Look through my old Pentium computer and 64gb HDD from when I was a kid

>look through my old Pentium computer and 64gb HDD from when I was a kid
>find shit on this really cringy Perfect World MMO guild I had

Perfect World was actually a pretty decent game but we shit it up with RP. We didn't even keep it in guild chat and would literally go up to people and say shit like "For sooth traveler! Canst thou tell me where to find a worthy mount?" What makes it worse is the game was based on Chinese culture but because we're were all 11 and the characters looked like knights we thought we were in the middle ages and the buildings were Chinese because the game was made there. Equally as cringy was out guild name, "Mystic Legion of Perils". Pic related was our forum banner where we talked about how our parents grounded us and when we would be back.

Tell stories about gaming as a kid Sup Forums

How dose it feel knowing you predicted the future?

Really weird. Autism begats autism I guess.

I can tell you put a lot of effort into this

It's all just one big circle man!

I didn't make the banner, some other kid who was decent at Photoshop madw it

Uh huh.
Sure thing user.

What are you talking about?

>64gb HDD from when I was a kid
>64 gb
>when I was a kid
Now I feel old

I can't do a thing with Photoshop

>tfw deleting paint just to find these loose 15mbs to have a full diablo 2 install

21. Sorry man, we're all going to the dirt anyway.

I remember being amazed when I found out CDs could hold more data than our HDD.

How old are you?

Well, he first computer we had used to have a 512 mb HDD, iirc

>512 mb HDD
I remember when computers didn't even have hard drives.

What was it like?

horrible, what the fuck did you expect. I remember waiting half an hour for the "pc" to boot because of cold.

i'm way too fucking old for this board

My first computer had 35gb. I was 12.

What did you play on it?

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Die you degenerate barneyfag.

For liking a shit show. Death. Wow.

They're still posting their shit where they shouldn't.

Fuck their shit to bits.

I remember my dad seeing what files he could delete in an apparently 300KB game I played so we could save hard drive space.

I want these Barneyfags all fucking dead

Really, fucking kill them

I want them to die

They deserve executions

They really do

We really need more executions

They need to happen

Execute them all

at this point I'm sure barney fag is a meme
an inside joke
not a real actual person

Oh trust me, I exist.

Can we have a Frankenfran dump instead of what this thread was supposed to derail to?

OP just wanted to shill Barneyshit anyway.

Can't let these fags get away with it.

They should not be allowed.

>mods haven't put it on autosage yet
Make it happen for ultimate buttmad

>Thread still up