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>user scores

Indeed it's not fair both games are garbage

both shit m8

No one actually cared about this right?
People have only been hyping up FF15.
SO was only announced last minute.

>>user scores
Most of #FE user scores are "0/10 it's not SMT", "0/10 it's not FE", or "0/10 it has idols"

nintendo wins again, what a surprise

>8.2/10 vs 6/10
>T-they're both shit
Atlus proves superior to Square-Enix yet again, looking forward to Persona 5 dominating Final Fantasy XV


Star Ocean 5 is a way better game than smt: idol edition. Better graphics, better gameplay, better characters. Shit, it's obvious Nintendo bought all those good scores.

And most positive scores are "the game is not censored don't listen to the bullies"

Or "0/10 I don't know about the anti-censor patch"

>Star Ocean

There's your first mistake, user


BTFO, can't wait for P5 to be shit

whats it like being 12 years old i cant remember

>9/10 Combat is easily the best part of the game, the session system is great.
>9/10 this is a great stand alone game. The main problem for most is the censorship
>10/10 This games battle system alone is enough for me to give it a 10
>9/10 I didn't have high expectations for this game to begin with but the game has turned out to be really fun.
>10/10 If you enjoyed Persona 3/FES Persona 4 Golden, and to an extent, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, you'll feel right at home with this game.
I can't find one with matches your description yet.

Is shit

RIP Square-Enix.

You tried.

Atlus are the new kings of JRPGs.

Its not even made by SE dumbass

>Nintendo bought all those good scores
With what fucking money?

To be honest, most of the negative FE user scores are about how the game is neither FE nor SMT or about how the game got censored to the fucking hell. Star Ocean 5 is genuinely awful senpai

The series is owned by Square-Enix (Originally owned by Enix).

Nice try though.

>or about how the game got censored to the fucking hell

Who both here?

That is what Star Ocean gets for trying to f**k with Nintendo!

>it's okay when Nintendo censors a game
Feels nice knowing Square doesn't have a defence force like Nintendo. Kinda makes me respect them more. They actually take their shitty score when they've earned it.

lol this guy must be a real virgin.

Persona is a whole different monster compared to Star Ocean though. Even if it's shit people will praise it as a holy grail, see: Persona 4.

How the fuck not? Hell, check all of fire emblem fates version user scores. People DON'T like censorship.

Is this because the game is just not that good or because ol girl has diapers now?

>People DON'T like censorship
Yeah but it is okay when Nintendo does it


As a person who actually owns the new SO:
it's a 7/10 if you passively like RPGs
if you're a weeb it's 8/10.

As for TMS... just use loadline and play the uncensored version, it's already out. Never pay for censorship.


Didn't #FE bombed hard in Nippon?

>it's ok when nintendo does it

right on bro lmao

When is it okay when Nintendo does anything? I've yet to see anything they've done in the past 3 years or so not get overwhelmingly shat on.

Is Star Ocean a good entry point for the series for someone who's literally never played it?
The SNES one has been in my backlog for years.

Never really cared for Persona, FE or SMT so Tokyo Mirage Sessions is off my radar. Doesn't feel targeted to me.

Or people don't give a shit about censorship as much as you do to the point of severely affecting the review score and things that matter much more, like the gameplay.
>defence force
Yeah that sure helped Star Fox Zero's score right?

Kill yourself weeb faggot

Picking up SO today. I appreciate your post, user. Excited to play it.

jej, FFXV will be even worse.

They both did. Pretty much every JRPG bombs these days.

Yeah, like 40k+ so far

Please delete this thread. Inside and #FE are not better than star ocean

>the few remaining Nintendodrones
>Bashing the sole game they got this year.

>star ocean good after till the end of time


How the hell did a game that treats women like a joke and wank material get 9.5 from them? Did

#fe sold like what less then 100k copies its a failure im sure star ocean will sell around 500k

The difference is Nintendo has a real defence force. When a non Nintendo company does the same thing, at worst people just don't care. That's why "it's okay when Nintendo does it".

>different people

>Never pay for censorship.
But you're always paying for censorship whenever you buy the localized version of anything.

The word censorship was already losing meaning, but right now you've taken it too far.

Reviews mean nothing.
#FE bombed in both Japan and the West. They will NEVER make a second game.

>B-but censored!!!!

You can't censor good gameplay famalam.

