Overwatch in a nutshell

Why release a product that isn't finished?

This morning I am going for coffee. I am in the coffee shop. I came here with $2.00 and an expectation. I am here to do business. I approach the counter and make my order, one large dark roast coffee, one sugar, one cream. The cute brunette girl behind the cash register asks me if that's all, tells me I owe her $1.90 and takes my money as I hand it to her. She thanks me for my business and I step aside to receive my coffee.

Inside my coffee cup is what I ordered. A large portion of dark roast coffee with 1 portion of sugar and 1 portion of cream mixed into it. I drink it and I enjoy it. I am a satisfied customer and I will return.

The way Blizzard does business is different, much like many other companies in the media industry.

If this was The Blizzard Cafe, not my favourite mom and pop coffee shop, I would receive my cup and inside would be a large portion of dark roast coffee, but it would be missing the cream and sugar. If this happened to me, I would ask the cute brunette girl, or in this case, more likely Jeff Kaplan, where my cream and sugar is and if I can have it. He would ignore me. I would quickly become angry and when he notices this he would respond, saying that the sugar is being processed and is on it's way. Not only that, the cream is still but cow's milk in the utter of a bovine in Iowa.

I would not be a satisfied customer.

I would ask for a refund, but then the manager would come and tell me that since I've spent so much time holding that coffee, and anxiously sipping on it while pleading to Jeff for a proper coffee, that it's gone cold and I've drank half of it and no refund is available.

I think at that point I would throw what's left of that coffee at the manager's face, yell obscenities, trash the place, and likely get arrested by the police upon leaving.

>food analogy
You tried.

Also, there was a free open beta before release that was pretty much the same as the final game. If you didn't play it and judge the game there, you only have yourself to blame.

go to buffet.

all you can eat.

You have no life.

I'm sympathetic to your point but take this shit to an existing overwatch thread or the general on /vg/. For fucks sakes I just want this game off the board so badly.


why are you so stupid?

>food analogy

I don't understand why, we need something new so baits less obvious

this is the future of gayming culture enjoy, just abuse the stupid goyims like the creator of FNAF

That was a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing, user. I can't even tell what you're complaining about.

You're comparing coffee and bananas

>Goes to a store with $2.00 in his pocket for a $1.90 drink
>Doesnt leave a decent tip
>Favorite coffee shop.

I bet youre that guy that thinks hes keeping the
place alive and that everyone there loves him.
I hope you know theyre spitting in your shit.

>I would receive my cup and inside would be a large portion of dark roast coffee, but it would be missing the cream and sugar.

Black is the correct way to drink coffee, so they did their job right already. Grow the fuck up


overwatch is only good for the rule 34 porn of widowmaker

i want it off the board, too. it's not good enough to be as popular as it is t b h.

i enjoy overwatch threads for the pr0n, but i can still easily find that on /aco/

>not a cock gobbling faggot

why are you so stupid?

??? Anything you ingest and your body breaks down is "food". What the fuck are you on?

>Would you like to pay $1 more for a blue coffee cup instead of a red coffee cup?
>People are still arguing about this

You don't order video games like at a coffee shop. Blizzard makes the games and releases it when they feel with the features they wanted to include. If you find that the game is worth $40 to you then you purchase it, else you fuck off.

>tipping someone to put grains and water in a cup

sure is America in here

*tips fedora*

fuck off leaf / bonger

waiters need tips to get money, they get paid nothing

>the "lol food analogy is bad" meme

I want this to die already. OP made a great point.

SFV, Titanfall, Battlefront

>all of them shit on by a game with less content, and it has fucking microtransactions and "free skins" that take 500 hours to collect and "free heroes" which will probably cost 1.5k gold shekels, you faggots really think they'll be completely free

>waiters need tips to get money, they get paid nothing

maybe in the land of the free. I got £7/hr when I worked my coffee shop job

>7 bucks an hour to put grains and water in a cup

>I want this to die already. OP made a point I agree with.

Feels more like paying $2 for a extra large cup of coffee because I'm still here drinking it and enjoying it.

Feels good man

How exactly is Overwatch not finished?

getting beheaded by a mooslim feels good too, right?

