Apex monsters and GQs were the most cancerous things ever conceived in the entirety of Monster Hunter

Apex monsters and GQs were the most cancerous things ever conceived in the entirety of Monster Hunter.

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>search for MH lewd art
>it's all monster girls
>there isn't any art of the monsters

just look for dinosaur porn then

>things that added more depth are cancerous
You sound like an impatient brat.

>More depth
You mean hunt rajang since it was the quest that gave the most relics? I also hope you aren't implying apex is hard.

Artificial difficulty != depth
1/10 made me reply

You're checking the wrong sites then.

There's actually a lot lad. But never enough.

anyone who hasnt played Frontier isnt a true monster hunter fan

I subbed the first day I played last week and am already HR564 with 2 weapons at SR200+

once I hit HR999 G rank starts and the real game begins

Apex is shit, it doesnt add anything new

In frontier they have HC monsters which is basically Apex but GUESS WHAT IT CHANGES THE MONSTERS ENTIRE MOVESET

and its not like there are 10 HC monsters, nearly every OG monster has an HC version and then theres G rank HC which is even harder

Just use e621 nigga

bleh it's all in Korean, fuck that shit

>He doesn't know the main series is slowly becoming Frontier

Though it'd be nice if Capcom brought Frontier to the westyoutube.com/watch?v=7BnbPgZL3j0

Might as well just stick with monstergirls.

furshit is retard pleb stuff

I'd love to play this game but I just can't play shit like this without actual modern camera control.

Monster Hunter going to 3DS instead of Vita was literally the worst thing that ever happened in gaming.

Forgot your gif

Not all of us like paying for a game in which you need to look up shit constantly because it's in some chink language. I'd play it anyway except for
Also, how active are the english guild(s?) and how willing would they be to play with a newcomer? I'd rather not play through a game balanced solely for online play with just an AI hunter, and Monster Hunter is at its most fun with other players.

I wish there was a game where you could play as the monsters in a setting like this. Like Evolve but not hideous and retarded.

>tfw MH, or just full on dragons banging girls is curiously rare

I just want some bitches getting railed by giant dragon cock.

the sub is only like 6 dollars a month, and the guide on fist.moe has the english guild in it

Nearly all the members are on everyday and the guild leader and the guy who makes the guide answer questions. They say they been playing for over 4 years

also the game is free till HR99 but if you get to any level above that u can still play after sub runs out u just cant do any quests that require anything above HR99. u can still fight everything in low and high rank

>VPN fuckery

MHF went to shit with G rank
Also there's only like 2 weapons that are actually playable at the highest difficulties because most weapons can't deal with the ridiculous amount of spam endgame monsters produce
And all the top players pretty much just use DB only

You only need to screw with VPNs if you play the jap version, the TW version doesn't and the TW version is what fist.moe is centered around.

There is nothing wrong with this.

meant for
can't even reply correctly, fuck

the TW version doesnt require VPN

There is nothing wrong with Lance and DB being pretty much the only weapons that don't get shit on in the endgame?

The TW version is like a year behind in updates

>top players use DB
>not tonfas
>to much spam for most weapons
>implying it madders
>not having evasion +3 at that point

Not every weapon needs to be viable, making people figure out what works and what doesn't ultimately makes for a deeper experience than trying to make every playstyle valid.

That kind of defeats one of the main purposes of the series.

the TW version is on G8 and the main game is on G10, and G10 came out in april so its really new

thats not even far behind

lmao tonfas? thats what everyone uses cause they dont unlock till G rank and theyre the most fun to use

their moveset is fucking crazy indepth too

Tonfas actually have some of the worst DPS in the entire game, and many groups will ask you to switch or kick you if you bring them.
And Evasion+3 doesn't solve the problem, most weapons are simply too unsafe. DB and Lance can easily iframe through attacks mid combo. Most other weapons don't have that luxury.

>the purpose of the series is making everything fair and balanced

lmao fuck no its not, in MHX entire WEAPONS are made useless with certain styles

Does it? People play MH for different reasons. And the Japanese generally see these kinds of games as a challenge to find broken shit and abuse it. It's just a difference in mentality. While westerners are big on personal preferences and self expression, the japanese see these kinds of games as almost a kind of puzzle to find out the most efficient ways to play, and care more about the result than the way they get there.

What makes their view any less valid than yours?

I wasn't referring to balance, I'm talking about devs spouting how they want players to choose weapons for the situation rather than one the curbstomps the game.

>And the Japanese generally see these kinds of games as a challenge to find broken shit and abuse it.
I heard this is considered a social game in japan compared to how seriously everyone here takes it. Though everywhere has its autists.

>What makes their view any less valid than yours?

But i didn't refer to my views at all in that post.

>choose weapons for the situation

>endgame monsters have oppressive amounts of spam
>challenge is to find which weapons can best live through it without losing out too much on offense
I don't see the issue.

