>final boss has multiple forms
>final boss has multiple forms
Onimusha 3
>your final form is absolute shit and you're better of using your regular form
We need more games where you have temporary transformations/power ups.
>Final boss tells you you're the final boss
>Game gives you companions
>Companions are far stronger than the MC.
Devil May Cry
legend of dragoon
Wonderful 101 did this WONDERfully
>Boss has giant suit of armor
>It was a limiter and he's even more powerful underneath
>You have more final forms than the final boss
>Boss takes hours to finish
>Its not even challenging, just long
>Final boss vulnerable to status effects
>final boss has multiple forms
>it's literally a downgrade
Rika is cute
>Boss has another form.
>They just whip it out mid-combo like it aint shit.
>just an excuse to give a boss exorbitant amounts of health
I'm disappointed in Wayforward
I hope Half-Genie Hero doesn't do something stupid like this
>Boss kills off your entire team to have a 1v1 with you
>final boss goes super
>so do you
>The final battle is just two QTEs
What games are there with multiple transformation powerups?
Super Mario 3D World
>You turn into a cat
>So does Bowser
>then he uses the Double Cherries too
Not enough, user.
budokai tenkaichi 3
But they gotta give em to you post game to fuck around with. Games these days seriously lack post game dicking around.
>The final boss opens using the same powers you've had all game.
>The final boss is a humanoid enemy with a moveset similar to yours
>Final boss has unique dialogue depending on who was the party leader before you entered his room
>you are the final boss
>Game where you can choose almost any character to fight the final boss
>Final boss fight has two stages, so you need to pick two characters
>Different events happen depending on who you pick, and picking someone for the first stage can affect someone on the second stage
>All the characters have their own unique battle dialogue too
Why did Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's: Gears of Destiny have one of the best final boss fights of all time? It was the hypest shit, honestly.
Strange Journey
I loved Shadow of the Colossus.
>you can romance the final boss
do you wear fedora?
>final boss threatens to rape you after beating you
>final boss is God
>battle is so intense, reality starts to shake apart
>you enter a form bigger than earth
>God is so big galaxies orbit him
>all to save your daughter
>You can't lose against the final boss
Nope, just love MGLN. It's basically a mecha show but with magical girls instead of robots.
what are some video games that will help me calm down and not plug every hole I have
What is that from Asura's Wrath? Because that's the first thing that came to mind when you said "all to save your daughter".
Hype as fuck
Name the game NOW
Fuck you Nanoha isn't /m/
>Final boss was you all along
>You thought you were just a faceless, silent self insert character but you're really a being that has lived so long that it survived the planet ending. You're 46 billion years old
>You fight yourself, with the party you gathered to defeat the final boss (who turns out to be you)
>The final boss has the only healing ability in the game, and it's a full heal
>You aren't even the final boss
>The final boss has 3 forms
>Everything is basically a dream or illusion conjured up by the true final boss to amuse herself after 46 billion years of doing nothing
>get a special powerup for the final battle
>takes place on a special, enormous battlefield with the size, scale, and power of your attacks all being ridiculously inflated
What games do this?
Correct, my nigger
tell me the name of the game son.
>can use your jew prowess to convince the final boss not to fight
I expected a speech option, but to talk him out of it with fucking BARTER?
>you get a powerup transformation mid battle after initially losing to the final boss
>it's based around the power of friendship and you're shown shots of everyone you've helped through the game giving you power
Breath of Fire 3 did this better than any other game I know of.
Thanks Axiom Verge
?????? What game???
Dark Souls 2
>final boss is god
>cut him in half with a chainsaw
>The final boss is your best friend and mentor
>The entire party goes balls to the wall awesome mode in order to stop him
>The battle music is both hype as fuck and nightmare fuel to remind you of how far the final boss has gone off the deep end
Goddammit Mistwalker, stop making mobile shit.
The game is 200% Mixed Juice
Kid Icarus Uprising
>final boss starts off as a big smug asshole
>as his health gets lower he gets more and more flustered and butthurt
Fuck you too, frogfuck.
