assuming you arent lying on the internet. who would even do something like that?

that's probably not a good idea

>you can't let your little niece or nephew play games on your account

what is family view

>buying games
Why would you ever do that?

So I'm not the only one that pretends my wife is my waifu?

>tumblr watermark at the bottom

Like I give a fuck.
I have a console for that shit.

If a child were to open skyrim in my computer they would be scarred for life.

Normies still don't know about them any more than they did before. It's still just "le kooky krazy animay tentacle pronz xD" to people who've never actually played one.

Why the fuck would I ever let my niece or nephew use my Steam account?

>I can buy a copy of the latest D44M or any good game for the same price as Kindred Spirits on the Roof or CLANNAD.
Your (and Steam's) mistake is putting VNs on the same market. They're not comparable products.

Anyway Clannad is more than worth the money, shit's like 300 hours long.

Why would Nekopara be attached to steam when I pirated it?

you can ask valve to remove games from your account at any time.

God I would suck the rum raisen farts right out of kyoko's tailpipe

great game man

Fuck whoever took this

I'm gay

>this isn't okay
>murder simulators are
hot opinion

still waiting for the last day of summer sale to decide whether if I should buy the complete bundle

Why did you Marry a shit tier women whom you have nothing in common with then? I see posts and people IRL with these issues constantly bitching about how their wives are cunts and they have nothing in common with them. I will never understand why you got married in the first place and instantly assume some of the reason they are just "now" a cunt is due to you.

From a women's perspective that is happily married to a man that I share most all hobbies with I just don't get how you get in these situations. I play dating sims and watch anime and he doesn't give a fuck, I would most likely keep degenerate shit from my kids but not every anime/game is.

You did well