Goes out of the way to use the Pre-NATO alphabet for callsigns for historical accuracy

>goes out of the way to use the Pre-NATO alphabet for callsigns for historical accuracy
>3 out of 4 Great Britain classes are non-white

Go to 9:20 to see the classes.

Do you think this will back fire on DICE or BF1 in any way? Game looks like trash btw, loads of semi-auto rifles and SMGs in a WW1 setting.

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably not.
Although it's pretty standard for DICE.
The lead developer is literally a Swedish former communist.
To be honest Sup Forums brigading annoys me but this time they have a point. It's fucking ridiculous that 3/4 of the British classes on the western front are non-white when 99% of all British forces in the theatre were white.
It's especially hard to believe that they're fighting in mixed units with non-white soldiers.
To be honest it's a bit insulting, I and many other Brits have many family members that died in this war and DICE are just erasing their existence in an attempt to re-write history in order to conform with far left ideology.

It's made by Swedes. What do you expect?

its not like britain's that white nowadays anyway so i don't think it matters much.

Just change the color of your character.

What do you mean? Britain is over 85% white. As recently as the 1990s it was over 95% white.
In 1914 it was near enough to 100% white, just like every other European nation.
The point is that if you're going to go to all this trouble to create realism (pre-nato callsigns) then why shit all over that effort and 'diversify' the characters.
It's actually because the lead dev is a genuine marxist, anyone can read his theory paper on the internet.

Britain now isn't in World War 1, if they're going to use historically accuracy as a selling point they need to represent troops according to what it was like back then, not how it seems to be now.

Lead dev is a commie? What?

Well they're doing it for a good cause right? Is historical accuracy really so important it should keep you from doing the right thing?


You serious?
Historical accuracy is not a right thing?


>just go far enough in this video for me to get my clickbait money goy :^)

fuck off

Of course he's not serious, he's just fishing for you's. And you're taking the bait.

This shit is fucking insulting, but if you call out white people for doing it, you're supposedly self hating or whatever.

Fuck this culture.

Did he anglicize his name? Daniel Berlin appears in none of these documents

Somebody needs to make this go viral, it's the only video I have found on this subject. The rest get taken down for "muh racism"

>10% shift in under 30 years
God save the queen, she ain't no human bean!
There's no future, in England's dreaming!

>support is white

you literally cant make this up

Children these days already know jack shit about history, and now they're going to think WW1 was fought by niggers.

>fishing for you's
Not him, but it was called "satire" back in my days. Not everything is bait, user.

Why don't they just let you choose your color

>expecting Swecucks to know ANYTHING about war or callsigns.
The abolished conscription years ago thanks to Muhammed not wanting to keave his government funded apartment.
Most of Dice's males probably never went though basic training.

Bf hardline was already a complete flop. No reason to see why this won't be either.

you'd like to perpetuate your white privilege in the game, wouldn't you

It's an alternate time line...why do you guys hate black people so much?


Because they ruin pretty much everything.


Better then straight up insulting every person of color who touches their game. A lot of people don't realize that blatant pandering is equally as offensive as hardcore racism.

Why didn't they just make a futuristic game if they wanted to make a game about Diversity League saving Europe from the evil blonde white man?

Is it really about historical accuracy? If anything it's ideological revisionism. The UK in 1910s did not stand for whatever the people working at DICE believe in. Presenting WW1 as about liberal multiculturalism defending itself against [???] makes people dumber because they get their history from corporate entertaiment instead of critical sources.

Why even bother calling it world war one then? There is absolutely no benefit to the presentation by doing so. It's literally just so that they can cram forced diversity into their game while gaining as much attention from it as possible. I would have loved a game about the conflicts in WWI era Asia and Africa, but god fucking forbid they make a game featuring minorities without plastering them over white people so that they can show off how progressive they are.

Here's what I don't get: if DICE wants to include black people in world war shooters, why not make a game about the congolese force publique in WW2?

game making WW1 "fun" is cool tho

and not offensive to the families at all

Wow you guys at EA are really going all out with your shilling of this game. This is the 3rd board i've seen this thread on and probably the 8th time you've posted it or a variation of with the same links.

Who cares?

I'd be totally cool with 3 white classes and one Indian class. The blacks need to go, though.

I will enjoy seeing you shitfucks getting conquered by the blacks slowly and painfully. You wanted black slaves now get fucked in the ass. Nothing less than you deserve.

WW1 isn't supposed to be fun. I wanted trench warfare with snipers picking off anyone who pocks his head over the top

To be honest it looks fun as hell and I don't really give a shit about the negro issue

My favourite thing about WW1 was when America won the war for the pansy euros and all the guys running around with automatic weapons.

And you're looking for this from AAA developers?
You're a fool.

buy Verdun

>You wanted black slaves
If you're talking about Americans, less than 2% of American households in the heyday of slavery owned slaves.


>People whining about realism and accuracy in battlefield games
The fuck?

Don't forget the diversity, you f*cking shitlord

no vehicles. Pretty good otherwise

It's not about realism and accuracy, it's about atmosphere and immersion

>Could do a story about actual black people
>An adventure game in the Mali Empire
>A WW1/WW2 shooter focused solely on colonies
>The Ethiopian resistance against Italian conquest
>Haitian Revolution

>Instead do a story about something white people did
>Replace them with niggers

Sounds racist to me, as it basically implies that black people didn't do anything interesting ever.

