Bought it anyway don't really give a shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Where were you when Star Ocean V was confirmed to be a flop?
It was confirmed by japs months ago when some beaten it in 15 hours by skipping all side quests.
>inb4 XV-kun
I wrote it off after japs said it was trash.
I figured Western reviewers would spare it a little because they were so desperate for a square RPG or a new entry in the series (which mind you, had already turned to shit 2 games ago)
Had the collectors edition pre ordered but cancelled it a few months back. Dodged a bullet.
japs have shit taste though, they think skyrim is the best shit ever
I'm borrowing from a buddy as he'll not be able to play it yet. There's no way I was buying this straight out the gate.
I keep telling you faggots to stop hyping these turds up before they're released, and you NEVER. FUCKING. LEARN.
You're a smart man.
I cancelled all my square enix preorders this year after the shit that was the XV demo, bravely seconds problems, and the blandness that this was. I don't think they have the capability to make good games now.
If it was just an opinion thing then I'd disregard it, but complaints about the length, the attack animations blocking player view, and only one planet are legit problems man.
This, will get to playing it after I finish #FE.
This literally cannot be correct.
I've played the game and I simply cannot fathom people who are playing this as fans of Star Ocean rating it this poorly.
Also I am not that BIG of a SO fan, I just know what to expect of the game based on JP imports and some playtime.
>Star Ocean 5 in the mid 50s
>#FE in the 80s
Isn't that game supposed to be a steaming pile of trash? No clue how it's in the 80s on meta.
I still have my FF XV Ultimate edition pre ordered but i may sell it on ebay for a shit ton of profit.
>playing any star ocean after 2
>Non-Nintendo Japanese game gets panned by western journalists
Who saw this coming?
>reviewers like the game more than they liked Star Ocean 4
>game is rated lower than Star Ocean 4
Explain this
It's got cringey trashy everything but good turn based combat - go figure. I think they hit out of the park w the SJW crowd. It was a HUGE bomb in Japan though.
Kowashitai brother
It's not THAT bad, most reviewers just wanna reemphasize their disappointment. The problem is that it's mediocre in just about every aspect
You may as well go play an atelier or any gust game if you want a decent jrpg on your ps4 which is sad to say when you compare their budgets
>Isn't that game supposed to be a steaming pile of trash?
Not at all. It's just getting wrote off by the Sup Forums bandwagon because of censorship and "not being what we were promised".
Granted it's more Persona and FE tham SMT and FE, it's exactly the type of game you'd expect from those two franchises merging. Just wish this type of game came sooner in the Wii U's life, at this point everyone has given up on it and looking forward to what the NX will offer.
>tfw Skyrim is garbo but Enderal soon
>What is Persona
Holy kek didn't expect it to do so bad. I mean even Zestiria did ok here in the west.
>No clue how it's in the 80s on meta.
Hundreds of negative reviews were removed because they complained about censorship.
>PlayStation LifeStyle
>Gamespot and other credible sites
>50 or lower
10/10 shilling sony.
So fucking stoked even if the plot looks like it was ripped from mass effecr
Just the German version, or is English coming out at the same time?
This thread doesn't help me.
I honestly haven't found review scores to be representative of my tastes for years.
Do other people actually find reviews helpful?
You could try making it less obvious that you're OpKowashitaifag, OP.
German comes out July 3rd English comes out several weeks after.
>No clue how it's in the 80s on meta.
Because despite all the shitposting it's a good game.
These games always get put into the mediocre category. 5-7 is what you will get from western media. But you know that new CoD will get a 8.5.
This game is coming to PC so it's better to pirate
not surprised when i felt like a bored motherfucker with this game, at least atelier is still good
>PlayStatiom LifeStyle
Also, can someone please explain to me how this results in a FIVE (5) out of ten?
>Battles are beautiful to watch and fun to execute
So the core combat is great
>Combat roles and skills systems offer an enjoyable layer of strategy
The roles and fiels skills systems are also great
>Shallow, cliched characters
She didn't like the characters, which is extremely subjective
>World feels empty
An utterly pointless thing to point out
>Uninspired missions
Basically means nothing at all
>Audio and visual mishaps yank you from the experience
Which include "PC moving through another PC breaking my immersion"
And that equals a 5/10, no comment on graphics, music, sound, replayability, etc?
WHAT THE FUCK are reviews coming to? How the fuck does this equal a FIVE out of 10?
Should I cancel Mankind Divided preorder.
Getting my copy from gamefly by the end of the week.
They think it's the best because no one has really tried making open world games. It's quite literally a new concept to them.
