There's literally nothing wrong with the balance in overwatch. All characters are reasonably playable. Anyone who says otherwise is a whining shitter.
There's literally nothing wrong with the balance in overwatch. All characters are reasonably playable...
Yeah no. The balance sucks donkey dicks. Reaper is a real pain the ass.
Yet you post the hero that was literally unplayable and was considered a joke by many.
>Tracer needs her damage slighty nerfed
>Fix fucking D.Va critbox, make her ress in mech, and cannot be killed before even leaving the mech by a fucking Reihnardt
>Delete snipers
>Reduce Mei's ultimate freeze duration
Here you go mate
I'm not complaining about balance, but I have to wonder what they were thinking of with McCree.
He just seems very anti-fun. Post-nerf included. The issue is not his damage, but his ability to control any situation with a single reactionary button press.
No matter who you're playing he can stun you and just unload several hundred damage into you with zero effort and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it besides not appear in his line of sight at all.
Roadhog is the same, arguably worse because he can pull you in from range and then shotgun even fucking Winston from 100 to 0 instantly, but at least he's a giant target.
Again, not complaining about balance, just how bullshit unfun these two are to come up against.
>Tracer needs her damage slighty nerfed
Are you shitting me, son?! Tracer literally CAN'T kill anyone without reloading at least once!
I somewhat agree about mcree but roadhog is really not a problem if you're any good at the game.
>the balance is completely fine
Yeaaahh no. They fucked her up horrendously, they really fucked up.
>oh shit,'s a walking terminator, what do?
>let's make her move like molasses for no reason!
>and while we're at it, let's make her critbox the size of Jupiter
>there ya go, she's balanced! :^)
oh and much of the same applies to Mccree too
>which takes 0.1 seconds
>meanwhile she also dishes out enough damage to destroy you from low/medium distance
>The balance sucks donkey dicks.
>Reaper is a real pain in the ass.
... less correct.
Literally just get good at the game. Not even meming. If you can't fucking kill a lone tracer then just stop playing.
Everybody is reasonably playable, but i'd still like some buffs to characters like
Zenyatta and D.Va need general buffs. Pharah could use a buff, or at least an adjustment, to her Ult so that it isn't a guaranteed suicide every time.
Nah, I think you should get good at the game instead since you clearly haven't seen a single Tracer with a brain (or probably it's just your main character). I guess your MMR is bottom tier.
>Pharah could use a buff, or at least an adjustment, to her Ult so that it isn't a guaranteed suicide every time.
Shut the fuck up. It does so much fucking dmg that you should be killing at least half their team each time with ease. She gets more mobility than the entire cast (yes, she beats tracer as she has access to the air as well) and has some of the best damage. Get fucking good.
You people suck fucking dick at fps.
>It does so much fucking dmg
If you can use it for more than .5 seconds, and against anything but total shitters, you can't do that.
As i said, use your mobility. If youre ulting right in their face and they see you, youre doing something wrong.
>use your mobility
You're frozen in place. Even if you do kill half their team, you will still die, every time. Her's is the only ult that requires death every time.
Zenyatta needs buffs. Bad. I dont get yelled at as much to switch when I play symmetra, but its fucking close.
Protip her ult is better when you're lower to the ground
Does anyone have that comp tier chart that shows mcree plummeting to nowhereville?
I guess i shouldve explained more because youre apparently a complete moron who needs things spelled out.
Use your mobility to get somewhere where you can surprise them, dont just jump jet into their face and use it, you dolt.
Its situational. If youre closer to the ground you might only be able to hit 1 person at a time because they can line up.
>they can line up
Do it close up and they'll get shredded anyway
D.Va is mediocre at best although she has seen some play in competitive lately - granted, it's been by second string teams and not the top players. Zenyatta is actually pretty decent at mid-high MMR if you've got good teamwork, but once you get to the highest levels of competition it's just too easy for good players to kill him with 76, McRee, Tracer, Genji and Pharah (and Widow, but most of the pro Widow players haven't readjusted to the scope change - she'll be back in time).
they are all balanced in the way that they are all overpowered
its what blizzard always does
>hurf derf having to stay still is guaranteed suicide
how does bastion do it, then? think, and use your teammates you dumb dumb
Zenyatta and D.Va could benefit from a SMALL buff though
You know headshots exist, right? Tracer can kill many classes from full HP with one round
Just nerf Hanzo for gods sake, he shouldn't be able to kill anibody on one hit, that's like the whole point of Widowmaker, because she's the damn sniper hero, not that Hanzo faggot
>Sneak up behind the enemy team
>Kill 3-4 of them
>Die to literally whoever is left alive
Anyone can kill Pharah when she's animation locked in her ult. It doesn't matter how smart you are about using it, you WILL die unless you're playing against a team so bad you don't even need ults to beat them in the first place.