Again, how is it ever okay when Nintendo does it? You sure it's not the other way around? Anything they do is not okay? Where do you see any other company get hundreds of threads complaining about censorship and making campaigns whole trying to get people not to buy the game?

>People on Sup Forums actually tried to shill SO5

Will they ever learn?

>chink garbage

fuck off vietnam fucking shits

The sales aren't out in the west.

Have you seen SFZ's score? That shit is at least 2 points higher than it deserves. It should be lower than Star Ocean.

Yeah affecting score? Star Fox Zero sure got shat on.

Sony exclusive launches to poor reviews:
>b-b-but reviews don't matter, kill yourself drone/shill!!!

Nintendo exclusive launches to positive reviews:
>they're all bought, n-n-n-intendo are the bad guys!

>looking at critic scores instead of user scores

It's evident that both games are shit, at least the ps4 game is still being reviewed it's score will likely go up after being reviewed by more than 11 people

It's still low as shit, far worse than any other SF game.

>user scores
The ones that are easily spammable with 0/10s and 10/10s? Why would you do that?

Please tell me you're joking. Sup Forums is full of nintendrones

It debuted at 18 in the UK.
Eight Fucking Teen.

That's a confirmed bomb mate. Especially when there hasn't been any new competition that week either.

Star Ocean got censored in Japan as well and hasn't been good since 2.

#FE got censored to hell and back and isn't what the incredible vast majority of people thought the game would be about when they saw the Awakening cast in a trailer with Demifiend, Aleph, Flynn, etc.

Nobody should be surprised that the user scores are low for both games.

Why the fuck would you listen to 'critics' that don't know anything about what makes a good game?

>looking at user scores
yeah, a system where anyone can spam it is much better

Are you gonna answer the question? Did this game not get dozens if not hundreds of threads shitting on it and telling people not to buy it because of censorship?

I hope they're both good.

Maybe because they played the games and aren't mad about it existing

>Europe numbers
>mattering at all when it isn't a Sony product

Lmao. NA numbers are the real deal.


people didnt like cyber sleath?i thought it was solid atleast for vita not ps4

I liked the twist.

I don't know what you retards discuss on here and I don't want to answer your question, you're a faggot

It's much more reliable than user scores that's for sure. They're miles more objective than the hundreds/thousands of people spamming 0/10s and 10/10s.

>actually giving a shit about jrpgs

I think you're the first person I've ever seen say that.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, you may have autism

Then why are you even responding if you don't know?

Shut up faggot go cry somewhere else.

Nothing will save the Star Ocean franchise, it's dead. It's been dead since SO3.

US tastes are not distinct from UK ones, moron.
If it bombed there it's going to bomb here.


>TMS' user score is lower only because of butthurt censorshipfags

UK barely gives a shit about Nintendo, the fact that such a niche from their console even got there is surprising.

>paid reviews are much better

Fuck off, metacritic is useless.people only ever point to it when the numbers are in their games favour

Shut up faggot, FIFA is shit. SHIT.

To tell you that you are wrong and retarded, nobody needs to answer your loaded question to call you a faggot you little bitch

>"0/10 because censored" tells anything of the game quality
>critic scores not being under pay
>user scores not given by immature shit taste retards

Plenty of non-Nintendo games get tons of threads complaining about censorship. People don't defend the games though, so the threads eventually die down. Since people defend Nintendo games for their censorship, it pisses off the people complaining, thus keeping it more active.

Monster Monpiece was not on a Nintendo console and got plenty of complaints. It got so many complaints that IFI had to go damage control, and in the end the game sold like shit.

Even now you are defending Nintendo's honor saying they receive unjust hatred. You are part of the "it's okay when Nintendo does it" crowd. You even ignore facts for your blind defense of Nintendo.

>people still care what game journalist say about a game

it's not fucking 1990 you idiots. Havent you learn that you get the game you fucking want and play it then decide if you like it or not? If you can't afford the game you shouldn't even be thinking about fucking video games

>Nintendo console games featuring better gameplay
So business as usual


the difference with this nintendo game is that you can take out the censoring in 5 minutes

so why exactly should I listen to you then

>implying the opinions of video game "journalists" mean anything in the year 2016

7.4/10 is a very good score, though people will think that it's shit just because it's yellow on metacritic

the 90s was far worse. I still remember magazines literally making shit upreview based off screenshots and concept art.

If you think shit is "bad" now, you don't remember how it used to be.

>Ninteniggers playing scores while Sonygods play games
Not suprised