>an extra device to provide extra resources to a gaming system through on-board hardware and through utilising resources in the Cloud. Such devices could be made available to boost a system as it ages, to give it extra power rather than replace a console outright.

Wew lad Nintendo wants to future proof their consoles it seems.


All these rumors and patents are driving me up the wall.


hmmm wtf


a portable magnet shaped cartridge device with a screen that can be plugged in to other devices

>mfw the NX is an addon to the Wii U

Wait are they just stockpiling patents so that Sony and M$ can't steal their "ideas?"



Didn't Microsoft try the POWER OF THE CLEWD thing before?

OP, this is months old retard.

this patent is not actually new, they filed it in 2014 but looks like it's almost fully approved now, that bit about using cloud to uplift other consumer's consoles to boost performance and use my nintendo rewards as carrot on a stick is really interesting though, it would be the videogame version of torrents or bitcoin mining


the patent itself is not new but it's about to pass so nintendo will fully own this concept, which ironically Sony wanted was rumored to use for the ps4 with a piece of hardware you would jack in the ass of the ps4 to boost graphics and shit, top kek

Nintendo be like

Can something like this even work?
I mean why companies haven´t just made addons like these for their consoles?
Well i guess there is sega... oh shit

>april 19th

If they just made the computing device right from the beginning, there wouldn't need to be a shitty inefficient supplement device.

It worked for the N64.

It already passed, like weeks ago.

N64 had expandable RAM.

Is this really the first time a company proposes the idea of a console add on for better graphics?

Doesn't the PSVR come with one?

Isn't the fucking N64 expansion pak one?

It can easily work.
But the base system has to support it, so it wont be the WiiU.

I really think this is where consoles should be going. The only problem I have with PS4Neo and XBoxOneScorpio is that you have to re-buy the whole console.

This was from an era where you needed certain hardware chips to produce certain sounds and stuff like that.

Modem memory controllers don't like your expandable ram bullshit, they want RAM in close proximity, and they want RAM with fast access time.
And no, you can't download RAM from the could either.

>NX is an addon for the Wii U
>the cartridges are expansion packs for games containing higher resolution textures and meshes


The interface between the device and the console has to have a good enough bandwidth to be of any use. In today's age, you pretty much need USB 3.1's 10 Gbps in order for a device like this to be truly feasible. Wii U's USB 2.0 ports means it is limited to 480 Mbps. If this is going to exist, it probably wouldn't work for Wii U.

>nintendo owns the patent on plugging things into things


that's not what I said you stupid fuck, sony was rumored to boost hardware in a similar fashon and now nintendo owns the patent for it so NEVER EVER

You fucking retards, Nintendo's already done this before with the N64. You drones will gobble up anything. Jeeesus

IBM already has pocket computers that plug into shitty laptops to make them practical powerhouse desktops.

again, no. This is not a new concept. Nintendo doesn't own it. They will never own it.

Patents are dismissed in courts all the time.

It's actually rather embarrassing to lose a case and have all of your applied patents be deemed invalid.
Nvidia had their patents shoved up in their own ass just a few months ago.

You just asked
>I mean why companies haven´t just made addons like these for their consoles?

We pointed out a case that wasn't a colossal fucking failure like the 32X.

Also, the 32X and Sega CD were a fucking afterthought for the Genesis. If you were going to at least think about the future then preparing your console ahead of time for expandable modules to enhance performance is a smart thing.

You faggot.

>You just asked
That wasn't me.

I'm just saying you need to let the past be buried in the past. Old technology can't work in the modern context.

Feel free to read the whole patent. This concept has already been implemented in the past by many different companies. The only thing they would be able to patent is their very specific method of implementation as long as it isn't too generic in nature. This won't stop anyone such as Sony from being able to implement their own method.

Also, what is the point of this? Companies try and patent a shit ton of things they will never use.

>dismissed all the time

Tell that to victims of patent trolls

It's not a one sided fight. Especially not when opposition is also a billion dollar business.

Example? Im curious

Holy shit it's the 32X

imagine cloud but without lag cause is a more "direct" connection and non required of Internet

or maybe to hide the true nature of the NX... a final patent will happen just before release.

Its a THIS ISNT EVEN MY FINAL FORM console which will be forever supported as the final nintendo console, with a large library of gimmicks to get every customer and every developer in on the fun

>"The NX is neither the successor to the Wii U nor to the 3DS", said Kimishima

Lol, it's happening again.

>it's not even the successor
Nintendo confirmed for dead

it is a sentient being

Laugh while you still can



id be good with that honestly
just something to know this fucking thing on my desk isnt a 300 dollar brick whose lifespan ends in 1 year

They always patent stuff they never use

It's gonna be a console with no gimmicks.

I cant wait to play super mario galaxy 3 and knuckles featuring dante from the devil may cry series

> The patent was originally submitted back in June 2014,

> The patent was originally submitted back in June 2014,

> The patent was originally submitted back in June 2014,

literally old news

Maybe the wii u can be the add on

Im guessing the device or the way it connects is new in order to require a patent, and that is the reason nintendo has been sneaky about it, since sony and micro can just beat them with sheer money on the specs, nintendo needs to be more clever

on the contrary, I believe the choice of words was best here. because both the Wii and Wii U were branded as super gimmicky. after the failure of the Wii U its just natural that they would want to distance themselves from it

shame the fds got a us patent but never made it here
the disks were shit but we could've gotten the nicer music for some games

I wouldn't mind buying an upgrade like i would a graphics card.

you know it takes loads of time from a submit to an accept time for patent. right?

also 2014 means its well within a development idea

So Nintendo is really gonna make downloading more RAM a reality?

The way that Patent trolling works is that you file a patent for something stupid, like holding a button longer to change what it does, then every time someone does that ask them for money.

The trick is that you ask them for less then it would cost them to defend themselves in court. If it went to court you would likely loose but it would cost the defending company more money so they just pay you out.


when will patent autists give it a rest? 99% of the time these patents don't mean shit.

It's Sega all over again. Just like the 32x. pls don't be true

Stupid humans. Nintendo just destroyed Sony and PC gaming.

Shit, they fell for the cloud meme.

Sup Forums will literally explode

>updating consoles like pcs


>GTX1080 SLI x10

Atleast this design uses the PS4 I already own.
The reality is, I need to re-buy the whole damn thing.

>the PS4 I already own
you poor sad thing

I still use my 32X for its superior video output compared to the shit model 2 quality. Also the Sega CD for playing music CDs. If they weren't so expensive they would have been great buys back in the day.

>It's an add-on that increses your console's capability with each unit you buy
>games will come with disclaimers saying that they're best llayed with x number of units
>Nintendo will sell each unit or packs with 3 or 4 units in one so you don't have to buy and plug 4 separate units
>all games will support higher res and texture/mesh settings to appropriate to how many units you have
>nintendo will essentially make a console PC