>Tracer needs her damage slighty nerfed]
Hell no.
>Fix fucking D.Va critbox, make her ress in mech, and cannot be killed before even leaving the mech by a fucking Reihnardt
>Delete snipers
We can only hope
>Reduce Mei's ultimate freeze duration
Questionable since there are many other things that should be retuned. Cryofreeze gets to contest points for 5 seconds no questions asked, the slowdown effect needs to be scaled differently, and her damage options are really bad (why can't she hold onto her alt fire dammit).
>20 tickrate
>triple sized head hitboxes
>t for teen
Just casualize the fuck outta me for max sales senpai
Play Mei nigger. Never had a Reaper beat me while I play her.
The funny thing is that in the hands of an extremely good player McCree is still very, very good - he's just not the One True Offense that he was before. The problem before the nerf was that FtH did so much damage that it made Reaper obsolete. Between that nerf and most tournaments running one hero limit right now situations where you'd want lots of McCree play just don't happen that often.
In the hands of someone very good at hitscan (like Clockwork) he's still extremely deadly, but most teams are opting to use 76 because he's simply a safer, more well-rounded option at this point. He's more durable because of his heal, faster, more versatile overall, and has better range/high-ground control. Pharah has become big because so few pro players have taken the time to re-learn Widow yet, and 76 has always been a better Pharah counter than McCree because McCree's damage falloff is far more aggressive.
Long term as we see more people who are genuinely super good at the game play in competitive I think we'll see McCree and Widow return. Widow could be almost as dominant as she was before once there are more people comfortable on her - Gods is ironically already showing teams that she's not to be discounted. Clockwork is up there with Surefour and Taimou in terms of raw hitscan DM skill but Splyce just isn't very good as a team so he hasn't gotten the chance to shine - other people are going to realize how solid McCree is in the right maps eventually too. needs her critbox on the mech removed and some form of alt fire
Symmetra needs to be able to do something else with her shielding because once everyone has one, you can't even use it. Why even have it? It should just be made into a passive in which as long as Symmetra is alive, it grants her whole team 25+ health in shielding. Make her shileding ability something like, increases reload speed for a set time or whatever.
Tracer needs to be less braindead. She's not very hard to play and there's very little risk for her playing poorly. Same thing with Lucio. They need a very very slight nerf just so that their poor play and mistakes can actually be punished without a billion burst damage.
the only two changes that need to happen.
1. mercy revive can be reversed while everyone is still yellow if mercy gets killed. mercy can't move while she's doing it.
2. D Va gets 3% special from small health packs and 6% from big healthpacks in addition to the current stuff she gets. she should probably ALSO get special from blocking with her shield. something like 1% from every 200 damage?
>enemy team is 6 torbs
>they now effectively has 12 players all dishing out massive damage
>there is literally no counter to this when on attack
Did Torbjorn really need to exist? At least 6 Mcree's can be countered by 6 Mcree's.
The shallow game play is slowly starting to show, since a lot of people have finally figured out that if you just all save your Qs until the very end you auto win.
Every match is decided on who has the better ultis, not by which team has more skilled players.
this is factual information
git gud fgts
> needs her critbox on the mech removed and some form of alt fire
you're insane, she has an assload of armor and needs a critbox to compensate for that
>Tracer needs to be less braindead. She's not very hard to play and there's very little risk for her playing poorly.
she has 1 5 0 H P and dies to being sneezed on
mei is a cunt and should be removed from the game full stop.
>Hanzo is also a sniper hero
>Tracer needs to be less braindead
tracer isn't really braindead.
widowmaker and mcrree are the definitive braindead characters.
Why do you think he's not used competitively?
Up mech damage, lower out of mech damage. Fucking blaster is insane.
he is on payload maps sometimes.
but yea, he's useless otherwise.
D.Va is, or should be a tank. Right now, the giant critbox means she dies to a fucking Mercy. Smaller critbox means she can actually put the assloads of HP and armour that she can actually to good use.