Monster Girl Quest Chapter 3
ar tonelico
Spyro 2, loved how we both started flying around after wrecking the stage.
Fucking Castlevania Dracula X. That shit nearly drove me insane.
>Final boss is the only boss you fight in the game
>It is what you thought was the first boss
>final boss is one of your party members
>you can unequip all their armor mid-battle to make them weak as shit
Breath of Fire II, baby. The entirety of the final battle is probably the best part in the whole game.
>you think you beat the true final boss
>boss suddenly comes back out of nowhere and the remix of the final boss theme plays and you have to fight him one last time
This shit was fucking hype when I played it.
She has mecha-tier hardware though. Plus. her and Fate are literally based off Gundams
kirby final bosses are awesome
in TD you get the supernova at the end
in PR you play star fox at the end
>The final boss has QTEs
>No I mean like he LITERALLY has his own QTEs though
>he starts failing them as you wear him down
>You are the final boss
>The game now has to fight you
>They win
Fucking Shadow of the Colossus man.
The only similarity between Nanoha and Gundam is the nickname. And there are many magical girls (and non-magical girl characters) that can fire off laser beams without being a mech. There aren't any robots in the show. No one's wearing a full-on mech suit. It isn't a mecha show.
How the FUCK are you suppose to beat that shit?
>reach the end of Asura's Wrath
>see "Extend Arm"
>oh I guess this really is the end
That was magical.
>the fight is locked behind dlc
>Final boss is god
>You punch God's soul out of their body and into the sun where it burns forever
Practice. Probably took me a uncountable amount of tries to beat this.
The key is that it's more recognizing patterns than actually dodging it.
I feel the music helps me focus though. Puts me on edge.
>The final boss dies not because you dealt the fatal blow, but because his disease in the real world finally finished off his comatose body
>press left to brofist
Asura and Yasha in Mahvel 4 never.
>boss heals you before battle to be fair
>tells you to try and avoid his attacks and encourages you to try without making it easy for you
Is this game good? It's 4 dollarydoos on steam at the moment.
>Half the Dracula fight is just waiting for him to show up again so you can hit him 2 or 3 times
>His third form is the only thing that actually has attacks that might hit you
>If you die you have to go through the first two phases again
>There is no final boss
>It's basically a single quick time event where you shoot a girl in the face and win the game
>There is no hint of this and you're more likely to attack her minions, since they're the ones attacking you and they're enemies you've fought before
>Minions are actually invunerable, but they were tanky to begin with so it's hard to tell
>You're rooted to the spot so you basically have to line up a shot past the not-a-final-boss' minions swarming around you
>You're more likely to win by accident when you miss a shot than actually figuring out what to do
Fucking Other M man
I found it very enjoyable.
user pls
>The last chunk of the game cockteases you about getting to go to Sector Zero which is just Tourian Zone
>You don't
>There's a perfectly sound reason for you to have a hamfisted Mother Brain battle
>You don't
Not that it would've saved the game from being shit but stuff like that is just cruel, on top of everything else the game did wrong
>Break into final boss' magic flying castle to kill her, since she's an evil witch
>She's not an evil witch
>She's just a lonely little girl who was unfairly blamed for everything by selfish, paranoid townspeople
>Everything bad that happened is literally the fault of the townspeople being too stupid and greedy but they blamed the little girl and told everyone she's a witch anyway
>The final boss battle is becoming her friend
>final boss's head was being used as a bra and panties by a sexy pirate lady
>the game is rated E10+
Love WF
Ripped off OP style =/= actual content of the show.
Just like how Aim for the Ace isn't /m/ because of how Gunbuster ripped off stuff from it, Nanoha has no actual mecha in it. I like Nanoha, but the arguments for it being /m/ are about as shallow as the ones for Symphogear. Which is really shallow.
I dunno user.
space battleship yamato is considered /m/ and it's definitely not full of mech suits.
Nanoha gets in based on hardware alone.
Also it still gets threads on there
> Don't expect much from a game
> It ends up being great
What her name Sup Forums?