Post your lists

Post your lists.

extended versions are fine too.

>that near perfect game
smart choice to get some replies

/r/equesting the extended template from the old thread please. It had interesting categories.

Found it

and here is the template

Ow the edge.



Nice list. Only one mistake.

please rate.



>favorite game for story/atmosphere is ass-ass-ins creed.

In the trash it goes your opinion is bad.


>near perfect game is skyrim
>best atmosphere this dude can come up with is prince of persia.
>Devil may cry is the favorite soundtrack
>First video game is a game released in 1997.

Found the youngster boys.

are you fucking underage

>Can accept san andreas as being best game for fun.
>Can accept arcanum as a valuable opinion for story.
>can accept deus ex as a near perfect game.
>Quake power up is his favorite

Yep I can swallow this pill its a good pill.


>Despite Dark Messiah being shit, it is fun. so I'll give you that.
>Yes yes yes morrowind is a great opinion for story and atmosphere.
>Banjo kazooie is his favorite soundtrack because Jontron said so
>Deus ex is acceptable for near perfect game.
>favorite female character is a dog. are you a furfag?

hmm... Interesting but this pill will be hard to swallow.

>>Banjo kazooie is his favorite soundtrack because Jontron said so

Please don't be a retard.

>Fallout 2 is a good opinion so this gets a pass
>Jet set radio has a good sound track so this gets a pass.
>xbox 360 controller is ergonomically perfect so that gets a pass.
>Ape Escape 3 is a good game and therefore gets a pass for near perfect.
>Jensen is a cool character so he gets a pass
>Links awakening is a good time to be alive user.

This pill is easy to swallow. Thanks.

>Skyrim, an inherently broken game from the start despite what mods you put into it is perfect.

I hope this is bait.

>>favorite female character is a dog

What's dyslexia like?

>Yep I can swallow this pill its a good pill.
>This pill is easy to swallow. Thanks.

What fresh meme is this?

It's just one newfag, wouldn't be surprised if it's OP too. Check the thread's IP count.



it's near perfect
And I can agree to it if we add mods to the equation




R8 n H8 mine pls

Skyrim is near perfect to me, i have the freedom of choice, some quests are really unique and since i'm a fan of lore, i read quite a few books in game and on the wiki.

I played PoP:WW as a teenager quite a bit, even replayed it recently and i still liked it, i like the setting and WW story is not that bad.

I liked the DMC3 battle music, as well as the ending song, i'm not saying i didn't like the stuff from other games but for some reason whenever i think of a battle music , DMC3 pops into my mind so i chose that.
I was raised in a fairly poor family so the PC we had when i was young was my brother's, i didn't have my own PC til i was around 12. We never owned a console.
I'm not underaged, but close, i'm 19.

R8 not B8

>banjo kazooie
>best soundtrack

>favorite female
nice taste
everything else is shit






is that vehicle the mako from mass effect?

it was so bad it was good,and I coudn't think about many mounts that were fun


r8 or h8

Most of those games came out over 10 years ago dumbass.

everything wrong with the modern gamer

How do all of you fags even remember your first game?


good taste overall

We care about vidya and we were born before the "JUST TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN AND HAVE FUN DUDE XD" fad.

I'm 25. I remember a lot of games I played when I was a kid, but I don't have a clue which one was first.

Just think of that category as the first game you owned, or the first game you remember playing.


Didn't see a template for the smaller one.

R8 and h8

Diverse but quite good taste