You have been kicked

>You have been kicked
>Reason: ping rate too high

>You have been kicked
>Reason: Hacker
>Wasn't cheating
Gotta love it when it happens.

Completely valid reason to remove.

playing against people with high ping is just unfun

>You have been kicked
>Reason: Level 3 charging while someone mounted

Give a FUCKING WARNING for fuck's sake before you mount it isn't fucking hard.

That's why generations is a superior game, no more mounting shenanigans

mounting was fun, though

>you have been kicked
>reason: "no français"

But it has mounting, the difference is that now instead of standing around like a bloody idiot you can actually attack the monster while it's being mounted. It even helps to trip it faster

Good. Join a server in your own damn region, or get better internet.

How are Dual Blades in Generations?

Do they get as big of a buff that SnS does, do they get nerfed, or are they more or less the same?

that's fantastic!
I thought you meant there was no more mounting

>You have been kicked from server
>Reason: saying the word faggot

They're high tier, give or take, but I'm not much for them so I don't know all the nuances of the changes

2/3 supers are pretty good, bushido is even easier than it is for most weapons, striker I think gets the spin to win while demonized

The dual blades are really strong in generations. Great mounting damage, great preassure.
In aerial style they are crazy and in adept style your dodges become attacks, meaning that as long as you keep dodging you can keep the preassure going.
Also it has 2 very insane hunter arts, the jump(no clue the english name) that does a huge chunk of damage and the super devil trigger that gives you double attack. Yeah, dual blades hit twice with that hunting art, it's insane.

>But how am I supposed to play games without calling someone a faggot?

The jump art looks really cool but it's so laughably impractical that it's arguably one of the worst, plus the spin is significantly stronger if you can land all the hits


>Live in australia
>"Look at that ping, kick him"

The most amusing thing is, I don't even play that much network sensitive games and network is quite stable and is a good host. I've seen chinks with worse internet. I don't get this bias because I get like 20 mbps

plus you get that inner demon shit, that makes all your attacks with DB hit twice(the second hit deals 30% of the firsts raw, and all its elemental).
its like having a rape stick in both hands.

>you have been kicked
>"waiting for a friend"

>you have been kicked
>"who the fuck says hi at the start"

or cases where you get kicked for being put into their lobby in quick join.

>You have been kicked
>Reason: This is a Christian server

>longsword in generations lets you go full weeb

is this a monster hunter thread?

This was actually a Monster Hunter thread the entire time

I've never been kicked from a server despite acting like an autist.

>you have been kicked
>Reason: Admin Disrespect

Fucking with the admin makes it funnier when you get banned.
You get a half decent story to tell and the other players see some shit.

>have been playing on a certain Multiplayer San Andreas server for a while
>always 20 - 30 players online at any given time
>suddently admin gets autistical about kicking people with ping higher than 100, even though no one was complaining about it
>server is now dead because 95% of the regulars had high ping
>server now peaks at 3 players last i saw it
enjoy your lonelyness i guess