>back Mighty No 9 for $60
>promised exclusive content
>ends up on store anyway because jewnafune
Is there any fanbase as fucked as Mighty No. 9 backers?
>back Mighty No 9 for $60
>promised exclusive content
>ends up on store anyway because jewnafune
Is there any fanbase as fucked as Mighty No. 9 backers?
>Is there any fanbase as fucked as Mighty No. 9 backers?
The megaman fanbase. Not only have they been shafted by capcom, conman shows up and makes everything worse with MNo9.
The REWARD of getting these $2 DLC cosmetics for FREE is your PRIVILEGE for having backed the Kickstarter so early.
You should be PROUD for having spent more money, sooner, with unpredictable payoff.
Some of them are in denial, its hilarious
The Xbox store lists all DLC regardless if it is available to the general public or not. This isn't eve n an indication, let alone confirmation, that the backer DLC is being released to everyone. Please go back to whining about jews and graphics.
I saw on stream my brother owns this game. I wonder if he backed it. I know he backed oyua.
There's almost no DLC offer that isn't sold separately later these days. Welcome to reality.
a year from now, when you're still talking about this flop, please give helium serious consideration
Your brother sounds pretty homosex user.
>Backed game
>Got the wrong code
>No reply to my emails
dont forget that gestating abortion that Man of Action so eagerly calls "a new breath of life"
>defending exclusive content
Exclusive content is the added value to the product.
The best is, that fucking power sucks balls. Although most of then do anyway.
yes, but did any megaman fan back hundreds or thousands of dollars for a game that came out to be utter shit?
i feel sorry for the stupid fucks that wasted $1000 to ackwardly say "I AM MIGHTY" in that shit rap at the end of the game and that's not even close to the highest "reward" for backers.
MN9 shitstorm aside, was there a single kickstater game where backer exclusive content wasn't made available as a regular DLC eventually?
okay now this seems scummy as fuck, the game was shit but noow you take away something backers assumed were only for them?
they have dates retard
Funny you should say that, as he is gay.
>but did any megaman fan
Isn't that the majority of the people who backed MN9 in the first place?
You're baiting, but you're also right.
>You're baiting
Or maybe he's being sarcastic, you inbred.
You're retarded.
Here's your only (You).
Thanks, but that wasn't necessary.
A (You) doesn't mean much coming from someone with poor reading comprehension.
"backer" exclusive DLC is even more cancerous than regular dlc.
Hey guys, lets ship a game without all the content and only let a tiny minority ever have the complete package
So how bad is the game anyways? Once the 3ds version is out I think I'll grab it off freeshop and try it out.
I could even get the backer only dlc then.
You and the other backers got cucked exclusively
>Is there any fanbase as fucked as Mighty No. 9 backers?
let me tell you about Hiveswap
Okay guys, you know the drill. Your face, no money, lol lol
This. Glad I didn't back it, I don't back anything on 'promises'. Shame that this has only furthered the nail in Mega Man's coffin.
I'd only ever back games being localized, since the product is already complete.