Civ 6 England

Where were you when Civ became cartoony bullshit

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Absolutely disgusting.

Gonna stick with Civ5, I think.

Playing the best Civilization of course

As long as the mechanics are solid, I don't give a shit.

Who gives a shit about how it LOOKS. Its a fucking strategy game, as long as it is enjoyable to play then its fine.

Those eyes are terrifying.

I dig the overall aesthetic though. The main game map is a lot cleaner, even if the characters are a bit too cartoony.

I didn't know Gearbox and Bioware teamed up for Civ6.

I don't mind the new style of the map. But the leaders look like absolute shit.

>we want the dreamworks audience

why does every artstyle eventually turn into this shit?

Where are the Vikings?


Lucky for me, I much prefer cartoony art styles.

Why do underage faggots think realistic graphics are better?


At least its a younger Victoria and not the old widow hag.

Civ 5's leaders looked fine.

What's up with this mobile game inspired bullshit?


>those hands

As a distant relative of Queen Victoria: what the fuck is this.

What video is this from?


>Civ became cartoony bullshit

That happened during Civ 4.

>Egypt isn't a nigger




Civ has always been cartoony.

>You will never get to play Queen Elizabeth II in a Civ game

I don't think you'll find anyone arguing Cleopatra was black.

you are underestimating SJWs user

Not even SJWs claim most egyptians were black.

It's usually just black nationalist eejits.

What video on youtube is this from?

>they actually got Victoria

I have nothing against cartoony artstyles especially when it comes to political characters where caricatures are good tool but that just looks like complete shit and nothing like Queen Victoria

where the hell have you been

thats all I've heard about her for 3 years since sjw peaked


You're kidding right? There's plenty of blacks commenting on video clips from Rome, outraged that Cleopatra isn't black.

She just looks chinese instead

those aren't SJWs, those are black nationalists.



Who else could it be?

highly stylised

Why would nationalists care about the ethnicity of people who lived thousands of years ago from a country which, even if they were black, they have no cultural relation to?

Because WE

>not our guy nigel


because they're eejits who like to revise things for dumb reasons

Should I get Civ 3 or 4? beginner here

>Where were you when Civ became cartoony bullshit
I remember people saying that CIV IV was looking like a cartoony piece of shit, back in 2005 Sup Forums.

You could have stopped him.

5 desu

yep, in fact civ3 looked pretty goofy too, though it was quite amusing seeing modern leaders were ouga booga rags and vice versa

what were civ1 and 2 like? civ5 isnt the only title with nice leader portraits, right?

5 with BNW is the best Civ style game ever made.
4 is fine too if you want to be contrarian

You will when she dies most likely

Lel, how do you fuck, cleopatra someone well known for her pronounced nose up so much she looks chinese

Why would anyone want to?

Holy shit that's bad.

That could take forever.

looks like shit

what is it with video games and trying to look as childish as possible ?
kids probably aren't interested in civ and civ players probably aren't interested in a cartoony shit

< it reminds me of this failure

it looks fine, you're just complaining about the graphics because there's nothing else to complain about you cynical cunt

You do realize Mansa Musa was an actual person, he really was black, and yes, he was a goddamn king, right?

Looks like a mobile game.

Why call it England and not Great Britain if they're going with Victoria?


Also, why are the borders so fucking blocky? They had it smoothy perfect in Civ V

Because last week Great Britain was renamed to England

It's because map awareness is going to be even more important than it was in past civs, since districts and wonders all take up their own tiles. A cartoony artstyle makes it easier to process all that visual information.

It's possible that there will be multiple leaders per civ again.


Because they want to have multiple leaders for the same civ, like in Civ 4. The backgrounds in Civ 5 were extremely time-consuming and pretty much forced them to only have one leader per civ.

I miss the backgrounds too, but if I have to choose between something nice but cosmetic and something that affects gameplay, I'm going with the latter.

You'll know in 2years young lad.

So you can have a separate Scotland and Ireland.

Do you realize that Civ5 complete is better than Civ4 complete?

that doesn't mean they have to make the characters all silly and comical

i mean look at these people they all look like they're from a disney movie

>global happiness
>one traffic jam per tile
>severely imbalanced and inflexible social policies
>severely imbalanced leader bonuses
>culture victory is an art gallery management mini-game

They've done it with every game so far, why would this one be any different?

Looks like they went back to the Civ Rev style

Cartoony leaders have pretty much always been part of the Civilization series. The leaders in 6 are probably less cartoony than the ones in 3 and 4.

5 was very much the exception to the rule, and even then there was a certain degree of stylization.

>the queen who lost the empire

I don't care about the leaders but the rest of the game looks straight out of Clash of Kings ro something

Besides, that policy screen pretty much convinced me that they're designing game with mobile market on mind

All the leader animations in this game look really uncanny-valley

Those borders need some god damn anti-aliasing

looks so awesome, i'm glad there is one thing to come out of E3 i can be excited for. i really like the visual style and ye olde map fog of war.

>The backgrounds in Civ 5 were extremely time-consuming
firaxis is a huge company with plenty of shekels to spare, civ5 is to this day one of the most played games on steam, fucking hell why would they cheap out like this

leaders in 5 looked great, their background looked great, this looks like shit, the features sound interesting and promising and I will still play it like the good goy I am, but this shit fucking irritates me

Hol up, tourism is still in the game?

Yes, which I'm not pleased about. I never really liked it as a mechanic

They stated that most things that was in Civ 5 after it's dlcs will be in Civ VI vanilla.

It's funny, Civ 5 probably has the most realistic looking leaders in the series. (Although that's not saying much.)

Anyone complaining about anything in civ looking like "cartoony bullshit" hasn't played these games enough.

Based as fuck.

Sure it could use some tweaks, but it's far better than nothing.

Which we'll never get because Civ devs only care about Celts that got fucked by Romans.

No they don't, they're actually really well animated.

I suppose you could accuse me of nitpicking, but there is a good way of doing a cartoony style and a bad way of doing it. There's something kinda weird about the style in this game compared to the previous ones, although they were also cartoony

What the fuck is this? I thought it couldnt possibly get worse after the Cleopatra reveal but i guess i was naive. Civ 5 it is for me then

That's true I suppose. I do wish the in-game graphics we've seen so far had a little bit more contrast to them. Everything looks kinda flat as it is, even if it isn't as bad in motion as the original screenshots made it out to be.

I agree with this user, art design in this game looks ugly. And the UI is fucking shit

Though I'll have to say, the mechanics so far looks really nice and the land looks gorgeous when zoomed out (the problems begin when you zoom in). Except for the fucking borders

>Culture and expansion via warefare play style
Why the fuck did they think splitting the play style up was a good thing?
>Because it's more flexible
No, the game is built up on small advantages that snow ball leads, if you're directing your limited unique buildings, abilities and units to different strengths that do not directly govern one another then you're making a crippled jack of all trade master of none type play style that isn't fun to play, isn't a strong pick compared to some of the other civs like China thus far.

revolution was cartoony and fun for a console game

victoria may be flat but she isn't all bad

shame about the flat chest

It's like Firaxis looked at popular modern 3DCG films and thought, yeah we can do this and then slapped a shader that makes them look like theyre made of plastic on their malformed faces

Flat is justice.

>its a woman again
where are my kings or generals?