ITT God Tier Mobile Games

Game Dev Story is GOAT desu

Looks like a game dev tycoon clone.

>tfw you moved from iOS to android and would have to rebuy all your kairosoft games

game is alright for the first few brief hours, then it just becomes pointless as youre so big and nothing really matters anymore



It was first, Game Dev Tycoon creators said they wanted to copy a great game It's on the piratebay, I just downloaded that one for my Droid.
Much like life

One of my favorite mobile games

First mobile game I ever bought and the only one

Well played, m8.

Dungeon village was pretty good to in my opinion.
After a few hours of play the balance became quite wonky and it became a mix between to easy and too hard at times.
Npcs would constantly rush alone headlong into monster and get annihilated one after another.

This game was the shit. I remember how some of the late game dungeons were hard as shit even with NG+

God of Blades is the most fun I've had in any mobile action game. Features muthafukken space whales.

Is this a Clash of Clans-tier kusoge or do you not have to wait 50 gorillion hours for an upgrade to complete?

It's multiplatform I guess but Downwell on mobile is still pretty good.

Threes is pretty good but sadly 2048 cloned it so it kinda got shafted.

School Idol Festival has loads of the usual F2P gatcha mechanics and all but I like it well enough plus the girls are cute and the music is decent.

>Clash of Clans-tier kusoge
no waiting
its more of a sim game than your typical facebook waiting game

its very close to something like cookie clicker in terms of management

Good to know, thanks.


There was this one, I believe Japanese game for android, axe throw or something like that? Can't remember the name for the life of me.

Some user in a similiar thread some time ago recommened 'Out There Ω' and I wanna keep this recommendation up for this thread.
It's a great little game, set in space similiar to FTL minus the combat. You're a stranded astronaut and have only your vessel, a couple supplies and a target across the galaxy you must reach. The struggle comes from maintaining your resources (Oxygen, Fuel and Hull integrity) while travelling through the galaxy with a map system like FTL. You choose a star, jump to it and then RNG decides whether the planets and asteroids you find there can help you in your struggle. All the while you discover some greather scheme... It has multiple endings and great replayability.
I think it's also on Steam, maybe even discounted during the sale, but imho it's better played as a mobile game in short bursts. During a bathroom break or commute. Although in the beginning I was so hooked I played for several hours admittedly

It suffers from crippling RNG just like FTL too.

Still no english PC port...

Tbh the new teeny titans game is really good

>ywn play Zenonia or Tap Tap Revenge again
why live?


Shame Kairosoft has been failing into the in-app payment meme. The train game was disappointing for this reason - I mean, I didn't really mind for the free games but for the paid games it's inexcusable. The game that just came out, the arcade one, is pretty good though.

The last time I played mobile games was Space Impact II and Snake II.