Is Jensen's jensen organic?
Is Jensen's jensen organic?
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you mean his johnson?
Vibrating robo-penis
A lot of the people I know who have been subject to IED's and the like got their junk blown off, it's not something that really comes up in the topic of vet injuries that often, which I find odd. Whatever.
My money is on either reconstructive surgery or artificial.
too bad eidos is too pussy to explore the sex aspect of augs
I work at ubsoft and can confirm, He doesn't have one
so do they just not have a sex drive anymore
only if they get their balls blown off too
They did though. In Hengsha with the prostitutes
Is HR worth $5?? Never played any of the deus ex games. Is it smart? Is it fun?
yeah, it's one of the better AAA cyberpunk games out there.
Would Sup Forums chop their dick off to get an aug cock?
was about to ask the same about his johnson´s johnson.
when they find a way to feel my augmented dick.
Is it a pink aug cock?
Ladies like the pink dildo... so...
He only gets to keep his little Adam in the expanded universe. Everything below his waist is robot. They even sawed off his legs, despite them not being damaged, because Sarif wanted to push more augs into him.
I haven't played this series
are there sex androids that I can buy?
There's an entire industry of augmented whores who get augs to improve their ability to pleasure the customer.
>Let a woman decide how to augment yourself
>after reading that
why would you ever be against augs?
The whores are kidnapped, beaten into submission, then operated on, and wake up to find they have augmented pussies and are now addicted to anti-aug rejection medicine which costs more than diamonds.
Yes, he fucks another aug in the comics, his pelvic region is shown to be largely organic.
If i remember right, you could see jensen´s butt, and he is augmented under the bellybutton line.
forgot to mention, in the HR.
Jensen looks uggo in this comic
that comic is jensen? it looks nothing like him
pics or didn't happen
My mistake, it was from mankind divided gameplay and trailer.
Here is what i could found with fast search, but there was a gameplay demo when they show the game mechanics, and you need to take a shower, and then see his augmented butt.
not seeing it
So I already fucked up my pacifist run by killing all those guards at the start.
What main and sub-weapon should I run with in this playthrough?
youtube compresion dosent help, but can notice the line when everything gets darker, and its his pants line (bellybuton.
>pacifist run
>not having at least 1 good weapon
You will be forced to fight eventually.
Boss fights aside, I never had much need for anything but an upgraded pistol.
i guess will see a few more pixels of his buttocks in two months
Explosive ammo Revolver is pure sex, btfo everything
His hips were replaced with artificial bones like most of his bones were, but his 'flesh' extends to his mid-leg of so and his torso is mostly flesh and blood covering all of his augs.
Well yeah, I at least carry a shotgun with me if I need to use it.
These two are way too good, but I might stick a revolver as my sub. What would be a good primary?
If you are going pacifist, I would say a sniper rifle maybe, that way you can take out things from far away without having to worry about alerting people? I forget the # of things you could break with gunfire.
Nothing is safe from it.
Sniper rifle and revolver sounds like a pretty good combo. Thanks user.
was about to say something about suppressors, but i forgot you will use it in forced fights, so no fucks given there.
i can already see a wide variety of detouchable penises
Revolver for explosive action. Fully upgraded SMG for dakka.
>augmented cheeks can push for 6 hours straight nonstop
They'll just have to install a new drive.
>block sexual desire with a simple firewall rule
SMG has to be my most unused weapon in the game. Does a fully-upgraded version turn it into a bolter?
Do you want to find out?
NO. I dont want an industrial accident.
You have the prostitues and I remember the pair who lives next to Jensen also had a discussion/fight about augs.
Adam didn't even need to have his legs removed. Only his left arm was broken. The bit where you see him get thrown through a window is the worst that happens to him.
it turns it into a slightly less shit version of the smg
But still shit, right?
No, it's just a really bad weapon. Looks bad, too.
Yeah. I wouldn't bother. I mean I guess if you were strapped for space and couldn't fit an assault rifle, and just wanted something to switch to for spampanic, then it *might* be an ok weapon
This has me wondering. Is there a weapon tier-list?
