ITT post your favorite game
Thats it, i just want to know what you guys like the most
ITT post your favorite game
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw there will never be another game like it because of EA
good taste user
It's pretty late to be doing this kind of threads user, hope it survives.
I love pic related to dead.
i hope it survives also, i know its late but i cant sleep right now. Good game btw
One of my all-time favorites and contender to best game.
Don't you dare touch that pack, wolf!
probablt my favourite of all time
not just mine, but everyone elses
literally the greatest game of all time
I believe Silent Hill 2 is the best argument for games as art. Comparable to a Tarkovsky film.
I don't believe it. no one is smart enough to get through the Dig without becoming entirely disillusioned while looking at gamefaqs
pic related a best, not the character though
please dont ruin the thread
All games are art. Like all painting, or all books.
Not all art is equally good though.
why can't a game with a primary focus on gameplay be the best argument for games as art?
>tfw there's nothing else quite like it
go meme somewhere else kid
I didn't have the internet when the game came out, I had to solve that shit the old fashioned way, trial and error.
Everything made by Schafer after this is garbage
same, still pissed me off more than a motherfucker though
user, is doing the memeing here.
is also probably you.
Kinstone fusions were the best
I always thought Minish Cap was underrated
Metal Gear Solid
what makes it so good?
everything, gameplay, atmosphere, soundtrack, etc etc all good
>pic related a best, not the character though
True, that would be D0G, rip in piece.
In no particular order because I'm an indecisive faggot:
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Knights of the Old Republic II
Crimson Shroud
Someone gave me all the disks to this game, how is it?
Good stuff
Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite games, from pretty much when it came out (or was available to rent from my blockbuster).
Me trilogy
>le ending le
>rip in piece
D0G is one of the characters you rescue in the DLC. I guess Elohiem sent him to "hell" for not cooperating. Hell was a pretty dope place though.
Arx Fatalis
Something about the whole setting, the interaction between the factions and just the general tone set up for you makes the game an unforgettable experience.
So fucking cozy
The game I feel the most nostalgia for is Red Faction Guerrilla but it isn't necessarily my favorite game.
For favorite game I would have to say anything in the Fire Emblem series, but more specifically Awakening, though I haven't played either of the Fates games enough to really decide whether it's better or not
He gets a body like the main character or more like how the library program escaped? What exactly does rescuing entail here?
Black & White
2 was pretty but nowhere near as interesting or complex.
tenchu, ffxi, RotT, omikron, sysho2
its my list and i'll include an mmo if i want to
I'm gonna have to second this
Truly one of the best games I've ever played in my life
Who knows, it's kind of implied the all the people in Gehenna get the same thing that the player character got in the main game, but it's left ambiguous.
Best game in the series and better than HoMM 3 in my opinion.
Not really.
What don't you like about Grim Fandango?
No question about it.
tie between gta san andreas and mario 64. two games that I can play all day everyday. second would definitely be tetris
>tfw I bought Sacrifice on GoG two years ago and still can't get into it
How do I get good?
I like Discworld Noir far more than it probably deserves considering how its puzzles are structured, but that perfect bland of Discworld and Noir is spot-on.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that have never played this masterpiece
I know it's crazy to think about but the earth is round. Insane...
i remember when this came out and it pretty much got bad reviews because "wheres rincewind? this isnt discworld"
i like overwatch too but its not my favorite
they went with FMV for some reason so it's aged like shit. maybe they'll remake it like they remade the first one recently except it won't suck.
cant tell if meme or actually true
it's not like puzzles were bad or anything, it's just that they activate in nonsensical ways. like, you have to do something unrelated in another location for something to happen in a location you previously visited. probably some of the best written games I've ever played, though.
Practice unit comps, teleport spell is vital for defending, and move fast.
I can't tell if this post is a meme or actually legitimately autistic.
Literally the worst offender is the fact they didn't use the same old VA files. Gabriel Knight just isn't the same without Tim Curry.
>People who post an image without naming the game
You're not impressing anyone you fucking jabronis.
I vaguely remember playing Lost Eden at some point. You were fighting against carnivore dinosaurs and there was a hot ass princess involved somehow?
Dune. Original game, not the RTS grandpa that followed. Such a weird melting pot of genres.
That wolf's not in that pack, that motherfucker is a liar.
Great game, but so fucking long... I started it about 6 times and never finished it.
EarthBound, Melee, Undertale, Mystery Dungeon Series.
>dat OST
It's also the game The Wolf Among Us wishes it was half as good as.
Man, are you kidding me? I know every fucking game in this thread, they aren't exactly hidden gems.
In a sense it's one of very few takes on "realistic fantasy" if you will.
Its become pretty popular for jrpg fans but still my favorite.
RIP Takeshi Miyaji, we hardly knew ye.
Obligatory reply of "2 was better" incoming.
>PS3 port called Heroes' Paradise never made it outside of Japan
Have I offended you somehow, oh God?
When someone asks whats my favorite game, its always the first Harvest Moon regardless of how dated it is or if I will ever play it again.
yup, its a meme
I bit hard to choose just one game as my favorite but most recently I'm rediscovering my love for Legend of Mana from 16 years ago. I still can't figure out the Golem building shit so I fucked off with a dragon pet instead.
>extreme sports games are dead
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon
Only ever played the 2nd one on Steam, they need to release the first one on PC aswell
Whut. I played it on the ps3.
You know it
>Obligatory reply of "2 was better" incoming.
Yeah, maybe in combat department but it was a lesser game in every other way. Both sequels suffered in a sense they became way too serious compared to childish sense of adventure first game had and fell into all the DRAMA traps along the way.
Very nice taste.
You sure about that? Are you REALLY sure?