This is literally the ugliest game ever, not even joking...

This is literally the ugliest game ever, not even joking, wether on PC or PS2 the game has the shittiest artstyle in history

Other urls found in this thread:

The only thing shit here is your taste.

For its era, it was perfectly fine and wonderfully stylized. I didn't play it until years and years after it launched and even though everything about the game was far outdated by then, I still thought the game was phenomenal.

game looks alright, and its fucking awesome


Fuck you, Scott C. and P. Chan are amazing.

jumping puzzles and collectables to hard you huh?

one of the only few games that show a hint of imagination and creativity in a sea of drab Call of Duty clones, and people say it's ugly

>muh originality

Great game though.

Walking into the little room in the lodge with cartoons on the TV put such a smile on my face.

It has an original, memorable, and aesthetically pleasing style. Suits the goofiness of the game.

I know they're from different genres, but is Grim Fandango as fun as this?

it's point & click so no.


>almost bought this on Steam
>remember that Mr. Shitface is an SJW
>remove from shopping cart

dodged a bullet there

Ignore that puto, Grim Fandango is fantastico.
I'm not Manny btw.

Faggot bitch ruining my post. Fuck you.

You bought it, didn't you, user?

Why the fuck would you play a SJW libtardumblrina game like this shit?

Its like an uglier western version of okage shadow king

>letting politics ruin something fun and innocent like an old video-game

You've changed, man.

>game is a masterpiece
you are a useless sheep

I dont trust you

I don't know why would openly show what a retard you are? This game has nothing to do with politics

fuck off skeleton

Best part of game is when you go into the asylum and have to enter crazy peoples' minds and see what'psychological issues are troubling them

Finally someone who agrees.

>b-b-but it has imagination
No it fucking doesn't, the characters are like something you see in shit commercials on TV.

Oh well, what can you do, this game is known for having literally the worst blind worshipping fanbase of all time, it makes Blizzdrones look like normal people.

>game is entirely made by 1 man.

right.. your loss anyway.

>this game is known for having literally the worst blind worshipping fanbase of all time

I don't think the game is the best thing ever or anything but I've literally never heard of it having a bad fan-base. Only that it has a cult following, lots of games do though.

as someone who clearly hasn't played the game, your opinion matters most.

Just like Beyond Good & Evil, I believe there are more people that want a sequel to this, than people who really have played it.

Game's full of style but no substance. It was a collecthaton on the same vein as Banjo Tooie (remember? that's when they went overboard). I guess another game that does the same thing is Jet Set Radio (the original). Everyone remembers its visuals, but the gameplay...

>that denial
Yup, all checks out, we've found another Schafer cocksucker.

Tell us again how Psychonauts is the greatest game of all time and how you jerk off to it every night.

everyone knows all profit on double fine games is indirectly funneled into anita sarkeesian's bank account, user

Are the PC controls alright?

Because I got it from Humble Bundle a while back.

Go to the Double Fine forums, and you'll know what is a fucking retarded fanbase. Given, the place was really awesome back then, but once the 3.3 million kickstarter started, they remade it to be their own personal piece of San Francisco on the internet.

I'm not really kidding. I used to be a regular on the DF forums before that piece of shit kickstarter ruined everything. Now all DF does is poor man's versions of popular games, like poor man's XCOM (Massive Chalice), poor man's Steel Batallion (Iron Brigade), poor man's roguelite (Hack & Slash).

>Everyone remembers its visuals, but the gameplay...

I remember the environments, characters, music, and humor.

I think you're onto something, but missing it slightly. It's not so much the visuals, but the general vibe of the game, the charm it has. It resonates with a lot of people emotionally, amplified by how old it now is.

>Go to the Double Fine forums

Why would I do that, though? Besides that, why on earth do you think that place is any representation of the average Psychonauts fan? Obviously a forum dedicated to a developer is going to be filled with people so attached to the games that they're unreasonable, I don't see how that supports your point at all.

Style. I was talking about this with a friend yesterday, and we were having trouble remembering the name of a PS1 game where you fought as anime stereotypes. We remembered everything: stages, songs, characters voices. But no the name of the game.

It was Evil Zone, by the way. Everyone who played it remembers it in some way or another. The style and charisma is off the charts, but the gameplay is the most derivative and simple two-button fighting game you've ever seen.

(Ihadurca my waifu)

Ah, I see, I was just clarifying that style=/=visuals.

Compare that to the Steam forums for the DF games. The DF forums people ran away from the Steam forums because they didn't praise DF 24/7. They even had _the gall_ to say Spacebase DF-9 was an unfinished piece of shit game!

see, the thing is .....................................................................................(You)..........................................................

Ten years later and I still love how it looks. The cartoony style's aged great.

Uhhh...... If you're going to troll at least do it right kid. This game is literally never brought up here, and when it is most people say it was good and move on.

Trolling is easiest when you attack something that just came out, since the amount of threads cover attempts. Next time make fun of the flavor of the month or some shit. No one cares about Psychonauts.

I'm pleasantly surprised with how the new models look. I'm usually not a fan of how stylized games can abruptly change their overall look when updating for a new system, but Psychonauts still looks pretty good.

>if you dislike our beloved game you're a troll!
Yup, checks out, we got another one.

I've got a bone to pick with you

also, I had no idea who this "Tim Schafer" was when i played the game until e-celeb worshiping literal nobodies, like yourself, started announcing every move the guy makes like it's meant to shake the foundations of society. If anything, you're the fanboy.

