Prove me wrong

prove me wrong

pro tip you can't

Can't believe people like you made me fall for the dragons dogma is good meme

Give me my money back

fighting beasts in dragon's dogma is actually
jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack -> jump attack

God I was so excited for this game when it hit the PC.

What a fucking boring piece of shit. Combat wasn't fun in the slightest, it was such a generic and uninteresting fantasy setting that it actually felt like a parody.

Comparing this game to Dark Souls is criminal.

So shitposting aside, post your

>favorite enemy
>favorite giant enemy
>favorite vocation
>favorite npc
>best waifu


overrated fucking trash

I'm thinking of doing a main pawn only run through BBI on a fresh save, what is the best vocation for me and my main pawn to synergize?

Finally someone who shares my distaste for this shill of a game.

I like both DD and Souls

Skyrim is shit

Dont care to post the rest, but Eliminators are my favorite enemies to fight (until I overlevel, that is)

>fighting in DD
>snipe enemy from an area they cant attack you from until they die
Dark Souls 3 was pretty close to nailing that DD combat

Just got Dragons dogma and I'm not sure if I'm playing it right.
Is there no dodge roll?
Tried playing strider and the lack of lock on is pretty annoying.

>god this game is SHIT
>allow me to stay in the thread and talk about how shit it is. I'm not wasting my time :^)

Everytime this garbage game goes on sale all the shills come out of the woodwork to push it on people.

Dragons Dogma is a horrendous game.

What's even worse is that Soulfags will come to defend the absolute abomination that is Souls combat. Dragon's Dogma is shit in a LOT of aspects but its combat is head and shoulders above and Souls game.

If you have the core skill and correct vocations you can hold down the button that activates primary weapon skills and press the jump button

>favorite enemy
Skeleton Knights
>favorite giant enemy
Griffin or Garm
>favorite vocation
Assassin or Warrior
>favorite npc
>best waifu
Jewtits of course

>Shill boogeymen totally exist you guys I SWEAR
How comfy is that safespace of yours?

I love DD, but I can't figure out why
It's mediocre to bad in almost every aspect

You unlock dodge roll later. Once you beat the hydra the first time, head back to the starting village with your pawns for some missable sidequests

Its comfy as fuck and the combat is satisfying

>Mfw Vortex Trailing an entire horde of enemies then using Grand Scension on them.
Magick Archer is good as fuck

at least skyrim is true, thats why I dont play first person runescape

>running through BBI
>Death pops in
>Explosive Arrow + Tenfold directly into the dick from me and 3 pawns

Literally the most satisfying

Actually fighting things in monster hunter


Had a good laugh, matey

weak attempt, here's your reply

each and every single one of these was done in fucking Zelda even

There were giant blacksmiths in Zorldo?

Why respond to obvious bait? He's going to keep doing it.

>he doesn't remember the multiple biggorons


Also there was a giant blacksmith in Majora's Mask

And then you have freedom unite and ceanataur's fucking snowplow claws

>Any obvious joke that uses something at it's expense for the sake of humor is bait!
I think you should be the one to fuck off with your "Bait" meme that's been hamfisted into Sup Forums's shitpost vernacular like some hobo barging himself into somebody's house and sleeping on his bed

>Sup Forums hates Dragon's Dogma now

What the fuck man?

fucking kys

you can't because nobody plays dragons dogma so nobody has footage to prove it

I think you need to stop posting retarded analogies.

i've uncovered the truth






best class


I really wish someone would make a ng+ mod where everything is harder so you have a reason to still play after lvl 200.

Monster Hunter is better

Magick Knight isn't the Paladin class that I wanted but the Paladin class that I deserved.

Dragons Dogma annoys me because if you found it by accident then it's an amazing hidden gem but if you were hyped for it or told by retards on Sup Forums that's its amazing then all the flaws are amplified and it feels like a 7/10 at best.

That said I will never understand the hype about the combat. It's like if you played Monster Hunter instead of varied weapons and abilities you had to use the jump attack forever.

>there is a skeleton inside you meme
Fuck off necromancer


Best enemy are those blue armor ghost fuckers

that is all

I think the only classes that needs to constantly jump attack is warrior and sorcerer in some situations. Other classes have plenty of good moves.

Dragon's Dogma is absolute trash and everyone that hyped it up is a fucking idiot.

Their design is amazing but
>trying to fight them as a red or yellow
>with the most incompetent blue pawns in the world
>without any holy ur-dragon weapons

is that anything other than your fault?

you don't have to though, melee classes are fun as fuck, especially yellow ones

The combat is hyped because ot has nice animations and a bunch of moves. That's all it takes for people to consider a combat system good. Nevermind the fact that most of the moves you get are worthless and the combat is just knockdown/jump attack spam and braindead regular attack spam against the beasts.

Yeah with classes like Fighter you instead use the lunge and juggle attacks endlessly

>yfw you realize he was trying to fuck up the chimera.

Well i guess you can do that but i changed to assassin personally since it has way better moves with sword and board. Pure melee arent that great in the game.

> Skyrim and Dark Souls
> Showing combat in practice

> Dragon's Dogma
> Hurr durr muh ebin concept art

Great argument.

Fuck you faggots who said this game was good

I bought it when it came to pc, it was fucking trash compared to souls

Even das2 and skyrim are better. Glad this shit went mobile/mmo or whatever it is

i laughed, thanks m8

>Fighting beasts in Skyrim
R1, R1, R1, R1
>Fighting beasts in Dark Souls
Circle, R1, Circle, R2, L1, R1, L1, Circle, R2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Circle, R1, R1, L1, L1,
>Fighting beasts in Dragon's Dogma
Square, Square, R2 + Square, R2+ Square, L2, Square

Someone post the one about fighting dragons in games and how Ys had theirs batshit insane.

>favorite enemy
Golden Knight and Silver Knight
>favorite giant enemy
>favorite vocation
Assassin and Sorceror
>favorite npc
>best waifu

Game was shit.

Don't know why consolefags sucked its cock for so many years.

Anti souls contrarians

>evade +2: the game

>using a controller for skyrim

Souls and DD are both great for very different reasons. The scale and how "grand" DD can make things feel is pretty unbeatable, though. It's a shame some of the concepts couldn't come to be, woulda been like what Shadow of the Colossus could've been. I really hope they go full fucking 300 story monsters in any potential sequel.

do you have the other images OP?

What does it matter? You just face roll anyway

This game got considerably better when I realized the game gives you an item for unlimited fast travel.