Well of course I agree with it. Smart people tend to agree with smart claims.

stupid people also tend to agree they're smart

Its litterally JUST ok when Blizzard does it because they have hot waifus!
who cares if you cant even choose what map or mode you want to play? Who cares if match making forces you to have a 50% win rate due to being pared with random retards againstn premades? Who cares if the game will most likely never have a server browser? Who cares if it has day one micro transactions despite being a 60$ AAA game? Waifus and porn are all that matters to me! hahah im such a weeaboo anime nerd haha!

decent attempted bant but I live in Scotland, 96% white AKA more than you

>go out and spend $40 on Overwatch
>get, at minimum, $40 worth of entertainment out of it
>meanwhile butthurt faggots and contrarians typing out obfuscatory food analogies that actually say nothing

Because Sup Forums is poor and needs to vehemently justify why they can't afford games. Therefore, a game comparable to Team Fortress 2 is "unfinished", because reasons.

found your problem pham

>see someone pay $2+tip
>Goes to pay three times as much to cover server's wages

The scottish are who? Do you people even matter?

I don't want to go through your bullshit, tell me what's the problem in 10 words

god damn it. at least the whites in this country are kind of putting up a fight, but... the western world is fucked my dude.

>Scared to tag person hes trying to shit talk

he thinks overwatch is not a finished product

Food and games are different goods and not very well comparable

/thread everyone go home you dumb fucks


Oops, another (You) you lost out on.

Because Blizzdrones will gobble anything blizz does as long as it looks pretty.

i only care about widowmaker r34 porn my nig, fuck the game it's pretty bad

blizzard tried to 1-up tf2 but tf2 has much much more depth which is why it has lasted so long

How is it a good one? OP had an entire week along the rest of the world to try this game for free, in a state nearly identical to the finished version. You like food analogies, right? How's this one:

>new coffee shop opening soon
>prior to their first day they allow anyone who passes by their store to try a free sample of their coffee
>people genuinely like the coffee so the store doesn't change anything when it officially opens
>some retard comes in and complains about the coffee not being finished and demands a refund
>despite having finished half a cup
>despite the fact that he could've gotten a cup for free only a month prior
>despite the fact that the shop is now one of the most popular coffee places in town now, indicating that most people's expectations were fairly met

I have some age old advice for you, friend: kill yourself.

they said all heroes and maps will be completely free post-release

Bad /wsg/ bad! Back to your board to post over used webms of spongebob and auto tuned accidents!

tl;dr OP is a massive faggot no doubt

>i woukd ask the cute brunnette girl
>in this case, Jeff K

Fuck this made me lol. Your blog is gay though. Why go to a big chain coffee shop if your satisfaction lies with ol' ma n pa?

time to swooce right out of here

gr8 h8b8 m8

>types out a massive post
>still thinks that milk comes from a cows 'utter'
>uses bovine in an attempt to sound intellectual
>ends his rant by saying plainly that he would chimp out

standard behaviour for a retarded, entitled American manchild I reckon.

You do realise that tipping is only mandatory in pretty much USA, right?


UK controlled 1/3rd of the planet, English is the international language of the world. I'm from Hong Kong, guess what language we speak there?

the only way to show the playerbase the truth is by maining battle Mercy - 0 heals 0 rez every match. You up to it, user?

OP here
yes this is bait
and yes, I am a faggot

>Starbucks gets popular
>"Guys. This isnt very good. Why are you all in line for it?"
>It's popular, therefore it's good.

Yes sir you have indeed mastered critical thinking. Overwatch probably is the game for you.

Good to know you consider semen food.

so last night when i was eating out ur mums pussy it was food lol

>coffee shop offers black coffee
>moocowpussycoffee available in 6 months!
>faggOP orders a black coffee
>"Why isn't this a moocowpussycoffee?"
>chimps out

Food analogies aside, buying games based on future promises is retarded. Buy it because you think you'll like it as is, not because they will add bitchcream Soon(tm).

and I guess he has no arguments and tries to drown the lack of content with "big words"
thank you

>moving the goalposts
The argument wasn't if Overwatch was good. The argument was if Overwatch a finished product. Starbucks, whatever you may think of it, is a finished product and people know what to expect except inbred idiots like you. So I'll ask again, would you do us all a favor and end your own life?

>Food analogies
What is wrong with you you fucking idiot?

Okay, at this Blizzard coffee place, about six months before they opened they sent out invitations to a bunch of well-known coffee drinkers (e-celebs) to try out their coffee so they could improve it. Then about a month before release they expanded to a large selection of people. Then a week before release they opened the coffee shop so that everybody could try out their coffee for free.

I could understand if it was something like Doom, where you couldn't pirate or play a demo, but this game was fully available for seven days for you to play in an unlimited amount of time. Even if you didn't participate in the beta you still have two hours to play to see if you like it or not.

