Like Hearthstone?
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All of those characters suck except for Louise and Hank. If I play, I'm maining Hank.
Choose Sup Forums
Linda, Leela, Lois or Francine
>no Peggy
fucking kill yourself
>Yet more fucking virtual card games
Louise is gonna be the Oddjob of the game, maining her.
Peggy is shit.
Why does this even being made? Most of these shows are either dead or irrelevant by now.
Why are Bob shitters always spamming the mystery meat card? Sure 3 random cards is nice but they seem to play it in every situatuon. Either they win or lose on it, it makes them no fun to play against.
dude freeze peggy lmao
hide behind boggle block all game and nuke you down with spanish spells, fuck this unbalanced shit
>Not maining Rusty Shackleford
Rusty died in the 3rd grade.
trying to build an aggro stan deck, don't have a roger what card can I sub in?
Just play the mexican secret deck
Zoo hank is so fucking cancer holy shit
How the hell am i supposed to handle all these bobby's
>King of the hill has to have it's corpse raped by being in the same game as seth mcfarlane shit
>Implying roger is any good
>Animation Throwdown
>Characters appear ready to fight
>Maybe we'll get some silly yet surprisingly fun beat em up
>It's a card game
>pretending Seth Mcfarlane shows are worst than King of the hill
>thinks King of the hill was actually a good show and not trash
But Hank Hill already appeared in Family Guy voiced by Mike Judge.
LUL Leela in 2016 LUL
she lost slurmbomb with the latest update, now you're forced to play shitty nibbler meme decks
Are you fucking kidding me? This is as close as we're ever gonna get to KotH Online.
I get that Peter's whole shtick is being random and shit but his class cards have no synergy at all. You can use basic cards to make him playable but viable? No fucking chance kiddo.
Except they are shit and you have shit taste.
>Not running the Roger archetype
Do you even Ricky Spanish. Those great stats and an instant two card removal are op as fuck.
This meta is stale as fuck, simpsons expac when?
holy fuck
I'd be super pissed at all the family guy / BB / american dad kids though
Only one with shit taste is you for actually enjoying King of the hill.
You got me on that one, but that is all he has going for him.
You making this thread means you haven't bothered to look at the gameplay.
It's a massive turd of the highest order.
I suspect it will be one of those collection games popular on mobile apps, in the vein of Star Wars Galaxies.
The entire appeal is just seeing characters you recognize. Then you do tedious grinds and wait for timers for a chance of seeing new characters from shows you like.
And from his ashes, arose a vigilant sand warrior
Can't wait to cuck all of you with my John Redcorn deck.
I've never seen a more painfully obvious "game" with familiar characters/places slapped on it
Then again this is a mobile game, why are we even having this discussion
>the Cleveland show is nowhere to be seen
Racism tbhfam
You said family guy is better than KotH, that is literally shit taste. I never said that I enjoy KotH
Family guy and American dad are objectively better than KotH.
south park is way better than all of these combined
I miss KoTH Online
/hankmains/ ww@
My meme detector is blowing up!
How so?
That show Is probably the only thing Seth McFarlane made that was good
>They didn't even bother to remove the trade
So now you don't even choose how to attack. I thought Hearthstone lost enough depth by not letting you choose how to block.
did we meme this game into existence?
Stan machine (hat) DLC when?
Reason why two shows still air and one doesn't.
>Family guy and American dad are objectively better than KotH
sure thing buddy
>mfw soon enough all these discussions about fake RPG games based off of animated comedy shows are now going to be real
>Fox makes King of the Hill MMO
>makes a card game about it years later
>throws in a bunch of non-KoTH characters, making it shit
Sorry if you can't face facts.
saving this for future mosaic threads
Bob mains WW@?
The other show ended.
>Lois is the only character looking at the viewer
The last season was absolute garbage and you fucking know it
heres a more transparent one
>Futurama cast in general
>Playing speed Cotton build
>finally master the half-skip/full-skip tech
>Too fast to be hit by 90% of attacks
This guy challenged me..
Do I accept?
>i-it ended it totally wasn't canceled.
>Opponent plays John Redcorn card
>Game puts a Joseph 3/3 card on my side
Why is this even a thing?
You covered up an actual KotH character.
Peggy is shit though
That is true.
Did you notice Klaus?
Atleast it cancelled before it became putrid shit.
>that build
Enjoy the pocket sand :^)
Cancelled means it was putrid shit already.
Compared to Family Guy, it was a fresh fucking pie out of the oven.
Ho yeah
KoTH was ended due to cast deaths and the fact that Fox needed to make room for another family guy clone even though they had 2 already.
I dunno, modern KotH has some REALLY fucking bad episodes.
As I said before that's objectively false.
Just because you have a hard on for a show doesn't mean it's good.
I'd rather take Modern KotH than a modern Seth Macfarlane show.
I never said that I like KotH
I want to say that I'd rather watch American Dad than a good number of modern KotH episodes, but American Dad's newer seasons on TBS fucking suck.
>Family Guy is shit
>American Dad is shit
>Futurama is okay
>Bob's Burgers is good
>King of the Hill is the best show ever made
This game would be good without the Seth McFarlane shit
I'm biting. It kinda dipped in the later seasons but it was generally pretty damn good. It's just not your kind of show and you want to rile people up because you know it's popular and will draw a few defenders, like me.
Well here I am, champ. What's next? You laugh to yourself while you smugly respond in the range that I'm either a dipshit, you win, or continue the bait and try to keep asserting that it's bad? All three? Of course, I'm just humoring you now. I will not respond again.
the only correct answer
>implys he likes the show
>b-but i never said i liked it
just stop
Facts aint bait bud.
KotH got cancelled because shit rating while Mcfarlane still has more than 2 shows airing atm meaning those shows are OBJECTIVELY better.
If the only reason why you think a show is better, is how long it ran then you're fucking stupid.
>>Bob's Burgers is good
Not with that fucking atrocious artstyle, it's not
Rating don't lie.
>no Randy Marsh
No. I thought that was Bart Simpson.
Do you like Family Guy or any Seth Macfarlane show?
I thought it was bad at first too. The animation in the first season is too obviously motion tweened. But it looks better in the later ones.
>implying any of the shows involved in this crossover have good art styles other than Futurama
Haven't watched any of his shows in years but his Movie 1000 ways to die in the west was trash.
>No Tina
It was definitely trash. American Dad is pretty damn funny though, and the characters grow on you. It's like Family Guy before they started cramming the same stale jokes in every 5 minutes and saturating it with pop culture references.