If there was the taser would definitely be at the top
Revolver is better in terms of efficiency. It's used in speed runs over the taser because the stun gun has too long a reload time.
Oh I get that it's more efficient. I just like using the taser is all. Thanks for the speedrun link these are super neat.
The way the game caluculates damage, the SMG still instant-kills anyone who's not wearing a hemlet.
Fully upgraded, it has 70 round magazines, reload almost instantly, laser, laser, and homing bullets that curve around corners and other badguys, and always aim for the head and shoulders.
The only downside is that it fires so fast, you can seriously deplete and a massive supply of ammo in a single firefight, so you gotta learn some fire control.
Sure, I can make one. I've got about 800 hours in the DX version of HR alone.
SS+´tier: upgraded pistol.
S+ tier: takedowns, stungun, PEPS (ammunition is extremely limited. You can find about 25-30 shots for it during an entire playthrough, so use it wisely)..
S tier: tranq rifle, upgraded revolver, upgraded SMG, gas grenades/mines.
A tier: revolver, upgraded sniper rifle, crossbow, double-barrel shotgun.
B tier: upgraded shotgun, sniper rifle, all grenades and mines that aren't gas grenades/mines.
C tier: laser rifle (too little ammo without abusing bugs, appears very late in the game), plasma rifle (available as a pickup at the end of the second to last level in the game, very little ammo).
Shit tier: pistol, combat rifle, heavy rifle.
Don't ever bother picking up, and if you pick up, sell it to a merchant instantly tier: rocket launcher, grenade launcher (virtually no ammo), shotgun, silenced sniper rifle (cannot ever for any reason score a one-shot kill on anyone wearing even light armor. This is a complete waste of ammuntion).
No. It doesn't knock out anyone with more than base health. Firing from cover forces you to stay exposed for 2 seconds, as well. It's better to toss out a satchel charge and shoot everyone when they dive to the ground, then pick up the satchel and repeat.
Anyone else feel the game was too easy even on the hardest difficulty?
Is the stealth in HR good? I haven't played a great stealth game in so long since the genre is pretty much dead.
No, it's hard not to be spotted because of cover mechanics and cloaking
It's not primarily used for the instant KO effect. You have to understand how it works before you learn to appreciate it.
It draws a laser line from the barrel all the way to its max range, and anything touched by the beam gets knocked around. Lightly armored and unarmored opponents get KO'd at moderate distance. Medium armor opponents get knocked out if you're very close, but these aren't what you actually want from it.
What you want is the long line of 'knock enemies on their ass.' Even heavy enemies at moderate ranges get knocked down for so long that you can run up and use a takedown on them, or pull out another gun and kill them before they have time to react. It's a great tool to have on you for most of the game, but obviously far stronger when you're fighting down corridors.
So you mean if you want to stealth you pretty much have to use that?
>in the shower
>hair didn't even get wet or anything
Previous thread said that MD will force you online even in single player.
No cloaking just makes it easier,and enemies can see you if you are not using the cover mechanics.
>laser rifle
Closer to EX, in the Nasu interpretation. Bollocks for most of the game, but trivializes the last boss since lasers shoot through glass.
Yeah the game is easy but if you want it to be challenging do a pacifist run
What a shame. Was looking forward to some stealth gameplay.
Yeah the combat is also kinda bad in the game because you can really just use the pistol or the revolver all the time and the AI can lose you pretty often if you crouch somewhere.
But I think it was a pretty good game because I like cyberpunk games
It can trivialize every encounter, but until you get to the last level, ammo pickups are exceptionally rare. I think there's about 4 batteries total between the first rifle in Tong's office to the end of omega rance, so 2000 'rounds' from ammo, and another 1500 from individual laser rifles.
If you abuse the magazine upgrade glitch, you can get almost infinite ammo, but the glitch relies on you a) having ammo upgrades on your person when you get the garage laser rifle at omega ranch, and b) that you won't fuck it up having another laser rifle in your inventory when you find it.
Boss, I've infiltrated Sup Forums, but video games are not on site. Awaiting orders.
