Shoot a guy in the abdomen with a sniper rifle that takes of 90% of his health, he keeps moving as if nothing happened

>shoot a guy in the abdomen with a sniper rifle that takes of 90% of his health, he keeps moving as if nothing happened
>slash an unarmoured guy with a sword that takes of 90% of his health, he keeps moving as if nothing happened

why is this allowed? if i do a mortal wound to someone, why the fuck is the only consequence their health bar being lowered?

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not real life your cuck
also check out my singles

because its a video game not a real life simulator autismo

It's not a mortal wound until the health bar hits 0.

Two reasons. One, it's simpler. Two, death spirals aren't really fun.


Oh you think you hate how developers handle health now, try watching this and not being mad at the lost opportunities


>shoot guy in head
>shoot guy in shoulder
>shoot guy in chest
>shoot guy in abdomen
>ded within minutes, incapacitated immediately
>shoot guy in upper lg
>can't move anymore, will bleed out in minutes
>shoot guy in lower leg
>can't move anymore, can still bleed out
Face it, if the game was realistic, it would pretty much just be one-shot kills where ever you hit

>shoot guy in head
Thats not realistic though, shoot someone in the brain or somewhere viral and they die, but games treat the entire head as one hitbox and a hit anywhere = death which isnt true.

You just have to watch enough gore to realize how fucked up a human face can get and still be alive.

its a video game

That's some cool shit.

body armour, helmets, medics could all prevent 1 shot kills

Are you using 9mm?

And we will never see it in a game because consoles

Helmets can't stop bullets


Rising storm realistic mode.

>Shoot in head = dead
>Shoot in arm = bleeding that might stop needs bandages
>Shoot in heart and bleed out
>Shoot in gut and require bandages to live

It's not the greatest but it's better than health bars in a realistic setting. I still appreciate health bars.

Not him but
>bullet ricochets in game and hits head; dead
>bullet ricochets in real life and hits head; saved by helmet

Never going to happen though. Realistic physics + entirely realistic simulation of the human body + realistic damage system would be years worth of work and would leave no time or budget for an actual game.

ayy lmao

I generally meant dead more as incapacitated. A torso shot usually won't outright kill you either but if a bullet takes off your lower jaw you're no longer in a condition to fight

>you're no longer in a condition to fight
You would be surprised


I think it has something to do with the ESRB. Apparently, killing someone who is incapacitated instead of just capturing them is a big no no. It's why bandits in Skyrim and TLOU get back up so they truly surrendered. Games let you kill people outright to avoid the whole executing while writing on the ground thing.

Because it would boil down the game to "whoever strikes first wins" and not give a fair opportunity to everyone? It's a game, a game needs balance.

In nearly every MGS you can directly execute enemies that surrender to you, MGSV in particular renders them nearly non-threats and you can still kill them

>Get hit in the leg/arm by some minor attack
>Your movement speed/accuracy/power is reduced as a result
>You're effectively rendered helpless versus your enemies
>That first shot may as well have killed you

MGS enemies can still attack you if you turn your back, and even the "non-threats" can wake up/stand up in MGSV. I mean more like someone is fully awake and unable to defend themselves, and won't be able to anytime soon.

You can kill people incapable of defending themselves in lots of video games, most open world games have pedestrians you can run over indiscriminately

In older games like Fallout, Postal, and Deus Ex you could even kill kids

because not every game is bushido blade

>Fallout 1, Deus Ex 1
>Can kill kids, NPCs actually react to it

>Current games
>Immortal, invulnerable kids who are often brats you wanna smack but can't
Thanks, moral police

very rare low hp has an effect, usually it makes people stronger.

Vindictus and Sif are the only instances i recall putting a boss on low hp actually weakens it as opposed to doing nothing/getting stronger.

Monster Hunter tends to have monsters get weaker the more you break or damage them. For example, cutting off the tail's a good way not to get swiped by it.