How is San Andreas the best Gta when V is superior in every way ?
How is San Andreas the best Gta when V is superior in every way ?
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4 have better TECHNOLOGY than 5
SA have better story than 5
SA have better multiplayer than 5
VC have better music than 5
5 a shit
Only you know who's think San Andreas was the best when 3 and Vice City were both better in every way besides graphics.
And yet 5 is the most well rounded entry.
5 a best.
San Andreas is the best in terms of variety
IV has the best story
V is overall the best
>best atmosphere
>most fun overall
>best life-like feeling
>best looking
No. SA had more to do so was better in every way. How can you think VC was better other than MUH MUSIC and MUH SMALL MAP
You didn't need to grind heists or buy cards to afford the cool shit
5 didn't have HEART and SOUL
>most well rounded
no, that's SA. 5 is the poor man's SA.
Having just finished V thanks to the summer sale, I have to say the three character perspective really took away from the game for me.
While I thought they were all well written and somewhat interesting, I disliked having to switch between them for their various missions, and a lot of the world immersion I got from the previous games was lost.
It wasn't very fun to have three weapon sets, three bank accounts, three personal vehicles. Just my opinion though.
SA had a lot of variety in terms of shit to do, it was to me the peak of the series, plus all the Fat CJ lines were fucking great.
I appreciate IV's ambition and V's characters and acting was great, but they've yet to recreate that certain thing SA had to it.
Vice City is cool, too.
>V best looking
Confirmed console faggot, post ignored.
SA has way more freedom
>5 didn't have HEART and SOUL
nor did sa, that shit was a bugfest rushed out the door
I've just finished my second play though and really enjoyed it. I only wish there was a larger variety of activities.
I have a 970 and I agree with him
It's a free world, you can be wrong if you choose to.
isn't there icehancer for V already?
don't you mean how did they make 5 boring as shit despite online multiplayer?
yes I know PC : SA had multi, it was dank.
Yes and it looks like garbage.
Also, graphics aren't the only factor when saying which games look better: GTA V is a fucking ghost town, with wide empty and ugly roads. While GTA IV is a busy city full of life.
bruh there's ENB for V, lmao
>muh mods
Mods don't count. You can't just slap an enb on something and claim that the original game looks better in the same way you can't slap a bunch of gameplay mods onto something and claim it's better than another base game of the same series.