>"other credible sites"
>Polygon, GamesRadar, and Game Informer
>WHAT THE FUCK are reviews coming to?
You really need to ask, after all this time?
nigga fuck you, xenoblade x has none of those issues and its average
SO5 is trash
'Tis a shame.
What's so good about it? From what I can tell it is a SMT title that they threw the FE brand on and it's based in a cringey Idolm@aster world. This is just from watching a trailer, though, I wouldn't be opposed to buying it if it isn't all Diva and SMT.
Every Persona isn't rated that great other than golden though. Western reviewers only like it because they think Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans.
>b-b-but nintendo!
>What's so good about it?
Tsubasa's titties.
They always do this
check out any sony exclusive
like 10 magazine review play station "sites" from Australia, Italy whatever giving 10/10s
you like smt gameplay? pirate it
if not then ignore it
>#FE beat both this FFXV
Apologize now
TMS and it's idolshit isn't any more cringey than any other SMT game. I would think you guys would be used to cringe considering the series revels in it.
But it's insane what this review uses against the game - the gameplay is great okay, but the world FEELS empty which means nothing to an individual, she didn't like the characters okay that's valid, but what the music, sound, replayability, graphics, etc which are all pretty great and MAKE UP THE GAME, aren't even taken into account in the review. Is it even a review at this point? What is so bad to give it a 5?
Also I wasn't looking forward to this game that much, a little sure, but this review is just fucking ridiculous.
You niggers don't realize that this isn't the same Tri-Ace from days of yor, just a husk of its former self. This no longer a company that can make gorgeous looking games like Radiata Stories or Valkyrie Profile 2, or risky ambitious titles like Resonance of Fate.
Just to put this into perspective Tri-Ace is manly a mobile garbage studio now that's owned by some Chinese conglomerate. Hell the only reason we're getting this is because Sony paid for it to pad out this library. Why do you think they've been hyping the fuck out of the titty witch? Because everything else about this game is shallow as fuck. Also let's be honest here Star Ocean stopped being good at the beginning of Disc 2 in Till the End of Time.
>They were so lazy that they reused SO3 music
No idols are awful, I can only enjoy games with mature themes like occultism.
This is the same woman who gave ACS a 9 and said she never played any other game in the franchise. I wouldn't put much merit in her reviews.
The only thing in the SMT franchise that even comes close to being as cringey is Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
>mature gaymes for mature gaymers such as myself
The music and shitty fetch quests are so bad in Xenobalde X is deserves a 5.
... so is this a bad thing? Nintendo has been reusing the same in their Mario and Zelda games for like 2 decades? Is it okay when they do it? Serious question?
So far the idol stuff has been very minimal, for the sake of there being a purpose and story. I'll agree that I went into it expecting nothing exceptional, but the combat is great and the artwork/graphics are beautiful.
As I said, it's a lot more of a Persona game than SMT, it's got some fusion aspect with being able to combine enemies you've collected with your Mirages to get new skills. It's got similar combat style to Persona, where enemies have weaknesses that can lead to chain attacks.
I'm with you until
>>World feels empty
>An utterly pointless thing to point out
A well built world is vital to jrpgs, especially SO5 since it's been made to look great and have an immersive world. Excuse me if I'm wrong but this is something that literally everyone wants out of a plot driven jrpg. Also I tend to believe that the characters are all tropes. I haven't played the game or anything but I fail to see how those are not legitimate criticisms.
Resonance of Fate wasn't even that long ago m8.
Tri-Ace is just relegated to mobile shit and cleaning up Square Enix's messes like with XIII-2.
Like I said here Most of them are exaggerating with scores because of how disappointed they are. they were expecting a grand jrpg because of the square enix logo and got an unpolished turd. That being said, although the stuff you mentioned is subjective, any normal person would find it awful and it detracts a lot from the game.
Denial. The entire franchise is cringey.
Blame Sakuraba
So pass or what? I just want a game with fun combat and non repetitive side quest.
>Zelda games
Literally what. At least get your facts straight first sonybro.
Only time this happened was majoras mask
Oh okay, you're just shitposters that think SMT's themes mean it's edgy.
I think I need to elaborate
I Agree w you on this
>A well built world is vital to jrpgs, especially SO5
But when she says
>World feels empty
She isn't even putting forward that it's evidently empty - just that she FEELS that it's empty
Also in the review she says almost literally
>There is no one on this here world map just a vast landscape (with enemies) it's shit
That is plain stupid.
