Undubs and Japanese restoration

How do you feel about groups that revert English localization of videogames into their Japanese original version?

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should happen more often



Companies need to be embarrassed

Wait, they're already working on a restoration patch for it? Damn, I didn't think they'd get the tools for it this fast. I may actually have to go get a Wii U at some point.

I think it's pathetic that Wii U owners are so desperate for games that they have to settle for this kusoge.

Crazy that these unpaid modders can do better work than paid employees.

Also, how does this patch work? Do I have to mod the Wii U itself?

Extremely glad about it.

Im one of those that hated XBX lack of dual audio and costume censorship but was forced to buy it anyway cause there are no other options.
I sure as shit hope NoA now realise how many people just want games translated and not "localized".

The restoration is done. A rushed hack-job was available a day before the official launch, and a completely working from start to finish version was released the day after.

>I sure as shit hope NoA now realise how many people just want games translated and not "localized".

you mean a small niche audience?


Well, I still have no desire to buy a Wii U while its still current gen tech. I'm sure by next gen it'll be busted wide open like the 3DS was and I can play whatever few games were on it that I wanted to.

Delusional retard.

Nintencucks want the games in its original state like the Japanese not modified for 4kids tier shit.

I refuse to support nintendo any further

All my future consoles will be bough used and games.

They are the only reason i can play in the majority of voiced jrpgs.
If if wasn't for undub i would never play Arc Rise Fantasia for more than ten minutes.

Yea so maybe there are a few paltry thousands of nerds that want it, but money is money.

If a bunch of modders working for FREE can do it better, why the fuck are the "creative writers" still paid to work in treehouse?


Cemu already runs some games with stable framerate and no glitches, at this point you can skip wii u completely and just wait for it to get finished. Zelda's release will accelerate the emulator development as well.

I'm assuming that requires a modded wiiu though, I love the idea of restoring the game, I'd buy it if I could easily play it without censorship

What do you think #FE's audience is in the first place?

>I sure as shit hope NoA now realise how many people just want games translated and not "localized".
What makes you think they care what you want? This game was censored for them, not you. Their reputation is more important to them than your business.

Fuck off and kill yourself you delusional fuck. When they've shown both games at E3 EVERYONE who were interested wanted the game shown not an "adjusted" version
It's false advertisement.

Doing gods work

>I'm assuming that requires a modded wiiu though
You download two .zips that are under 5MB in size and put them on an SD card, change the DNS settings on the Wii U, and go to loadiine.ovh on the Wii U browser.

A child could do it.

I'm happy they can un-fuck up games. I know it's hard work and a lonely road, but some times it's worth it.

>I'm assuming that requires a modded wiiu though
Nope. If you're on the latest version you can literally run Loadiine right now with just a few files on your SD card and a spare hard drive.

Are you serious? I never paid attention to those Cemu threads as it looked like something I wouldn't be interested in, but now I think I have to. Thank you for that, friend.

I realize that the spergs going apeshit over bathing suits being cleaned up for the Western release probably wouldn't amount to more than maybe a couple of thousand neckbeards, but comparatively how many copies was a game like TMS going to sell in the West to begin with?

Fucking Call of Duty has a "This game may be too violent for some people, you can disable that".
Why can't these games have a "This game may be too weeb and trigger you, enable 'localization'"?
I understand if it's Nintendo since they are not really know for giving options to the players, but nobody fucking does this.

Ok then ill continue supporting such mods? Go right ahead and censor them then.

Everyone is looking out for themselves, i get that. Doesnt stop me from doing and supporting whatever the fuck i want.

You'd be amazed how many nu males work at Treehouse that think since they shouldnt show this in a game no one should be allowed to see it.

do what better? it takes minutes to copy paste a few files. it's a corporate decision to censor, not because the developers are incompetent.

Or hell if its that fucking easy, maybe I should go ahead and just buy this one on craigslist at a pawn shop for $150?

Wait, wait no... spending $150 on a single game is a dumb idea I've only done once for Rune Factory 4. This is silly.

A part of that is because the people who care about this don't play games like CoD.

They achieved full speed in mario kart 8 for example. Even more graphically advanced shit like xenoblade x boots up but still lags hard and has creepy visual glitches which you can expect from an emulator in such an early stage of development.
New Super Mario Bros Wii U runs pretty well as well from what i've seen

How do they even go about this?

Do you require a cracked wiiu, I'm retarded when it comes to these things

And then you have the sluts of treehouse openly fawning over link with his shirt off.
fucking double standards

>current year
>not removing problematic content for western audiences

Self-hating weebs who pretend to hate anime and are triggered by cute girls, like Polygon.

Remember when this was supposed to be a simple SMTxFE game, not a waifu idol pandering weebshit game?

its good

Apparently this
I am seriously debating blowing money just for FE# now if its unlocalized.

Right. I'm just saying, don't hold out hope that NoA will realise that people want them to stop fucking up games. They already do know that, they just don't give a shit.

I'm thinking about buying it too, but I'm scared that I won't be able to move my savefile to the console properly.

Even if they wanted to do that, it would cost a hell of a lot more to implement than you seem to think. They would have had to have planned that early on in the game's development.

Best case scenario at this point is probably to just buy censored games, uncensor them and hope Nintendo doesn't figure out how to pirate-proof the NX. If they don't get sales JRPGs won't get sent over in the future and it's a lot harder to translate a game than fix a shit translation.

