What did Fallout 4 mean by this?

What did Fallout 4 mean by this?

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Wait we followed Andre right?

can you kill him?

lemme guess, no

What did Fallout 2 mean by this?

I'm gay but

>human race on verge of extinction
>giving up your literal evolutionary duty to fuck a dude

C'mon, man.

Why is Andre 3000 in this game and why is he white now?

Class of 3000 was so lit

It means to stop memeposting.

Just remove his specialist rating in console. I did it with that annoying asian whore that's always abusing you in your first base. And then with that black cunt after I finished the mission to take over that island.

Senpai the human race is far from extinction in the fallout universe


Because if the setting at least attempted to maintain realism, children would be born with congenital deafness, blindness and the rest of pregnancies would end in miscarriages due to ever present radiation and lacking hygiene standards of the post-apocalyptic world.

That is the explanation I would use to try and reason why homosexuality is apparently a thing. But Bethesda just inserted a LBGT character to update their progressivity quota.

What did Fallout: New Vegas mean by this?

He obviously has a nice office space im the corner of his humble abode

Like the average dude cares about humanity's survival
>I'm gay
Prove it

>human race on verge of extinction
There's literally agovernment built on the other side of america and entire colonies of larpers, plus there's a machine that literally terraforms the earth to make food, they're hardly one fuck away from extinction.

Can I hold your hand?

This means bethesda hate gay people because they use em to ruin the very same thing they like.


This image will always make me mad

Nobody fucking knows what the GECK does.

I thought each geck was differnt and that most of them didn't do jack shit.

New Vegas had a gay character too. Arcade Gannon, remember?

New Vegas had several gay characters, not counting the Legion.

But it's fine when Obsidian does it :^)


jet thing is stupid, but ghouls metabolisms have been slowed like 9 trillion % so it makes sense
They're never shown to need food or water

>They're never shown to need food or water
read the thread

>50' america
yeah sure


The one that bugs me is when you first join the brotherhood with Danse, and Halen says, "Ad Victorium!" and Rhys is all like, "She doesn't even know what that means!"

Nevermind that female survivor was a lawyer, and probably knows more Latin that the entire post war world put together... She just lets it slide...

Wasted opportunity, I say.







>basically saying "look dude i don't care about your nerd shit fuck off"
>works at the fucking compamy,.SDVhoine;rjksfth o;s erno ;rtg jd ouwey5bj oi;hertou n;sr thoni;i

I want to shit on this man until he drowns in it

But they don't know that and you don't get to choose your main characters peronality, you should know that by now.

There were other companions besides Boone and Ed-e? Wow, really makes you think.


So any mods that make this game worth playing again?

I never finished my first playthrough but I have been itching to try a melee build

it just works i guess



I'm also confused by how homosexuality is such an open thing when the USA from before the war was on 50s revival. Surely they'd go back to calling it a sin/mental disease and it'd shape the future years.

I'm not even a /k/fag and this makes me cringe.

oh no, not the cats man, the fuck is wrong with you



now this is some fucking unforgivable shit. Source engine is almost a decade old and it could handle this no problem.

Oh my fucking god.

How lazy can Bethesda get?


>gay people don't exist

>How lazy can Bethesda get?

fuck, I spilled my drink
this is just too fucking hilarious
the very least they could do is throw away the magazine and reload it with anew

We will never see another Obsidian Fallout game, will we?


It saw into the future of the Fallout franchise.

I want to say that this person just modified the camera a bit to get a larger view of the animation, because almost every shooter does this behind the camera.

>giving up your literal evolutionary duty to fuck a dude
>evolutionary duty




>get a mod to reattach legendary prefixes
>get a bunch of "rad powered" gear
>strip it to reattach to the gear of your choosing
>get ghoul skin mod & radiate self to about 10%hp
>get addicted to ALL chems/alcohol
>apply "junkie" prefix unto weapon of your choice
>one shot deathclaws (as long as you hit first)



>needing a mod to one-shot deathclaws

Son, Pickman's blade + backstab + stealth gear.
Literally allows you to one-shot any enemy in the game with a sneak attack or VATS melee.

The loading times in this game are unacceptable.


I guess people just stopped giving a fuck about sexual preferences as the world is pretty destroyed but far from fucked.
It's not like any big instutuition would gain anything from hating on fags when there are Deathclaws and giant Mudcrabs and Yao Guai roaming a nuclear wasteland.
It's like medieval England, only the church gives a fuck about fags but the common peasant is more concerned with not starving to death.

>Year 22xx
>Surprised there are faggots in the world


isn't this impossible to do without cheating though

Can anyone give me ONE good reason VATS is in these games? Because I've scoured my brain for hours on this sometimes and I can't find one thing it actually adds.