I knew the score was going to be bad but I didn't expect this bad
You really need to ask? It's an obvious pass. Buy #fe if you have a Wii u, otherwise wait for persona I guess. Or get atelier if you need a jrpg that bad
>female reviewer
>games with literal game breaking or save destroying bugs get a pass for not being Japanese on gamespot
Opinion discarded.
It's Star Ocean. People only care about this game for the witch.
Fuck no. Game reviewers are shite.
I said Mario and Zelda games.
And yes Zelda reuses music from other Zelda games. look here:
1 The Legend of Zelda
1.1 Title Screen
1.2 Overworld
1.3 Dungeon
1.4 Ganon's Lair
1.5 Game Over
1.6 Credits
2 Adventure of Link
2.1 Temple
3 A Link to the Past
3.1 Title Theme
3.2 File Select/Fairy Fountain
3.3 Seal of the Seven Maidens
3.4 Hyrule Castle
3.5 Zelda's Lullaby
3.6 Kakariko Village
3.7 Light World Dungeon
3.8 Dark World Dungeon
3.9 The Dark World
3.10 Ganon's Theme
3.11 Ganon Battle
4 Link's Awakening
4.1 "Sea Lily's Bell" theme
5 Ocarina of Time
5.1 Kokiri Forest
5.2 Song of Time
5.3 Epona's Song
5.4 Saria's Song
5.5 Sun's Song
5.6 Song of Storms
5.7 Minuet of Forest
5.8 Bolero of Fire
5.9 Serenade of Water
5.10 Requiem of Spirit
5.11 Prelude of Light
5.12 Hyrule Field
5.13 Ganon Battle
5.14 Game Over
6 Majora's Mask
6.1 Goron's Lullaby
6.2 Song of Healing
7 The Wind Waker
7.1 Ballad of Gales
8 Twilight Princess
8.1 "Critical Hit" theme
9 Phantom Hourglass
9.1 Linebeck's Theme
9.2 Overworld (Ocean) theme
What I'm saying is who gives a fuck. EVERY OTHER franchise does it.
Did you read the actual review or is your whining based on the bullet points? If so then you're just as bad as her and your autism is getting the best of you.
Except they don't besides maybe NSMB. Or are you going to count iconic jingles?
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Odin Sphere
Quit being delusional, maybe the game's just shit.
Would I like SOV if I:
>Never played a Star Ocean game
>Am enjoying #FE
>Enjoy JRPGs
The only reason I noticed this game is because Fiore tickles my green hair + mage hat Witch fetish. Saw some game play and it looked fun.
>Square decides to port this to PC
>reviews terribly
It needs to bomb sales wise as well, kill traitors.
Guess I have to wait for Persona. Not a fan of the atelier games.
Xenoblade X had an empty world too but wasn't called out on it
Yes, the review itself makes her points even more stupid. For e.g., see
Sure, I've played a lot of it, and it's a GOOD game.
I don't mind the edgy grimdark occult bullshit as much as idolshit. It may be cringey but at least it remains interesting. Idolshit has nothing to offer.
>Unironically recommending #FE
Off you go Nintendrone
#FE posters are the worst. They're just turning into outright shitposters now trying to claim their game is the best thing since sliced bread.
I've actually played the game.
The length is fine for a JRPG, probably 25-30 hours for 1 run through without side quests. Which from my experience is about average.
The game has a lot of problems but length isn't one of the biggest.
The characters are trash, the plot is retarded, the games difficulty is all over the place (it's pretty much brain dead easy on everything except escort missions which are down right impossible at times), it's hard as fuck to figure out what is happening in battle and the game has a tendency to reuse a lot of areas.
It's not a terrible game, the gameplay is actually fun (if you ignore the shitty difficulty and camera), but if you don't like JRPGs then don't bother with it.
They still have spme sort of variation to it in each title. SO5 just outright uses SO3 music. Nintendo puts way more effort.
>The characters are trash, the plot is retarded
so standard star ocean then?
>muh anime tiddies
It's the only half decent recent JRPG and it will continue to be until Persona 5 comes out
Wow you are actually retarded, nevermind carry on then.
>Don't forget to do the same for FFXV, because you know it'll be the same.
XV is already good though and the demo from a year ago already got an 83 which is higher than Ground Zeroes got.
Worse than 2 and 3, better than 4 (but not by a lot).
What the fuck were you people expecting? No one on this fucking board has ever played a fucking Star Ocean game before apparently. The plots have always been bad, save for 2's which is average. The characters have always been cliche and a bit boring.
The draw of Star Ocean is the gameplay. It was 3's best aspect. It was 4's best aspect. And following suit, it's 5's best aspect.