The main series definitely is. Frontier endgame, though, not so much.

The "main point of the series" is proper preparation and bringing the right tools for the job.
If every weapon was always good, that would be contradicting MH's core philosophy.

I didn't say it was an issue. It's not like 140 GQs for 4U weren't just greats swords and glaives, unless it was a HAME run.

Then why did you disagree with me in the first place? We seem to be in agreement that MH shouldn't be "balanced".

Because I remembered "proper preparation and bringing the right tools for the job" wrong and thought it included weapon balance when I made it.

>Dat lagombi backup ass attack
>It's killed me before
>Death by ass

>Getting killed by thicc bunny


Absolutely not.

>proper preparation and bringing the right tools for the job
fuck you all
>never cared about mh
>own a 3ds, ask here and get told that you need to change weapons depending on what you're hunting, and prepare tramps/bombs/buffing items
>get both 3u and 4u, and download freedom unite for my psp
>can kill all online versions of every single monster with any weapon, the only difference is how long it takes, and dont need to use any item for most of the fights
yes fuck you all, promised a difficulty that doesn't exist

Or you had inflated expectations.

>If every weapon was always good, that would be contradicting MH's core philosophy.
but two weapons being always good and the rest being useless isn't contradicting the core philosophy? you're not making much sense.

>monster girls

it's all the same shit you know

>actual modern camera control
The CPP and C-Nub are things that exist. Hell, you can mod your N3DS to replace the c-nub with a PSP nub pad.

There's a medium in between "every weapon always good" and "only two weapons are ever good and everything else can go fuck itself".

Even with the styles in MHGen, the viability of different weapons will change depending on the monster and yes while certain styles and arts may be broken, even then the top end kill times for each weapon are within mere minutes of each other. Sure, some weapons remain consistently near the top, but that doesn't mean you're completely fucked if you choose other weapons.

Just use the camera controls on the touchscreen. The game even lets you move the touchscreen boxes around do you can put the camera controls somewhere comfortable.

>Lance kills monsters in 5 minutes that GL or Hammer needs 11 minutes for
MHX balance is just as bad as MH4U, just with a lot less variety in the weapons and armor on top of that.

death by THICC

I only need to use Lock-on when I play. I haven't touched the nub in ages. Not that I'd want to with how finicky it is.

If I need a quick adjustment, I'll use the d-pad during an animation or something.

Lower damage outputs aren't as bad as being completely out of the question because monsters cover the entire screen with aoe bullshit

Apex wouldn't have been nearly as bad if it wasn't for making weapons bounce off unless you used a drive stone.

mounting monsters online is cancer too

"hey guys i got an idea, let's make it so everyone but one person has to wait around for 30 seconds in the middle of a fight in an ACTION GAME"

>just use the camera controls on the touchscreen
...Why fucking would I? They're so much worse and they're taking up space I could use for more valuable shit. The C-nub is so close to the face buttons and is more than responsive enough.

Looking up hunt times on a Jap site for one-eyed Yian Garuga.

Lance... 07`36`50
Gunlance... 09`45`26
Hammer... 06`23`41
The fucking CAT is 07`29`75.

Fuck off.

>remember generations is coming out next month
Can't wait to be a battle bard again

>30 seconds
You mean 5 right?

Worse still are the people who fail the mounts.
Like, how do you fail the easiest fucking thing in the entire game? The only thing worse is carting to a goddamn Kut Ku

lmao its definitely not 5 seconds unless the monster is fatigued, and i guarantee randoms aren't going to be smart enough to mount when the monster is fatigued

Sharpen up, down a might seed (or pill).

I want a MonHun about hunting giant monster girls.

>so much worse
I don't see how, but ok.
Also, other than a few "necessary" items, what else would the touchscreen be used for?

Well, first I got hit with an ass attack and was dizzy then I got hit with another and died. Worth death.

Or them hunting you

I'm surprised there has yet to be a monster hunter where you capture and keep the monsters. Why don't I have monsters doing manual labor for my herb fields?

Tamamitsune is cute! CUTE!
Cats are fine too

Quick combines for gunners and SnS, moving the screen clutter off the top screen like the map.

>fellow music man
Have some adorable nonsense, my equal dark skinned friend

You mean MIZUTSUNE right?

Literally water fox.

In next months MH, attacking while an enemy is mounted makes it easier for the mount...er to pass the minigame.


Mounting is also harder overall.
>First few months of the game
>Shitters online going to be waiting on ledges to get their aerial attacks in

Oh wait, they'll be using aerial pellet HBG

140 GQs with elders are ok

Apex is cancer.

What if the doing enough damage within a wystone's current time limit extended its duration?

What if the drive stone wasn't the shortest lasting with the longest recharge?