While we're at it, make her move normally while firing. There's no reason for her to move like molasses, and no other character has that penalty. Do those two things, then she's perfect.
I agree. I play and think she's just fine. She's a big character when in the mech so it stands to reason that the crit box will be bigger is non-viable outside of pubs because of her critbox beign the size of tobjorn and it makes her "huge armor stat" moot because she gets melted almost as quickly as a 200HP character. Even with her critbox removed, she wouldn't be overpowered because she still slows when shooting and her shots do plinklets of damage unless you're directly in their face.
Also even with 1 5 0 H P I find myself dying less than 4 times because she doesn't require much though as she has TWO get out of jail cards.
>medium range
>doesn't actually need to aim
>D.Va is, or should be a tank
dva is a tank, she is a very good tank, learn to use your incredibly powerful e and shift, and learn that you can walk backwards and sideways towards people instead of presenting your critical zone like a braindead
>there us literally no counter to this when on attack
>what is 6 Junkrats?
>what is 6 Roadhogs?
git gud
also I still can't believe McCree can stun turrets
fuck no, zenyatta needs a buff of somekind.
they're only guaranteed get out of jail cards if you're fighting retards.
otherwise, you have to carefully plan that they're actually get out of jail cards.
I might be one of the only people that constantly knows exactly where tracer is going to be though.
I usually use reaper when my team has a lack of attackers and I can confirm this. While I normally fuck up plenty of meis, 1v1 I always have problems with her if I don't have my sneaky shadow thing avalible
no, Widowmaker is the sniper, so she should be the only one capable of kill people with one shot, also the fact that you actually have to aim while using her, you know, like a Sniper would do
You know I actually like the idea of removing the movement penalty. I think that might go a lot further than simply a damage buff
Reduce's dmg falloff and we're golden
Zenyatta already got a buff, as in Widomaker and McCree getting nerfed.
And he's receiving another indirect buff (on consoles) with Tobjorn's turrets doing less damage.
A lot of heroes in this game were clearly designed purely from the point of few of how they'd play with little to no thought put into how they are to play against, pretty clearly.
But that's like, two entire steps of thought, I hope you're not expecting that from fucking blizzard.
hes still weak as shit user, literally any character can just look at him and kill him.
>implying you've ever countered 6 torbs with junkrat or roadhog
>implying that would even work in theory
>no thought put into how they are to play against
>in a game that literally has a paper scissors rock design to characters
and he can do the same thing to any 150-250 HP character with a discord orb and a well placed headshot. Zenyatta is in a really weird place in which you have to think long and hard about his buff or else he's just going to be broken, liek he was during Closed Beta.
Pick absolutely any hero
You have just selected someone out there's fucking autism trigger, have fun
Anyone here that could explain how the matchmaking works exactly, is it supposed to match me with and against people that have the same win percentage as me? Also why do i get shuffled to another team after one half of the game?
D.VA is a shit tank, guys. I can't imagine that anyone who is coming up against a D.VA is like:
>"Oh no, so much health, what will I do?!"
>"Shit, she's out of her mech! So difficult to kill"
>"Damn! That ult is OP and is completely unavoidable"
>"It's a good thing D.VA isn't such a huge target, or I would land 90% of my shot against her head"
She's bad and need a buff
it averages out MMRs on the two teams.
that's it.
so you can get absolute retards on your team but be fighting slightly less retarded retards. (usually what happens to me).
>Discord now marks for all allies
>Harmony has longer latch range
>Orbs can be cast during ultimate
That's all I want. Don't touch his damage, make it feasible to tag that jumping Winston with the heal, and Discord shows someone that should actually be focused now.
The ulti-orbs is just a personal wish, and can easily be left off.
I don't think the damage nerf for turrets is going to fix jackshit about Torb. The issue is that to even shoot the turret, you have to peak an aimbot that snaps at you as soon as even the tiniest little sliver of your hurtbox comes into line of sight, which is fucking retarded across all platforms. Also, the Ult Torb builds from his turrets dealing damage is no different from him shooting someone himself, so console players will continue to hear "MOLTEN COOOORE" at least a dozen times a game.
Am I the only person that finds the sentry and torb incredibly easy to dominate?
tracer/genji/ are my go-to picks
I want to lick D. Va's back whilst feeding her doritos.
You know what I don't get about these pictures?
they have her referencing AMERICAN or at least WESTERN memes
Shouldn't she be using Korean gaming memes?
