The Long Dark


To me it is comfy af

story mode when?

It's pretty comfy, though snow isn't my preferred choice of comfy, it's pretty cold here in aus right now.

i would prefer just adding shit to sandbox mode

there is no comfy without snow

Any chance they will make interiors not separate from the overworld? I wanna be able to sit in my comfy cabin and look out the windows.

I played it like a year ago and there really wasn't much to do so i just decided to leave it until it leaves Early Access before trying it again. EA has this issue where you end up burning yourself out and getting bored of the game before it's even close to being finished.

>Exploring the Canadian Wilderness, nothing but the clothes on my back, some food, and a rifle.
>Find my way to a small village by a frozen sea. There's plenty of cabins with unspoiled food and plenty of wood around. Figure I'll set up camp here for a while and explore the surroundings.
>Get situated. Within a few days, gather enough resources to strike out again and follow the coastline.
>Do just that. Set out on a nice, bright morning. Not too cold. Slowly make my way along the coast. Come to a rockslide blocking the road, but manage to slip through.
>Find myself in a new area.
>Explore more. Find an old fish processing plant, a lighthouse. Gather up some more loot. There's some wolves howling way off, but I'm okay for now.
>As night begins to fall, I notice a bear in the distance.
>Look at rifle. Check ammo. I can do this.

>start it up
>walk in random direction
>dont find anything of value
>die of thirst because apparently my character is too pussy to melt snow without a container
>dont play again

>Get close enough to safely take the shot without wasting ammo. Aim for the head... pull the trigger.
>Bear is pissed.
>Bear runs faster than anticipated.
>Frantically fire another shot. It hits, but the bear's already too close.
>Get tackled.
>Get mauled. Holy shit they actually animated the bear mauling my face.
>That's it. Game ov-
>I'm still alive.
>Bleeding all over. Broken leg.
>Bear fucks off, leaving me to die.
>Desperately begin to crawl to safety.
>Fuck. Wolves blocking the fish plant. Nowhere else safe enough.
>Decide to try to make it back to the cabin, so far away.
>Limp slowly, painfully, back to the coastline I followed to get here. It's deep night, but I keep pushing on with my lantern lit, listening and watching for signs of danger.
>Health slowly draining. Not enough bandages to stop the bleeding here.
>Time passes. Halfway back to the village or so. Sun's coming up.
>And then a blizzard hits. Total white-out.
>Keep pressing on. Freezing now, no way I'm going to make it.
>Slowly but surely, I eventually pass one of the cabins. I'm set up in the middle of the village. Not far now.
>Wolves howl incredibly close.
>Keep moving. Gun's ready, but I can only take out one, maybe two, before the rest of the pack finish me.
>The blizzard lets up a bit. I see the cabin.
>... surrounded by wolves.
>I can kill maybe two of them before they finish me.
>They spot me and begin to stalk toward me.
>Keep limping. Gun ready.


>the fucking wolf inside the dam
only the dead know peace from this evil

go on nigger

>They're surrounding me now.
>this is how i die
>The one between the cabin and myself charges me. I try my best to move to the side while shooting at it.
>I miss. The wolf doesn't.
>Bleeding more than before.
>The door to the cabin is right. fucking. there-
>"Enter Cabin"
>Slam my finger down on the key to get in. Loading screen comes up.
>Not out of the woods yet.
>As soon as I get in, I limp over to the cabinet I have the rest of my bandages in.
>Empty the thing, and use all of them.
>Bleeding stopped. Pain incredible.
>Down some painkillers.
>Hungry, thirsty, cold.
>Get the fire lit, drink some fresh water, and eat a can of warm beans.
>Pass out in the bed.
>I made it. Holy fuck I made it tonight. Fuck those wolves.
>Next morning, everything's okay. I'm alive, I have food and water. I should just rest.
>Still... I wonder if those wolves are still around.
>Quickly pop outside, ready to spin right back around and go in.
>No wolves, but I notice a trail of blood going off to the side.
>what the hell. I'll follow.
>Limp along for a while, go around a tree.

>The fucking wolf that lunged at me is laying, dead. I must not have missed it, after all.
>I harvest his meat and fur.
>Eat him for dinner.
>Fuck you, wolf.

I have fun when I play it.

True patricians play on pilgrim difficulty, kiddo

As a Canadian I can't play it.
>Player is freezing to death
This doesn't happen....

This, also fun fact: nose hair start freezing at around -18C

I'm from AB and I think the game takes place there. The character starts dying at -20C, in reality I'm putting on a jacket at that point and that's it.

Food becomes easier when you realize you can scare deer towards wolves on the ice lake near the A FUCKING LEAF cabin, which they then kill for you.
Then if you approach the wolf and it attacks, mash mb 1 and 2, it flees because you're not a senior citizen at clicking, immediately harvest the deer, wolf dies without running because time advanced without allowing it to move during harvesting, which means another harvest.

You end up with at least 14 lbs. of meat, maybe more, for 0 bullets and some minor blood loss if you're fast.

Is it possible to live forever or there are necessary items to survival that dont respawn?

I know that matches dont respawn so you have to rely on the fucking magnifying glass

If I recall correctly (and I may not... it's been a while since I last played, and there've been many updates since), you can live indefinitely. Since the canned food expires and such, you eventually have to move to hunting and foraging. You can make fires with sticks and such, I believe, too, so that's not a major concern.

Maybe not at that speed, but it's a game so obviously realistic freezing times are impractical

Fully that you start freezing at like 5c which is just plain shirt weather

If you manage to steer clear of wolves that is, i think, since if i remember correctly (not sure) medicine and cloth (for repairing your torn clothes) is limited, so you might end up after your hundreds of days as a naked guy with no painkillers and shit

But if at least the fire is unlimited thats good for me

Meanwhile, in Miasmata
> Walk around for an hour eating flours and mushrooms
> Fall down a hill into a swamp and lose my knife
> Get a fever somehow
> In my fevered haze try to rush to nearest building by swimming
> I drown
That's cool I guess. Wish I could have bought The Long Dark too, though. Looks fun.