Was hiring this guy the best long con by a developer ever?

Was hiring this guy the best long con by a developer ever?


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>Was hiring this guy the best long con by a developer ever?
No, hiring this faggot was

Damn, that poor man disappeared from the internet 4 years ago, I wonder if he died

>Tom Cuhlancy



He was better than wood girl

I like girlwood. She's awkward and tall, like some sort of Tolkien creature, speaks in enigmatic memes

I wonder what he's up to right now



I always liked how many manlets get mad at her for wearing heels

She seemed really off her game and disgruntled this year tho.

Some people said she got mad because ubi told her they were not gonna renew her contract for next year, it sucks because I wouldnt be surprised if they hire someone like Anita or Who


All I know is that I want more of THIS guy in bideo james:

>like who or literally who
EA would.

Ubi's still trying to figure out if spooky scary skeletons buy games.

>those fucking niggers

>Reggie getting mad they are going off promter

# B A R R E N W O M B

>ubi told her they were not gonna renew her contract for next year
Mr. Caffeine for E3 '17 CONFIRMED!

Damn, I guess having girl wood leaves you sterile

I would still let her drill me ifyouknowwhatImean.


>his last tweet is fucking spam


noooooo mr caffeine noooo

Not even regular spam, he was trying to win an ipad
Poor guy really, imaging him being so excited about appearing at E3:

>Honey this is going to be my big break!, videogames are really huge right now! do you know they make more money than the film and music indrustries combines!!!???, millions of people are gonna see me talking about all the upcoming big games!!! when they think about halo and call of duty they will think of me!!! I could even get a tv show a few years later, Imagine it, Mr Caffeine Gaming hour!!! Im gonna be famous, and we are gonna be able to pay all our debts and god willing we will be able to pay for Thomas surgery, Im so happy honey, everything is going to be perfect

>I hope so honey, we could really use some money right now, our landlord has been calling all week and we are already a month late, lets hope tomorrow will be the start of something awesome for our family, I already feel sorry for selling my mom's ipad to pay the gas bill again

>Dont worry honey, in a couple of years we will be drowning in money and we could buy as many ipads as we wish

It sucks that this years e3 didnt had many cringe moments

Its been 10 years since RIIIIIDGE RACER!!!! and $599


you ever wonder what the bottom of an avatar's shoe looks like?

what the fuck


Niggerbitch is a major factor in why I won't buy ubishit games.
The primary reason being ubishit games are shit.

>ubishit games are shit
Wich one was the latest ubisoft game you got?
Mine was AC revelations, I wonder if they will ever return to 2004 levels of greatness

Wait what, really? Jesus. That's sad.

>That's sad.
She will never have a little living meme growing inside of her

god damn

he fucking destroyed dorito pope.

it was a beautiful sight

why doesn't she just adopt wassa big deal!!!!!

yeah, her husband of 20 years actually divorced her a few months ago because she couldn't get pregnant

remember how assnuked Danny the Ireland cuck got about it?

Do they have these things on the xbone?
I remember I started getting turned off of xbox once they added in these stupid avatars and the kinect update.

>Divorcing a girl that cant get pregnant
Damn son, you can finish inside her as much as you want without ever worrying about having a child... was his husband gay?

Not really.
She chose carrier over having a family, and now she's way over 40 and can't have babies. Who knew this would happen?
Anyway, she could just adopt.

Can I have her instead?

i've got a northern accent like the guy she complimented so i might be in with a chance here

Come on user, we can share her


He was my first E3.


What the fuck? Since when has anyone liked Joel McHale's non-soup material? Dudes a disaster.

Geoff might be awkward as fuck but at least he's actually invested in the industry as apposed to these c rate celebrities that keep popping up.

>can widdle his diddle inside her without any worries
what a fucking moron


>yfw your womb doesnt have a spawnpoint

jesus christ

That was hilarious. Joel was really the cherry on top of the awfulness that was that show.

Whoever bullies dorito pope that hard is ok in my book.

What I found particularly amazing about Mr. Caffeine was him doing those sounds "like those old Commodore games", despite him being American. I thought the C64 was much more popular in Europe than the USA?

Thanks for reminding me.

yes it didn't exist in the USA
the idea that this man owned a commodore 64 is simply absurd, i am amazed beyond words that he owned the highest selling computer model of all time

>computer gaming

nah m8, America was all about the NES in those days. Even to this day America doesn't care about PC gaming, as evidenced by being responsible for some of the most barebones (Darksiders) and some of the most broken (Arkham Knight) PC ports ever.

Nah, last time was a year ago


They have been shoved away into a little sub section of the main menu and you never see them unless you specifically set one as your profile picture.

Why does he keep doing that doodly. It's cracking me up so hard

that's really fucking sad, even if he is a fucking meme. Mr.Caffeine, I care about you if you are even reading this. holy fuck

>I remember I started getting turned off of xbox once they added in these stupid avatars and the kinect update.

Not just you, many people consider that to be the Xbox brand's absolute biggest mistake.

He is still trying to hard.

Punished Mr. Caffeine: A fallen legend

What does long con mean in this context?

Divorce does that to you

Now this is podracing.