>uses the "lol it has mutants and ghouls so nothing has to make sense" argument

same reason why I get pissy when fantasy movies have inconsistencies in the plot and some cunt says "LOL IT HAS DRAGONS AND ORCS, IT'S NOT REALISTIC". It's like those people can't discern what realism and logic are. Fantasy creatures are part of the setting, they are established as being part of the world. If Ghouls don't have to eat or drink then that has to be established in the world so the internal logic stays consistent. Otherwise people will never feel like they can make reasonable assessments about the world and their interaction with it since "anything can happen cuz ghouls and mutants and shit lol".

It's called suspension of disbelief. The audience can suspend their disbelief if the rules of the universe permit things because it has been established previously.










4 to 5 seconds?
Even TW3 gives me much longer loading time.
Quit playing on a toaster or consoles.

>I'm gay but
but what? sure you're fuck a woman to procreate but you'd still have a dude to fuck for fun and share intimacy with him

Stats deciding your hit chance makes it more of an RPG.

It's a callback to the turn-based action point combat of the original games.

but its an FPS. I thought my ability to hit was based on my ability to put a crosshair on a target. Most games with RPG mechanics like this make it so the kickback is stronger after you fire.

>huge Fallout fan
>Fallout 3 was okay even though the plot was shit because you didn't see through all its shortcomings on your first playthrough
>FNV was amazing but incredibly buggy, even moreso than F3 on release
>F4 gets released
>see gameplay
>lose interest
>have never even played it
>don't feel any regret

how can this shit happen. Fallout used to be one of the few series that I used to get excited about. Now it's just pure emptiness.

>for consoles

in fo3/nv it made shooting at least somewhat enjoyable because spamming it realtime was hellish. In fo4 it's useless.

>Fallout 3 was okay

no, it wasn't, it's still worse than Fallout 4. FO3 was a fucking disaster.

sorry about your rose-tinted goggles

It's okay. Remember New Vegas? Remember what that game's message was, the theme that ran through all the DLC packs and wove them into a single story?

Obsidian knew what was coming.

It's time to let go.

nah fuck off. FO3 was okay because the dialogue system still allowed for some freedom and your story, while tunneled in retrospect, was still much more open than the shit FO4 was.

Losing TES was more painful.

>>huge Fallout fan
>>FNV was amazing
It's not hard to spot the bullshit
>inb4 "are u saying i can't like new vegas????"
No, I'm saying that to any huge Fallout fan, New Vegas was as bad as Fallout 3 in its own special way, so by saying it's "amazing" you're admitting you're lying about being a "huge fan"


Too bad everything else was a shitpile. The gameplay, world and characters were all absolutely garbage. FO4 might have a horrible dialogue and choice system, but at least it's playable.

TES hasn't been lost
>inb4 he thinks TESO is canon
>inb4 he thinks Bethesda made TESO

Explorer's High.

Fallout 3 was enjoyable despite the story because it was first of its kind for a lot of folks, even if you were into Morrowind and Oblivion. The exploration was god tier, the enemy variety was just right and there were still cool characters and bits in the story.

New Vegas did all that and got the story right.

Fallout 4s biggest sin imo is that the exploration is off. They don't even try to disguise it anymore. EVERYTHING is "go to place and kill X" or "go to place and find Y, killing X as you go." 99% of the time there's no variety. All I remember really is that one quest with Nick Valentine and that mobster couple.

Even 3 threw you bones. They might've sucked sometimes but they threw you bones. Do you put the "cure" in the water? Do you destroy Megaton? Do you side with the slavers? FO4 goes to all the trouble of giving you half a dozen named raiders who talk about each other's status in their logs and you can never interact with them beyond SHOOT RAIDER.

And the worst part?

The absolute worst part?

Even the raw exploration of FO4 sucks. EVERY location is identical: look for the one Bobblehead, unique weapon or magazine in the place. BTW over half the weapons are just plain bad. cool more pipe weaponry. armor isn't balanced so who cares about it, just wear fashion or the one set you like the most for stats + fashion. Triple your time spent digging through trash because you need crafting bits. Build some houses that do LITERALLY NOTHING. It's all a distraction from the fact that the core gameplay isn't that tight.

>FO4 might have horrible dialogue and choice system

Then why the fuck would I ever want to play it if I want a Fallout game?

FO3 at least had choices and some extensive dialogues. Most of them were pretty flat and badly written but there was something there.

>implying skyrim is not when TES was lost

Skyrim was bad enough. And you're kidding yourself if you think Bethesda's next TES game won't be a fully voiced, Fallout 4-esque joke.

> EVERY location is identical

FO3 had literal copypasting


>This gun looks better than every weapon in Fallout 4

If you're going to make a shooter, make the shooting not fucking suck ass. Even walking around in FO3 (and to a lesser extent NV) felt bad. Bethesda has no clue how to make a shooter, hence why they hired id for FO4. That worked out.

You can have all the dialogue options you want, but if the fundamental gameplay is awful and the world is a piece of grey-green shit with copy-pasted locations, it's not worth much.

Jesus Christ.