Do you think it feels weird for Matt Mercer to play as a character he voiced?

Do you think it feels weird for Matt Mercer to play as a character he voiced?

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does he play on PC?

looks like it

If you're telling me you wouldn't play as a character you did the voice for to fuck with people you're a damn liar.

Lucio played himself

I recall him saying that he would do his high noon line on voice chat and scare the shit out if everybody

I wonder if he pre-records lines that aren't from the game and uses them over voice chat to fuck with his team

I heard he uses voice chat to troll people, faking High Noon

came here to post this. I think it's a pretty cool that he does this

Nah. In fact he'll say the "It's High Noon" clip over voice comms to freak his team out.

I read a post saying that he likes to say "It's High Noon" into his mic just to freak out his teammates. He does it even if the enemy team doesn't have a McCree

I heard he goes "It's high noon" to fuck with people


not bad.

the voice actor for the BLUFOR Rifleman in Insurgency frequently releases videos of the game. I think he's also a dev or something.

Did you know that he likes to say "It's High Noon" into his mic just to freak out his teammates?

jesus christ

I have heard that yeah

hey guys I heard he says funny stuff in his characters voice to fuck with his team. I can't believe no one's said it yet I thought it was pretty common stuff

Have any videos?

nice meme guys.

There needs to be a panel of all the overwatch VA's at once


I main McCree.

All you need is aim and he's broken as fuck.

Must be neat, for example he could go all "it's high noon" on voicechat to freak out his teammates

>Mercer announcing its high noon to freak his team out

I want Widowmaker to moan in my ear.

>Mercer then proceeding to scare his teammates by stating that it is high noon

Mind hive

Explain the significance of this to someone who hasn't played overwatch.

The attack can instantly kill your team if you're in his line of sight. So him saying this forces his team to think the enemy is doing this and hide

Each hero has a phrase they say before using their ult. "It's High Noon" is McCree's. The phrase is followed by a tumbleweed and him slow walking as he quick-draws and one-shots anyone in sight.

i once saw a video of mercer saying "ots high noon" on voice chat to scare everybody



>getting triggered this hard

hey i've got another trigger for you little cuck
Hillary 56% - Trump 44%

>he'll never play as himself in Smash

nigga made a fucking live-action series about smash.

Polls mean nothing and have meant nothing for the past 20 years.

Al Gore was in the lead, too. Great president he turned out to be.

American politics are so petty and childish.

Yes when Bush cheated to get Florida
If you wanna go with precedents Bush established you can cheat and get elected so Hilary is obviously going to win.

>he has all of mCCrees voice lines unlocked by default


british brexit polls before the final day :
remain : 52%, leave : 48%


>but he still uses some shit color pallet change skin

I'd rather not have known about this

>you'll never hang out and play vidya with Matthew Mercer

He ruined Valvatorez he can fuck off for all I care. He's a poor man's Troy Baker

I wanna play in his DnD game ;_;
And the bedroom game