The only reason why I haven't bought this game yet.

Yeah the general combat and platforming ranged from alright to finicky and frustrating.

But the overall charm and creativity of the world carries me through its shortcomings.

> "we"

This is literally the shittiest taste ever, not even joking, wether on Sup Forums or /vg/ the taste has the shittiest taste in history.

The bizarre designs of some of the characters is what kept me from buying in the first place honestly. But the style really grew on me after I bit the bullet and the initial shock of it wears off.

Brofist bro, this man is a god among men.

I'a Schafer! I'a Tim!

>not a fan of how stylized games can abruptly change their overall look
I think it's the most noticeable when they're changing animal-styled characters and feel the need to make the textures and proportions more photo-realistic. Makes the change a bit jarring.


The little psychic abilities you gain through the game were pretty nifty. Overall however, the game clearly needed a polishing.

>Didn't have any reason to buy VR until now
Damn it.

the game looks surprisingly good today in 1080p 60fps. Less nauseating than when it had blurry graphics on PS2. The new animation and models definitely look great though

>uncovering a conspiracy ran by girl scout suicide bombers
>rigging a board game against Napoleon Bonaparte
>fighting a bull in city filtered through a black velvet painting
The asylum was great.

use a controller, works great

By the way, does the original PC release have a controller support? Asking because I learned of the minor but kind of sort of important change in the port.

Psi ops > second sight > psychonaughts

Just noticed Raz looks like Reviewbrah.

I'm not sure actually. I had some trouble getting it to work, but I suspect it was due to Windows 10 as everyone on the forums claimed it worked out of the box if you got it from Steam

I got the Steam version and it worked, but the fact they changed the secret pissed me off royally. Now I want to get the original 2005 PC version and play it through WINE on Leenoox.

What was the change?

>Completely disregard everything in post to continue trying to troll.

Trolling used to mean something kid.

why are you people obsessed with following celebrity ?

why did you feel the need to post "internet personality" stuff in a game discussing a video game?

every level was an exploration of some theme.. it's great

Gloria's secret room was placed somewhere easier to find, and her reassuring voice that "she has everything under control, nothing to worry about" was added to make it as not creepy as possible.

It DOES work since it is somewhat in-character, but I am a mother fucking purist. Give me the exact same fucking game, or fuck off!

I might have gotten the name wrong. The party gal.

That's something that Psychonauts will always have over most older games with multiple worlds for me.

Even if the gameplay wasn't perfect they still took the time to give each level its own unique gimmick, so it was more than just changing things up with a coat of fresh paint. Every world feels a bit different, in gameplay, tone, aesthetic, etc.

>"You're lucky I have my nightmares under control..."
I remember that line being said in the original Xbox version anyhow.

It reminds me of Jimmy Neutron.

Okay, I checked the Eye Gee An review. Apparently the original PC version had controller support.

Wait, what? It was easy as fuck to find in the xbox version too.

Did they move it around? I always remembered the door being in the room with the ladder and giant fan.

At least ONE version of the game has it being hard to find, and featuring no extra voice.

I really doubt that. It's always been kinda tucked away in an easy to find corner. It's got a memory safe in it, after all. They wanted you to find it.

Okay, now I have to do some digging. Before playing the thing myself, I watched an LP. That version had the room being more tucked away, and no voice-over narration from Milla.

Seeing the new models in motion gives me some hope for the sequel.

I remember seeing somewhere that the original plan for Milla's level was to fight some of the nightmares, but the idea was scrapped because it was considered out-of-character that she'd let the kids do something that dangerous.


Pretty much the last good 3D platformer. Though if you hated that shit, this won't change your mind. I kinda hated it.

I know that. And now I also know at least one version had the room difference.

And I will find out which.

Godspeed user.

none the less you can tell that style is a lot more suited for 2d than 3d

Oh please. This game isn't nearly as "original" or "clever" as dipshits like you seem to think it is.

Fucking spare me

Some of the collect-a-thon aspects of the game become very tedious later in the game and the platforming is janky; camera is also all over the place, but the summer camp area in the early parts of the game are some of the most comfy levels in any game. Very fun to explore especially once you start unlocking new psychic abilities. Music was very comfy as well. The whole "summer camp" aesthetic was something the game pulled off really well and I hope it is revisited in some form in the sequel which i did not back.

It'll probably take me 5 minutes though.

After this thread dies though. Too busy watching Happy Videogame Nerd.

Actually, camera is very good. Just because you have to manually control a 3D camera does not make it "bad". It makes is A 3D CAMERA.

>seem to

stop trying dude. it's embarrassing.

The only part that still really grates on me during replays is how you need to stop at some point to farm arrow heads in order to progress. Encouraging exploration around the camp was nice, but I'd rather use a cheat code than resort to using the dowsing rod.

I'm glad they're bringing back the same artist and music composer for the next game though. It might not be at camp anymore but I look forward to what they can do with the atmosphere.

>in a sea of drab Call of Duty clones

>current year

>still obsessively hating CoD like its 2010-13

Memes die hard.

First post best post

I'm kind of surprised about the little details they managed to fit into the expressions back then.

Call of Duty was released in 2003

Psychonauts was released in 2005

wasn't it done by the invader zim guy or something

Same main voice actor.