Does it hurt being this fucking stupid? Video games are not coffee, you don't get to put in an order for what type of video game you like, they sell items and you consume them, no special order bullshit unless it's Kickstarter. If you don't like their coffee, then fuck off. In the two hours that you could play OVerwatch before refunding, you should be able to get in around eight to ten games, if they all go to time by the end of it. Are you telling me that after playing those ten games you don't have an idea of whether you like the game or not? And even if you did like it, and you think there should be more content, how about you, uh, I dunno, FUCKING WAIT? They're gonna be adding new characters and maps an other bullshit at no cost to you, and it's a Blizzard game so there's going to be some audience for it.

Blizzard's return policy is great. Don't know what you're on about. Some of my quake live friends tried the game to see what the hype was about, and returned it a couple days later.

>Starbucks gets popular
>"Guys. This isnt very good. Why are you all in line for it?"
>"Because I like it and as far as I'm concerned it is good. Why don't you get a life and go get a coffee at your favourite place, hipster faggot?"

>Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

>Short answer: none.

>Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

Requesting more images of smug or skeptic 2D women drinking coffee.

This. Discussion of "finished" is a red herring. The proof is in the pudding that something is finished enough if it's a satisfying experience for the price, which the game clearly is given the sustained numbers.

>There was a short open beta period
Lol, yup, you must be a lifeless loser that lurks internet all day to get a chance to try the demo. Once too. Fuck you if you weren't home, or missed it, or don't use internet every fucking day.

If blizzard had a good game they'd have a demo, but they don't, because it's shit, because they're greedy filthy jews, and because losers like you still buy the game anyway (and WoW too).

well... i do like the widowmaker rule 34 porn.

How did I move the goalposts? You did if anything. "But it's good!" It doesn't matter if it's a 3mm deep game that isn't feature complete and will hide it's future updates behind an in game credit wall (but good thing you can pay money for e-bucks!). And it's not even good or fun or whatever you call it anyways. It's a literal fucking meme-game, if you'll allow me buzzwords. You Sudoku, if anyone.

I wonder where this fat fuck floated in from


Oh so it's just anger because you're autistic and upset that you missed out. Even the most normie of my friends tried the beta, so I wonder what rock you were living under to have missed it.

I would say blizzard is looking out for you obese ass by not giving you cream and sugar. Also drink your damn coffee black nerd.

More faggots who hate capitalism. The game is evidently satisfying enough for the price given its sustained success. "But I don't like it!" Well too fucking bad for you, huh? Sometimes the free market doesn't give a shit about you, entitled little brat.

>will hide it's future updates behind an in game credit wall
Oh so you know nothing about the game at all? Cool. I was worried that you were retarded enough to argue your point even after playing the game.

>If Blizzard had a good game they'd have a demo
But they did have a demo. It lasted a week, was covered on video game news sites, on here, and even on some major news networks. They announced the open beta like a month before it actually happened. It is not Blizzard's fault that you're too stupid to Google when to try a game if you were interested in it.

He probably is employed, unlike us or your "normie" friends. My normie friends "tried it" too by the way. But they also buy things like the HTC Vive so they're not very smart consumers. That's why we call them normies. It's derogatory.

>all this effort into this retarded post on an anime image board
Jesus Christ dude, this is new level of autism. Just stop before it is too late

Then don't play it idiot. Other people don't seem to have a problem so let them have their fun and go play something else

I work in a fucking law office and played the beta. Try again.

>by the police upon leaving.

Stopped reading.

dat ass tho

Why do you like inferior products? Rocket League was $20 and it's stupid deep.
Meanwhile, everyone has practically figured out Overwatch and are already clamoring for new characters.

"B-b-but fellow goys, they said it'd be free!!!"

Yeah, technically. Good luck getting the DLC shit unlocked by just playing.


well, it's been a fun ride OP, but this is where I get off

Skipped it because there's better things to do in life than get whipped into a frenzy over Blizzardvision's latest and greatest wool over the eyes, maybe?

I didn't, wish I had. Many hours lost that week staring dully at a screen by demand of my normie friends.

>Food analogy
Like pottery

>you will never get to fuck widowmaker

why live?

>food analogy


Might as well end it all


>Sup Forums gets mad and lashes out angrily when someone uses a metaphor

I thought the autism thing was a joke.

>le goys and Jews meme while hating on capitalism
There is no "superior" or "inferior" in capitalism. And even outside capitalism it's just a pouty, subjective non-argument. The only point of relevance is whether it's satisfying enough for the price, for a profitable number of people. The game is successful. I myself have got $40 worth of entertainment from a $40 game (perhaps because unlike a lot of you impressive specimens I have friends I play it with). Sorry this makes you butthurt.

>food and video games are incomparable in terms of economics and enjoyment
>use food analogy for a video game
>"you're a moron"
>y--you mad

Drawfags get on with making porn of the cute brunette girl.