Roadhog is a free 30-50% of my ult every time I see him as Reaper.
Even if he kills me once, I'll be back, ready to shotgun his ass for a free game winner.
I've actually had a Roadhog rush break through my all Torb team, so fuck you.
But now instead of doing 54 Damage per Second, its going to do 37.8 Damage per Second which gives the 200HP opponent 5.2 seconds of continous fire on it instead of 3.7 which is a good 1.5 seconds extra to put damage on the turret, and also making, Reinhardt and Roadhog even better against Tobjorn spam as they can tank the turrets for even more time.
Balance is not the worst, but Zenyatta + are too weak right now and Tracer is too strong
If you're stupid enough to get cornered by McCree 1v1 you deserve everything you get. He's squishy as fuck and a little coordination will fuck him up enough to make him switch to another hero.
I just want them to make it so Symentra's turrets don't slow you down or at least not as much.
It fucking suck when she sets up a death room and before you have the chance to do anything she pops up out of nowhere and kills you.
She's good for sneaking up on squishy characters and if not killing them, removing them from a fight.
Also her pistol does pretty decent dmg provided you keep your distance so you don't get one shot by pretty much anything.
it takes her time to set up a death room and if you aren't a drooling retard it should only fool you once, if that
tl;dr get gud
a good tracer is nigh unstoppable
she's also very anti-fun when I want to play pharah
So don't play Pharah when you're fighting Tracer? Or keep a healslut on you?
90% of peoples' problems with this game could be solved by switching characters when the situation calls for it. Maining is going to kill the game.
>nigh unstoppable
cmon dude I have 10 hours as pharah and I can take down tracers p easily just stay above her and dont fire at where shes at, but where she will be at.
how the fuck do you counter zarya? I fucking hate that Tumblr sjw 8ft tall flaming head piece of garbage
>literally impossible to kill
>literally kills you in half a second or shields somebody for then to kill you in a quarter of a second
Reaper is one of the more balanced heroes. Even in close range where he's meant to be played he still has counters, and wraith form is slow as shit.
He's also vunerable during his ult, which can't even take down a Reinhart shield.
Roadhog is actually deceptive as a hero pick. If you know how to lurk around a map and pick off stragglers 1vs1, he can absolutely lock down every single assault character on the roster.
On the other hand, any map that puts him out into the open literally just feeds ults to the other team, which can essentially hand a payload map to the other team.
He's also one of those characters that gets countered by himself rather well.
>So don't play Pharah when you're fighting Tracer? Or keep a healslut on you?
What do you think I do? That's why tracer is anti-fun when I want to play Pharah, I have to end up playing a hero I might not want to play as much as Pharah.
That doesn't work as effectively as you think.
I find that dyke russian has an incredibly low damage output unless my team is stupid enough to shoot her bubble
the REAL problem is 2zarya playing as buttbuddies
Lucio is fine the way he is, he's just super versatile compared with the other supports. Lucio is dead easy to deal with most of the time if you can aim considering 90% of people who play him doesn't use his movement capabilities to even a fraction of their potential.
A singular roadhog? I fail to see how 6 well placed auto aim turrets and 6 torbs that are actually focused on the enemy instead of staying behind their turrets could be defeated by 1 close range hero. I fail to see how 6 garbage torbs with even half of their turrets shittily placed could be defeated by 1 roadhog.
>fun is only playing the hero you want to play at a given time
>anti-fun is somebody countering your preferred hero
Almost every character in this game is fun in their way. You should embrace trying new strategies when your preferred one isn't working so well. Try one of the other 5 assault classes FFS
Playing with a premade it's amazing how often you'll run into meme teams that try 6x Bastion or Tolberone on defense.
90% of the time we go pure Roadhog and tear through them.
You're an idiot that never tried this though because you genuinely think that 6 torbs is a viable strategy against anything but shitters.
>not Bubblebuddies
>A singular roadhog?
Can you read? He said Roadhog rush, as in a Roadhog team counter.
Really there should be a one-hero limit. I'm sure that would piss some people off but it would serve the game better in the long run.
>beating double Lucio + double Zarya on defense as Zen
In competitive sure, but putting that in regular play just takes fun away. 6 mirror picks are fun and always have a counter.
Torbjorn's getting a huge nerf consolelad
Fair enough. I forgot comp isn't out yet.