So, are soulfags gonna be BTFO when Sui Generis is released? The combat system is the definition of hard, and is going to change difficult speedruns forever.
So, are soulfags gonna be BTFO when Sui Generis is released? The combat system is the definition of hard...
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It's interesting what they're trying to do with the combat but it kind of just looks like two drunk guys fighting.
It does that until you really get a grip of it. Then it starts to look like a sort of dance.
The trick is to shift the mass of the body properly. It's like learning how to walk again but with swordfighting included.
>definition of hard
That is not what souls games are about. 2 was made with hard in mind and it ended up being shit
Examina has one of the worst control schemes ever devised for a video game.
If you want good melee combat with a ridiculous skill curve, play Mount and Blade.
Sui Generis?
isn't this Exanima
when and where? i love shit like this
>Sui Generis
isnt that a band?
>definition of hard
Cause its shit
prove me wrong
It's incredible fun once you learn the controls.
What controls? Step back, step forward, and throw the same punch 5 times in a row?
You make it sound so easy.
You make it look like shit.
The problem with games that try to employ real world elements in to them is that they end up falling flat since it really is absolutely difficult to get the controls down and even worse in the satisfaction because it offers nothing out of the norm
Demon Souls did this right in that the rewards attained for learning the enemy patterns and being skillful in how you fought gave you a complete sense of satisfaction
This is just difficult for the sake of being difficult and for that I won't buy it sorry dev
>I watched a matthewmatosis video
Which one had a "Prepare to Die" edition?
I remember backing this on kickstarter.
How's development coming along?
non-existant. get cucked.
It looks goofy as fuck and I always liked that but you are literally two drunks trying to fight. I imagine it controls awfully and feels sluggish.
that's only marketing, says nothing about From's intent
fucking backstep and stab the shit outta everything
easy game
Play the games and you will noticed that difficulty alone would not keep players.
When I think about Souls games I played, difficulty is not what I remember but players joining my game and showing me cool things I missed and cheese you can use on bosses.
I spent so much time in Demons Souls clearing levels for players only to drop tons of light stones and acting as the final gate keeper for levels.
by "hard" do you mean poorly designed to the point that not everyone will want to play the game because it's so asininely designed?
I hope you are the dev posting shilling your game. This looks like a game where you have to fight the controls to play, which nobody wants to do. I'm sorry you wasted so much of your time developing this garbage that nobody will play.
>The combat system is the definition of hard
difficult to control =! difficult
my favorite part is how the entire world is grey bricks
I played it awhile ago, did they ever change the controls so it moves based on where the camera is? Or at least add the option.
I hope they actually plan on making Sui Generis, and not calling it good with their early access since people already bought it. They haven't added magic yet have they? I never saw any npcs that you can talk with either.
Seriously I hope you never work in the game industry.
The combat is BRILLIANT.
uhh no. that shit is not even gonna touch souls. that combat system looks like the definition of shit.
you can't even omnidirectional attack or block in dark souls tho
yes, which it needs. but darks souls is over anyway.
why is OP webm related stroking the opponent with his sword? no wonder you are considering this 'hard', the players character is shite.
>you can't omni attack
you can however hit people behind you with the dragon tooth, just one example also, there are other moves that do this.
>you must wait to reply
you already have to go through captcha to prove you're not a bot, why is this still a thing?
do these idiots shill ANYTHING these days?
did he even play dark souls
i remember when that was cool in 6th grade
So it's Die By The Sword 2.0?
It looks terrible.
It honestly just looks like two retarded kids fighting.
Making your game have difficult controls doesn't make the game harder, it just makes it more tedious.
there was a game similar to this, but it was a lot more fast-paced, and literally showed DEX vs. STR in some webms where the dex guy was doing one handed handstands and almost flipping around. what was the name of the game? this one looks pretty good as well
everyone knows toribash is the superior form of limb based combat
Why? Why would anybody want to play video games like this? Why would you design a game this way instead of having tight, precise controls?
too many fucking casuals ITT
>neo-Sup Forums
You can play this.. Or you could just play Fight Night and get a much better, and more fluid brawl type of fight.
unique perhaps, not brilliant. This is the QWOP of dungeon crawlers
I pirated this a couple of months ago, it was actually pretty good, the only thing I didn't like was how thrusting attacks worked, but aside from that the combat is satisfying once you get into it, playing as a max height dude and smashing some manlet on the side of the head with a warhammer is satisfying as fuck.
I also like how you become pretty much unkillable by some weapons once you get a full set of plate armor.
Last I heard they were working on ranged weapons and magic, did they add any of those yet?
Fucking dropped.
>wanting to play games that have shit controls on purpose
this game:
>click and drag to awkwardly swing my sword in a boring combat encounter that amounts to two retards flailing towards each other
dark souls:
>press r1 to start a combo you can actually learn and use in fast, aggressive combat encounters
literally what is the point mate?
So, are Halofags gonna be BTFO when Haze is released? The gunplay is the definition of intense, and is going to change FPS games forever.