Well then, where do you want me to break you first?

Well then, where do you want me to break you first?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are her hands and feet so huge jesus fuck that is disgusting

how does this bitch fight with no depth perception

very carefully

In japland having one eye only makes you stronger, look at any one eyed Japanese character to see evidence of this

Intentional design choice by Capcom. It's so that it's easy to see hands and feet during combat.

Break my will to hold back when I pound my huge dick into your pussy.

her ass and tits are also huge

dont worry

Eyepatches on evil female characters is so fucking cliche, stop this Japan.

They do it on good characters too
They just really love eyepatches over there

>covered neck

Muh dick

Why would she cover everything except for her toes?

>censored design and sfvcucks defend it

I want to bully Juri





The old outfit was better on both the "unique character" level and the boner level

Her left feet look off.
uncenso version look better.

I dunno something about the completely skintight suit is a lot hotter to me.
Also, if you're gonna post the edit, at least post the one with the naked thigh.

>no turtleneck master race

>best girl is finally coming in

All that's left is Sakura and I might have to pick this up sometime.

A bit disappointed they didn't put her hair down though

There's still two costumes to be revealed, user.

What are you, 12? Women clad in full niqab is way sexier than bare skin anyway.

My pelvis please holy shit

Post more SFV Juri edits. I want the full heel

I actually like this more, the under armor turtleneck is lame

>at least post the one with the naked thigh.
Didn't know one existed, I just had that one saved.

Should have just kept this design. Bendis went full retard but this is one thing he did right.

t. muhammad

Well since nobody's posting them, I found them myself. Dumping.


I want Juri to domme me and grind her tight suit against my face!


>no full res

this is the last of what I have of the Juri edits. I'll post a mika or something soon, this thread is dying anyhow

fuck yeah fishnets are god tier

>latex AND fishnets
You're killing me, user

Fishnet around chest, but naked on the thigh, with the leg sleeves ending at the ankles (the straps can stay on the feet) would be fucking perfect.

mika for fun

>Juri comes out in July
well meme'd capcom

They better have Poison and she better be lewd as fuck.
If Cammy can have a barely covered, skin tight pubic area and Zangeif can have a bulge, surely we've progressed enough to have a tranny bulge?
Come on people it's 2016!

>dat filename
my thoughts exactly holy fuck
>you will never give Mika an oil massage so hot that you cum your pants as she giggles knowingly

not gonna lie, still holding out for Makoto

Or Abel goddamnit Capcom give me Abel 2017, he's already in story mode

i don't even play street fighter but i come in these threads for the juri pics

there better be goddamn r34 of her in this outfit

Abel was the only character in IV i enjoyed playing

Maximum Dong

Somebody post Juri feet ecchi and I'll masturbate to it just for you. < 3

I put them all together in paint. Just for the hell of it I guess.

12.3k bp on PC, I probably have ~800 hours playing Abel. It just feels too fucking good


Jesus fucking Christ Capcom please put Q in season 2.

Can someone make her feet smaller pls

i tried my hardest

A game with Balrog probably won't include 'Balrog with a command grab.'

seems good

Sick, right? If that picture was cleaned up a little bit, it'd be 100% all of my fetishes. Thank god for mods.

Legit havent got a raging boner from a video game character since these pictures in a long time

>dem huge hands
>dem clown feet
dafuq, doh?


This is perfect.

nigga i already fixed it look here

user i'm fucking crying right now

I'm so hyped for Rival schools characters next season.

personal favorite

Yeah, having the thigh window naked looks stupid I think

That's how fighters are supposed to look.

I know cause my coworkers call me manos piedras. Ball knuckle joints with wide fists. I prefer that look which is more realistic than buff feminazi.

Quit posting that shit edit.


my dick is rock hard and it honestly surprised me

well cone, dapcom

She plays it on hard mode because having two eyes would make fights too easy. Just look at video games, 3d is for baby mode casuals and glorious 2D is hardcore shit.

I'm curious if she really lost her eye or of she's just covering it up.

If she really lost it, then that means she no longer has the Feng Shui engine which might change some gameplay mechanic with her




That's definitely just a lighting effect or something.


It's aftershock effects

nuh uh, yous stupid

But seriously, the thigh window means she isn't wearing anything under that purple leather suit. It implies she is naked under neath which fits her evil character trait and exudes a no fucks given attitude. It's the difference between a hot woman that is a fighter and a fighter that happens to be a hot woman.

High test alpha males like myself can discern. Don't shit on our parade user.

>dat thigh window
Man I'm disappointed this isn't in the final version that could have been the gimmick in her outfit like Ibukis hip windows

God damn that booty is TIGHT

>having the thigh window naked looks stupid

You look fucking stupid you monkey.

i hate her stupid design. They fucking ruined her.

Isnt that her thigh spazzing out?

No it isnt.

user do you seriously think you have no depth with one eye?

That's not how that shit works

You can literally try it yourself

I think it looks fine and it's not like there won't be different costumes you can use.

I love Abel

His moves tell all those crouching fuckers to go fuck themselves

>dat initial pose

Jesus. Christ. My. Boner.

>You can literally try it yourself

But you really don't and neither do owls which is why they bob their heads up and down and side to side.

Jewcom is going too give us their regular outfits eventually

>That pose after the axle kick
>Literally face down ass up


>all these scrubs who are going to buy sfv the day juri comes out
>play her once online and never play again
>and continue to jerk off to pictures of her feet while simultaneously complaining how underpowered she is


Nah just gonna go back to Xrd and KOF14.

So just like overwatch?

I own DOA 5 on pc for a reason user. I feel we're brethren with similar taste.

I don't have a reason to buy it same with DOAX or Overwatch

honestly I thought her gimmick was feet

Jurifag here.

I bought SFV on launch.

I'm still shit tho.

The fuck is wrong with her left arm, why is is it stretching like that??? What the fuck

Because it was like a 5 minute doodle the guy did.

How is it fellow juribro?

She's holding some sort of helmet, I think

It's fun but I'm still trash and only really play Ken and Laura.