You must be jew around here.

This would be interesting as fuck actually. I want to play your game user

Plays similarly to previous battlefield.

> expecially the aeroplanes

Prove me wrong already

Battlefield: Zulu when?

>meeting at EA
>g-guys, tumblr is calling us names
>they say we have to be more diverse
>oh gosh, make all the characters black in the new battlefield
>b-but sir, it's world war one

>meeting at EA
>g-guys, tumblr is calling us names
>tumblr, it's a website with a lot of influ-
>are they a gaming site?
>n-no, it's about art and-
>fuck whatever they say then

That's not one game, just a collection of possible ideas.


Is Purple an optional skin color?

Are you somehow trying to say the Brits DIDN'T use a lot of blacks? Fucking engine rooms on ships were full of em.

In after farcry primal..

>I ain't even mad

Too racist unless they show the TRUE story and show how advanced the Zulus really were with railguns and power armour and shit.

If they really wanted to go for diversity, Britain should have:
>a typical anglo solider from the UK

>we wuz interdimensional space pirates n shet

The african theatre was the only place England really had blacks at that time, particularly in the German held areas like Namibia, Burundi and Rwanda

Quit getting mad at video games

Battlefield 1 is racist as fuck

The equivalent of this would be making the new NBA game 99% white players

see how fucking backwards that is

>how advanced the Zulus really were with railguns and power armour and shit.
>battle of Rorke's Drift featuring several thousand niggers with railguns and power armour getting defeated by less than 200 bongs armed with lever action rifles

London isn't the entire country

A lot of the blacks are from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya and the Caribbean, which were all British colonies and a lot of them are very British in behaviour.

Playing a sikh mite b cool

>Battlefield: Zulu when?

Please user, I want to mow down Zulu with my Martini-Henry in Volley fire.

White privilege trumps whatever technology the proud Africans could bring thanks to institutional racism


this game looks fucking stupid and animations are shit, like "touching the door to open it"

Because we still want to believe Battlefield 2143 isn't going to be full of retarded bullshit controversy like this one.

Isn't the story supposed to be about unknown war heroes this time

Scout looks pretty cool

So whites are all multiclassed rangers powered by racism?


You can modify your soldiers appearance, including ethnicity.


Have you heard their accent? It's actually quite surprising

If Call of Duty 1 was made today the Bastogne campaign would be about some quirky black rear echelon unit holding back the whole German push while the pathetic white units crumble around you before the Red Tails come and saves the day and these cucks would be fine with it because 'who cares there were black soldiers in the Ardennes ffs!!!'
The worst thing is it's mostly white people defending this. Black people literally could not care less. It's just another part of history they had no idea they were part of.
No one should take historical accuracy in a Battlefield game seriously of course but trying to justify it with some feeble anecdotes about segregated non-white units comes off as really fishy.
And American ship galleys were full of fucking Puerto Ricans. I guess they should make up half the fucking characters in the next AAA WW2 game to come out too?

>Only adds Autos and Semi Autos

>No bolt action

DICE know their playerbase sucks ass

Fuck the race shit, still made about the lack of France.

It's not like it was, you know, one of the main battlefronts.

>have to stick to RO2 for decent bolt action heavy gameplay
>only a few dedicated servers left



>Playing fucking Battlefield for historical accuracy

Seriously, who fucking cares. Why do you fucking care so fucking much about this crap?

Just fuck off, all of you. Every single god damn person who bitches about a deliberate design choice made by a game company should just all go fuck off and die in a fucking hole.

Let them make games however they want to, jesus fucking christ this is exactly the same type of bitching that you assholes are always complaining about when it's the other side doing it.

Just fuck off. Please just fuck off and don't come back.

you fuck off sjw cunt

>>And American ship galleys were full of fucking Puerto Ricans. I guess they should make up half the fucking characters in the next AAA WW2 game to come out too?
>>The cast of modern shooters should be comprised of nothing by Filipinos, since they're fucking everywhere in the modern Navy.

>this video is brought to you by a white male

Neat. I don't care what color or size the character is. If the game is shit, it's not worth my time.

>lead dev is literally a commie swede
im not even surprised anymore

>the other side

What do you mean by this?


That's what you're getting, minus the africans.

4/6, not 1/4.

DICE has not said it anything involving "Alternate timelines". You keep spouting video game journalist speculation from before the game came out.
When DICE was asked whether this was an alternate take on history, Daniel Berlin stated that no, the game was "grounded in history" and "everything you see was available at the time"

If they wanted to be social progressive and shoehorn blacks left right and centre why not put fucking aboriginals in the australian uniform rather than negros.

They're still fucking black and a minority but its more historically accurate and would be more socially progressive to acknowledge their part in the war given the White Australia Policy was active

At least we can all agree that Europe isn't a real place.

Fuck you. Hypocrites like you piss me off.

Go die.

SJWs, Tumblr, whatever you want to call them. The people who are always bitching about women in games being too sexy and games not being diverse enough.

Every singe time you jackasses get all up in arms "If you want more representation then make your own games, stop complaining about games made by other people". Then someone in a dev team decides to do this for Battlefield 1, in essence doing exactly what you suggested and you hypocritical assholes start bitching about it in exactly the same way.

And you know what, I fucking hate it. I hate it when the SJWs do it, I hate it when Tumblr does it and I fucking hate it when you do it. I fucking hate hypocrites who think they have the right to tell others what to do.