They're just as bad as mods.

You're not playing how the developers want you to play the game.

>he never touched MH4

Speaking of censorship, was XCX ever uncensored?

The developers want you to play the game uncensored, but the publisher Nintendo wants to censor your shit because "we are a family friendly company".

It's great, thanks to undubs I've been able to play games I wouldn't have been able to stand otherwise such as Valkyria Chronicles II, Stella Glow and SMT IV.

Forced English dubs are the worst.

Stop being a cuck that buys localizations

I'm pretty sure it was, but maybe it wasn't undubbed. I recall a lot of people playing with huge boobs

More like it's how the developers originally intended for the game to be played which the localization company decided to take a huge shit over.

>The developers want you to play the game uncensored

No they don't, that's for the Japanese audience.

For the western version, they made the changes which benefit us.

I honestly do not care about Nintendo. I haven't cared about them since I played Bahamut Lagoon and Treasure of the Rudras in high school and learned why those never came over. -- because Nintendo effectively made it too difficult for them to do so.

Never really cared for Monster Hunter because I dislike its control scheme. It always felt like it should be on PC because of a mouse. Incidentally, I like Vindictus, which has similar gameplay to it.

It was, though it was just them adding in the Japanese models. There was also the port of all the English stuff to the Japanese version and they just fixed up the few things that were missing, though you still had all the English terminology and dialogue changes.

>Forced English dubs are the worst.


Is #FE actually any good? Is it a solid RPG with actual depth or is it just mainly idol VN shit?

Someone please undub this

Is it hard to type with cock in your mouth? Just curious.

they're doing god's work

>Monster Hunter needs a mouse

You're only making me confused

Vindictus is nothing like Monster Hunter

If you complain about stuff like that, just don't buy it.

We, who don't mind "censorship" (which is a myth anyways) will still buy it.


Does your jaw hurt yet?

I'm talking of its combat and its combat alone, not the plethora of other things.

The combat is not even close to Monster Hunter other than the camera

they really focus on World 3d and MK8, both of which don't hold any interest for me, Bayo is still broken.

Recently decaf showed its face, we might have a emulator race, but right now CEMU is miles ahead

Whatever, enjoy being a idiot.

>being such a cuck you think censorship is a "myth"
Jesus christ.

And you enjoy having no self-respect, kiddo.

By some you mean 3 games and by "stable framerate and no glitches" you mean dipping constantly and occasional graphical fuck up.

Hackers and translators should do many things to many old games.
But they will stick to their newer games and hacks of FFVI and Pokemon. With the occasional VN here and there.

Well, I didn't buy it. I downloaded a modded version with the undub.

Are you telling me its better to not play a game at all than play it the way you prefer, on your own terms?

Your point of view doesn't make sense.

Not having japanese audio bothers me more than the censorship.
Persona 4 has about 17 hours of cutscenes. Cutscenes with an ear-piercing dub. From start to finish I have to suffer through it.

Thank fuck that there are good people in this world

Whats fucking hilarious is how people act like subtitling systems and dual audio are hard to implement

Unofficial subs in my experience are so nuch better, just because they try to match names when they're said.

So, do I need to softmod my console to play this version?

Fuck off pirate, enjoy killing the companies.

Persona games have always had a superior dub.

Sure, sure, you keep thinking that'll be possible.

Fucking disgusted, weebs need to go fuck off to there precious Nippon and learn to speak jap so they can play their shitty waifu games in there precious Nipponese. Quit being a bunch of faggots and play your localized games.

>Persona games have always had a superior dub

*shout this line and the entire conversation

Big monster with breakable parts that you fight, usually with other people, with a predictable enough pattern once you get good. Yeah, sure, nothing a like at all.


It is though.

Sorry people don't like your shit company, Reggie.

Does this have an undub yet?


>enjoy killing the companies

I wouldn't have bought it anyway, so the companies wouldn't have profited either way. Besides, I don't want to give Atlus money, if I do they might think forced undubs are okay.

This is pretty much the only circumstance in which I don't buy games. Explain to me how this is wrong? I don't think you can.

She was flustered and acted flustered. I don't understand the problem.

Atlus has Sentai Filmworks-tier dubs. Anime dubs are a mistake and they should not be used in videogames. They should learn from Platinum

>dubs are a mistake and they should not be used in videogames.
>They should learn from Platinum
>Atlus should learn to use dubs from another company that uses dubs because dubs are bad

Are you blind or just retarded

You're a terrible person, I'll blame you when they stop bringing games over because no one brought their games.

Nope, human. I can only interpret what other humans are saying.

It's probably for the better. Mostly because a lot of American companies such as NoA and Capcom USA have already bastardized a lot stuff in Japanese video games (i.e. character's names, stupid censorships, etc.) especially during the 80's and 90's, and that just makes me disappointed.

>dubs are a mistake and they should not be used in videogames.

Now here's the real quote
> Anime dubs are a mistake and they should not be used in videogames

When fantranslations are better than localisations, it's for the best if companies don't bring games over. Gives a fan or another company that knows what they're doing a chance, and the less cocksuckers like you out there the better.

And that doesn't change what you said at all: Dubs only apply to anime and anime like things. You're thinking of voice overs or voice acting.

You're a turtle aren't you?

Well enjoy being wrong, I'll continue to buy their games because I want to support them.


Censorship SELLS.

Try not to get so riled up by the cold hard facts, kay?