I am Setsuna might be better than everyone is expecting

I am Setsuna might be better than everyone is expecting

Looking forward to it

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>Look at pic
>Slight hope of a gundam game



cant they pic a different name

>"I am Setsuna"
That's real fucking out of character.

>PS4 and steam

Wish so bad this game would succeed. But I've heard it flopped pretty hard in Japan, and it's probably not going to do so well in the West either.

Still gonna pick it up though.

who's that boy on the far right? can i date him

Yup. Went directly to the sale bin after two weeks.

Wait, the character in the middle is the MC? You can name him and stuff?


Honestly, I kinda want to pick it up just to show support. It's rare to see a company try to please their long-neglected original fanbase.
It's a shame this kinda game does nothing for me.

I think you can name anyone including Setsuna.

I wish they had just translated the title instead.

Chrono Trigger is in my top 5 of all time. When I heard they were going to try to revisit the formula, I was so hyped.

I thought with this game, we might see a revival of the franchise...
but the future refused to change.


Why the fuck haven't I heard anything about this until now? That art has me intrigued, and this is literally the first I've heard of this game. It's already out?

July 16th I think

It's been out in Japan for months now, but is hitting the West next month.

Generally got 6s and 7s in Japan, with the main criticisms stemming from the fact that it's apparently extremely short and apparently lousy production values (Apparently it was done on a shoestring budget).

Modern Japan has shit taste so there is still hope.


I would agree, but this game has had almost zero marketing, it doesn't appeal to the indie / hipster crowd, and the market it actually appeals to is either limited, or going to be fickle like the japanese market.

They pissed off vita fags who are known jrpg fans by not bringing the vita version west and they pissed off ps4 fags by not giving us a physical copy

who cares about the Vita in the west

The dedicated vita fanbase that keeps buying games obviously

But I already thought it looked good

You mean Vitagen? I don't think anyone's happy that they are potential customers.

>inspired by Chrono Trigger
>homage to the JRPG masterpieces of yesteryear
No thanks, please make a game on your own merits, not dragging other titles into the mud to try and boost your own

This and World of Final Fantasy (along with ever DQ games) are the only real games I'm looking forward too by Square Enix.

They literally made this game because nostalgiafags bitch about modern jrpgs

why no Nier Automata?

why would you want to make games for them
they're never going to be satisfied

Guess this isn't for me then. I will enjoy the 2-3 days of "I HATE THIS IT IS TOO OLD", the "I LOVE THIS IT IS SO OLD" and the " I NEVER PLAYED THIS WHY DID YOU PLAY IT RETARD?" threads to come.

Never played the first Nier so I have no idea about it.

A best. No homo

How long/large of a game is it? I had been slightly interested in it but the $40 pricetag is a bit confusing. Is it actually a decently sized game or is it overpriced?

>PS4 exclusive

PCucks missing out on another GOTY

Top kek.

I've heard it's about 20 hours if you take your time which is about average for a jrpg

I want to cuddle with him


shit games anyways, enjoy your scraps


>bombed in Japan
>people have hope for it

Wish I had your optimism.

Japan has shit taste. If anything it just means it might actually be great.

>giving a fuck about what japs think

>make it chibi
>give Valefor bigger tits at the same time

Nah, it wasn't anything that special at all. It was alright for the price, I suppose.

Can even stand on it's little head.

SO5 all over again and both games suffer from length issues.

Fuck off platformwar shitposter

Was it too long or too short?

Too short.

I wonder if I could play it on my toaster from 2008

it runs on vita so yeah probably


delete this

The vita version was supposedly pretty bad
I would have still bought it 2bh

but it probably wont be full price like star ocean

yeah it's 40$ on ps4/steam

How short we talkin, 6 hours? 10 hours?

I'm sorry, I'm tired.


read somewhere that it was about 20-25 hours

shit, that's not -that- short. Parasite Eve is like 6 hours long (though it's not strictly a traditional RPG).

I don't have as much energy to dive into 50 hour games unless they are really good; at least it won't burn out its welcome too quickly.

Are you guys looking forward to killing Setsuna?
