If I want to change the default note noises without using the A, B, and C profiles, is my only option to go in and change them for every song? I couldn't find a universal switch anywhere.
Also, Miku thread.
If I want to change the default note noises without using the A, B, and C profiles, is my only option to go in and change them for every song? I couldn't find a universal switch anywhere.
Also, Miku thread.
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PC port fucking when?
We DESERVE this game
Sorry mate but I guess it's not a never ever? keep faith someday you will get it
Why the hell is this allowed?
It's 2016 for fucks sake
They deserve another nuke
How does it play on the PS4 controller?
I played the arcade version and it seems like it would be awkward to do the multiple note holds on a controller.
I found it awkward at first but I personally adapted pretty quickly. Triple notes I have had much less luck with however
Did you try changing it from the customization menu on the main menu (2nd option from top)
It's hard to use if you try to press all four face buttons but if you use two face and two directional buttons for the 4 hold notes it's easier
Has anyone tried this streamed to a Vita? I'd like to pick it up but I don't think my room mates would appreciate me playing it in the living room.
I just tried that, it only affected my most recently played song.
This is clearly not a falseflag. Give him many (You)s
So you can make threads asking if it's "worth pirating"?
get fucked
It's a good thing this game can't be pirated.
beta as fuck
Let's be honest
It's not fucking fair.
At least port an old game and see if it sells. Fucking nips.
Well it's not fair but I guess it costs a lot of money to pay the license for the songs? I dunno their reasoning but they didn't say never ever just not in the foreseeable future for now.
In the mean time you can enjoy what we have in either PS3, PS4,Vita, PSP or 3DS
What's everyone's favorite song?
Pretty bummed that Electric Love is nowhere to be found in FT unless I just couldn't find it
There's nothing "unfair" if a company don't want to port a game on a platform.
If you want to play the game just buy a ps4 or wait for an arcade dump ( or just play PPDxxx if you're only interested in the gameplay )
Nope not yet but I mean maybe someday?
Why do so many producers have a P at the end of their names?
??? never noticed that before maybe someone who knows about Japanese culture can enlighten us?
>he doesn't know
Who does Luka just want to be friends with?
It's a mark of distinction that show's they've been officially recognized/acknowledged as a producer.
On that note why does every other Japanese artist not use proper capitalization in their name?
>No Amatsukitsune
>No Invisible
>No Yi Ar Fanclub
>Why do so many producers have a P at the end of their names?
>he doesn't have his own setup
Common interpretation is that she's being dumped, and that her boyfriend is the one who wants to just be friends.
wasn't that song from the boy's pov or was that the sequel?
The GOAT Luka song based agoaniki
The former.
The sequel is about her moving on
It's a meme ya dip.
Miku is only for lukas gentle touch.
Actually, I think there should be a PC port of this game.
If you actually understood the game mechanics of Future Tone, a keyboard would be a much better way to play this game than a gamepad.
>wanting to play this game with tiny ass keys instead of the glorious arcade controller
Anyone with a gaming PC can make their own controller easily enough. The only hard part would be making the metal cage.
My boy Marth lookin straight Deacon Blues
Do vocaloids really know how to play instruments
>glorious PC masterrace back at it again with their begging
nigga they are instruments
>Anyone with a gaming PC can make their own controller easily enough.
Many fighting game players make there own arcade stick for PS3/4 so it's not like you can do this only for PC.
>he doesn't use THE CLAW
My mind is blown
If no one wants the Luka I'm taking her
Sorry, but she's already taken
She belongs to miku
no that's gay
Gay is dirty and wrong.
This is yuri, which is pure and untainted
Why does Miku put up with her molestation?
Because she knows at the end of the day only three vocaloids matter, and none of them are Luka.
Why do they use handheld mics in some songs even though they already have headworn ones on?
Yellow by a mile. Song is so damn catchy, been humming it in my head for the last few days. Decorator is great too.
Because she belongs to Luka.
The thumbnail makes it look like she's getting BLACKED
You sure it isn't the other way around?
Maybe they are both switches and fully enjoy themself in every situation.
Fun to play and the PV is cute as fuck
Finally beat that fucking song on extreme that kicked my ass, now I can masturbate and take a nap.
It's been my favorite since I first played it in F. Nothing has been able to dethrone it so far.
I miss the time when I was playing Two faced lovers extreme every day and getting closer and closer to the clear (almost) each time
I don't know what it is, I had no problems to beat PDf and PDf 2nd songs except for 2d dream fever but in Future Tone I can barely manage to beat 8 star songs.
Is there no way to fast-forward or rewind through the PV?
When people say they finally "beat a song" do they mean just beat or actually perfected
Same here I had Es and perfects on pretty much all the extreme stuff in F2nd.
It's good though. I did always wish it was a little bit harder.
I'd gamble on the former. There's a good number of songs on extreme that I still can't get through. And as far as perfecting I doubt I'll ever get that. Seem to always fuck up something stupid even on simple songs.
I don't think so, but at least you can pause with circle. Good enough for pantyshots and silly shots
Just beat
took me over 100 tries to beat SMF when I was still new to the Miku
The notes switch crazy fast sometimes, it's fucking crazy.
I can remember the song(s) but ones with alternating sixteenth notes I just can't do on the DS4. I can at least memorize double and triple note presses for a song, but I just can't move my fingers fast enough for those.
Leia pushed my shit in really bad right at the end. It's like 20 seconds or so of constant buttonswitching and even if I got a 300 combo before reaching that part I just dropped out because of the end. Here, this fucking part.
Double the pleasure.
Double the fun
What's everyone's favorite module? Pic related is mine, it's so cute.
I really, really love skin tight suits.
I like them too but only in women with actual curves unlike Miku
What kind of training is required to dance as well as Miku does?
I played that shit song yesterday. It's way more catchy than I thought.
Always fond of the down-to-earth look on her
great video. the girl was a qt.
Shit and I thought the training montage was how you trained to beat russian boxers
no wonder my results have been all over the place
that last part scared me
so which one of you electrical engineers is going to create a guide to build a controller for this?
Anyone tried an arcade stick with this?
I'd like to know too.
I have a stick with a 4x2 layout and would like to use the lower row for the main buttons and the buttons on the far left and far right of the top row for arrows. Like the Future Tone arcade controller basically. Can you remap buttons in Future Tone?
you can
is only digital?
>Know that PS4 is also getting Project Diva X in English in august
>Future Tone will probably follow sometime next year
Should I just get it anyway
I think I could do that with enough practice. Not perfectly of course but enough to finish. The notes I'm referring to are like these:
I know what the notes are, I just physically can't alternate between the two that fast. Now granted, I've got the bad habit of only using the face buttons. Really need to break that habit.
I love that song.
I think those are okay, they're like the fast notes in Diva f / F 2nd only that you place your thumb on the d-pad in a different position.