(From a Japanese site) One-Eyed Yian Garuga times:
>1st) Greatsword (Striker) : 05`08`03
>2nd) Switch Axe (Guild) : 05`19`30
>3rd) Heavy Bowgun (Adept) : 06`03`91
>4th) Sword & Shield (Striker) : 06`08`43
>5th) Insect Glaive (Guild) : 06`13`53
>6th) Hammer (Guild) : 06`23`41
>7th) Longsword (Striker) : 06`39`13
>8th) Hunting Horn (Guild) : 06`55`78
>9th) Prowler : 07`29`75
>10th) Lance (Adept) : 07`36`50
>11th) Charge Blade (Striker) : 07`43`60
>12th) Dual Blades (Bushido) : 07`52`40
>13th) Light Bowgun (Striker) : 08`42`60
>14th) Bow (Adept) : 09`03`38
>15th) Gunlance (Adept) : 09`45`26

Fun fact, Charge Blade's second best time is Aerial with 08`14`28, just 30 seconds longer than Striker. Greatsword's second best is Guild with 05`30`68, putting Switch Axe ahead.

>bow being that low
>when it has more damage than GS in MHX

not really

Shouldn't it have more openings on garuga too? Especially with adept.

Bow seems to consistently get some of the worse times in these lists I'm looking at.

Maybe there's just a poor selection of bows at endgame in MHX, wouldn't surprise me. Some weapons just get fucked in some entries.

Either that or there's just very few people taking a crack with bows against Yian Garuga compared to other weapons.

Bow keeps getting touted as god tier in MHX but it never really felt that way while playing with it besides being invincible with adept

Plus a lot of the early record kill times that people liked to talk about were using heroics or adrenaline and skewing the numbers, that might be a big factor

Let's be fair though, heroics and adrenaline work best with the gunner weapons so it should be considered legitimate.

Exactly. Bow, HBG, and LBG (thanks to Demon's Island) are extremely powerful in MHX. The new range skills like Ammo Depot makes LBG insane with some luck.

Teostra bow is great in MHX, at least in my experience.

Why the hell would you not consider adrenaline and heroic valid? They work excellently on ranged weapons with Bushido style.

I feel like I'm going to be hearing a lot about the Teostra bow in MHX. I really don't want another fucking Seregios bow situation.

MH3 was the most cancerous thing ever conceived in the entirety of Monster Hunter.

Tama-chan is cute


>Person defends underwater fighting

How do you do that?

i like big sword that go boom :)

I'm pretty sure they scored heroics/adrenaline runs, group TAs, and standard solo TAs separately from each other, or at least they used to. Not that it's an invalid way to hunt or something, but that it's a different weight class.

It's pretty fucking good, 230 raw, 30 blast, good shots, and two slots. It's probably the only practical reason to hunt teostra anymore.

Haven't played since MHFU, what are Apex monsters and GQs? I'm assuming the latter is not what I think it is.

It's a hunter art that isn't in the demo.

I will defend it. It was a great addition. All they needed to do was fix a few of the issues for 4, but no. They opted for the horrible mounting shit.


God, if it's another Seregios bow then I'm going to stay far away from that thing. Bows are still strictly an elemental weapon to me and I'm going to be hunting under that philosophy.

Apex monsters are beefed up versions of some of the regular monsters that have an apex mode where all attacks bounce (unless you have wyvern stones to knock them out of it) unless you hit certain parts of them. GQs are quests with certain monsters that level up the more you complete them and give randomized armor and weapons and once it hits level 140 the monster becomes apex unless it's an elder dragon.

I need that in my life.

Guild Quests are basically randomly generated quests with random parameters. They can go up to Level 140, and yield some of the best charms and relic weapons in the game. Relic weapons are randomly generated weapons. At Level 140, the monster is pretty much guaranteed to be Apex if it has that option.

To understand Apex, first you must understand Frenzy.

MH4 introduced Frenzy, aka Monster Rabies. It wasn't so bad. It's basically a status effect the monster goes into that you can knock them out of, sort of like an alternative rage. They attack and move faster, do more damage, might use new attacks, and can infect YOU with the Frenzy. You use "Wystones" to gain various bonuses against monsters while in this state, and to knock them out of it.

Apex was SSJ2 Frenzy. Monsters that entered Apex state would straight up bounce pretty much everything off most hitzones, even with mind's eye or skills, and furthermore completely negated element and status. They were even more damaging overall than their Frenzied counterparts. You'd need to use a specific wystone to get past the insane bouncing unless it was a certain one where you could hit its soft hitzones easily. You could again knock them out of Apex, but they could still go back into it.

For some weapons, Relics were among the strongest, potentially better than anything you might be able to craft depending on the weapon type, but it was pure RNG bullshit.

The endgame boiled down to everyone hunting Rajang forever.