Dark Souls Class

What's your favorite dark souls class and why is it the Deprived? I legit think it's the best class for beginners. The only bad thing about it is the plank shield.

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>its the best for beginners


Tired of souls...

Fuck off Afro


Wanderer because it fits my personality

>You will never fuck Afro's boy pussy

>My eyebrows are layered above my hair
Kill yourself, slut.

Fuck off afro


Seriously, I think it is. The player starts as a blank slate, encouraged to poke around to find better gear, and they start out with a fast roll.

When they equip new things they learn that they're speed can be decreased.

I started out as the knight and rolling left a bad taste in my mouth my first time. Rolling was useless I thought, until I learned of the various speeds.

It also makes anything the player find in the beginning viable, as opposed to sticking with their starting weapon, which for a lot of the starting classes can very carry you the whole game.

>yfw Afro just bitches about his life on his private Twitter.

Temple Knight

You can run the club whole game too. Club is actually one of the best starting weapons

True, I'd say the best starting weapon is the mail breaker though.

I personally like the longsword.

>yfw afro has completely forgotten where he came from


I love Somilo.

My first play through of DaS 1 was deprived and only used the club. I fucking loved the club and bonking the shit out of my enemies. The range was shitty, but with a good ol jump bonk, you could tear shit up.

Private twitter?

>yfw afro has completely forgotten where he went

did they give Dancer that shitty grab move with a range that's slightly longer than it should be because they knew she would be the 2nd easiest boss in the game without it?

>go to Afro's Twitch channel
>everyone in his chat is either talking about his legs or boipucci

who's afro?
is he cute?

He's got cute legs.

Professional Dark Souls memer
He's the guy that made the giant dad meme
Also he may be a trap

I swear there is a photo of him floating somewhere, I just don't know which one is actually him.

>Afro's OW video
>Full of shitty memes and "humor"
Clearly the game is so shit you can't even make fun videos about it


His best video

The souls ((((community))))


What the fuck is a Somilo?

I don't even use shields anymore. If I'm using a shield it's like admitting I suck too much to not get hit.

So how long until Afro comes out of the closet and becomes a full time trap? Gwyndolin boipussy cosplay lewds when?

Also wanderer best class ever, it's good for so many builds.

He's kinda cute, would buttfuck.


having a shield is pretty much a requirement against dancer if you're doing a melee build since you won't be able to roll far enough away from her attacks

post boipucci pls

Whatever they're calling the pure strength class for the particular game.
If you're going melee, then why not go all the way?

Afro pls erp with me

>He's not only a memer, he's also a trap

What the hell is it with traps being the most obnoxious meme spewy attention seeking pieces of shit?

dicking the dogs and snake thieves feels so damn good though when they knock on your shield and promptly get stunlocked
damn mobs, their Bloodborne-tier speed means shit to a good ol' Dark Souls shield


I guess that'd be the Warrior. The best option if you're going to do a quality or luck build without bothering with magic at all.

A miracle of the universe

helps them fit in with the guys so they can get some nice hard cock

The embodiment of Sup Forums

What the fuck does only afro even look like


Like this

Which one?

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