Why were the heavy weapons so useless
still, the AI is too retarded to have good stealth moments, also jensen sticking to walls and those shit context sensitive controls kills the flow of a speedghosting.
Its not as bad as the newest splinter cells, but its actually very cheap on how the AI reacts to anything.
I don't remember finishing HR and I can still hear all the voices in my head disgustingly clearly
The major is my waifu
True, but the last boss is the most significant change with using the laser. So EX; it outperforms other ranks under very specific circumstances, such that a direct comparison is pointless.
They were pretty distinct and worked well with the game
They're really not, in all honesty. Rather, they're cripplingly overspecialized.
Rocket launcher is only actually good for killing boxguards, and they're almost always a convenient one located in areas they patrol, so you don't have to bring one along yourself.
The laser rifle has the ability to shoot through walls, but this is such a strong ability, they put a serious cap on the available ammo, and you need to spend a lot of it to bring even a single guy down.
Heavy machinegun is incredibly shit out of the box, but if you have the recoil and stabilizer augs, and a laser sight on it, Jensen plays like he's the terminator. You're unstoppable with a min-maxed heavy rifle.
The grenade launcher is a reward for finishing an old pre-order exclusive mission, and the only other one you can find is in the last level, with a grand total of 12 grenades available.
The plasmagun is probably the strongest weapon in the game if you look at raw damage output, but it too is only in the last level, and ammo is scarce, the gun overheats unless you fuck around and enter that one room that has the one cooling modification for it.
Satchel charges do that too.
They don't have a 70~ meter area of effect. Very useful for tricking NPCs to go investigate, though.
not gonna debate damage on the heavy rifle, but goddamn was it satisfying to use on cloakbitch
not the guy you replied but yeah you summed it up perfectly
Each time I play I always end up using pistol,revolver and emp grenades because the Heavy weapons were like that
Remember jensen, use your casual vision to spot the games, you wont see it if you dont.
Was using the augments cheesing the game?
>Typhoon aug
Kills the bosses extremely easy
>Icarus aug
No fall damage so you can just jump down somewhere,especially useful in the Hotel ambush
>Cloaking aug
Makes stealth easy where you can just keep it on most of the time if you bought the battery recharge jars
>Battery upgrades with reflex boost
You can just punch everyone without stopping and your battery recharges extremely fast
I'm playing on new game plus with the director's cut and it makes Adam Jensen feel like a straight up robot instead of someone with just robot arms and glasses
Pritchard, if that's you I need you to patch me in to the Boss. I'm surrounded by casuals, I don't see any video games. I think the information here was false.
They have a larger area of effect than you think. They don't take up a weapon slot and they can be thrown faster than the PEPS fires. The PEPS really has no use after you leave Detroit.
Try any to hack any thread.
>tutorial unlocked
To hack a thread, you must enter it, and derrail it into videogames, but first you need to acces to the framework of shitposting and automated replies, once you got them, you should post bait, and then stop the shills and mods from finding you, you can switch Ips to avoid mods, but the shills are unstopable, you need to work fast because if the thread is 404, you have to start over.
>Typhoon aug, Kills the bosses extremely easy
Good riddance.
>Icarus aug, No fall damage so you can just jump down somewhere
For some reason (and don't say muh consoles, because Dishonored had it) they didn't have any agility or platforming element at all and that sucked massive dick, so at least you don't have the modern design cancer of fall damage killing you from drops higher than one story
>Battery upgrades with reflex boost, You can just punch everyone without stopping and your battery recharges extremely fast
I don't remember if I got that one but also good I guess. The whole cinematic-takedown qte-melee please-tell-me-there's-a-better-term-for-this thing in lieu of melee weapons was also dumb. Why the fuck should I have to eat candy bars to punch someone? If I can fall one thousand feet with no batter usage?
No, Unatco only hurt one augs' weenie
>Why the fuck should I have to eat candy bars to punch someone? If I can fall one thousand feet with no batter usage?
Holy shit I never thought about this
>Can throw dumpsters across streets with only partial battery loss.
>Knocking a hooker out requires an entire battery.