LoZ: Most non-linear in The series. Utterly open with only a handful of things blocking you

>LoZ: Most non-linear in The series. Utterly open with only a handful of things blocking you
>AoL: You can freely explore the over-world without entering half the dungeons that are accessible to you initially and most items/techniques are optional
>LttP: Free dungeon order within each plot segment
>LA: the sole game here that is actually mostly linear in order of completion. Still encourages significant exploration
>OoT: has some of the most creative out of order exploration in the series.
>MM: Mostly side content, which is naturally freeform

Why do some people believe that Zelda games were the norm in the series? How did this ever come about?

>Why do some people believe that Zelda games were the norm in the series?
I know what you're talking about but this reply was ordained.

breath of the wild looks like you can beat it in any order you want

all those possible combinations from the different gear + the physics engine...

it's basically a modern day 3d NES zelda

Yeah, I typed linear but deleted it in editing

>OoT: has some of the most creative out of order exploration in the series.
>can't leave kokiri without doing deku tree
>prevented from reaching zora's domain without bombs and zelda's lullaby
>can't do forest temple without hookshot
>can't do shadow temple before doing forest, fire, and water temples
Really at the end of the day you can do forest/water/fire in any order, and shadow/spirit in either order, but that's pretty damn linear compared to LTTP

It's not just the dungeon linearity in OOT. It's also what you need that matters. The dungeons are just a gate, but in OoT the entire world is a dungeon in a sense.

Do you get Fire Arrows or Din's Fire to get through X puzzle? Farore's Wind or use the Scarecrow's Song? Bombs or Bombchu? And the Gerudo's Fortress makes you choose between Hookshot, Arrows, and Iron Boots, or Hookshot, and Iron Boots plus Megaton Hammer to complete it. And that's without the complication that you can misuse the keys and have to come back if you do.

ALttP is more free in the overworld, but OoT beats it out in dungeon nonlinearity.

>but that's pretty damn linear compared to LTTP

I keep hearing people say this but I don't know enough about the game's structure to say that this is true. The child section is excessively linear, but in OoT you can do things like travel to the desert as soon as you become an adult by getting Epona before doing anything else. I'm not aware of what LttP does that would make it actually more non-linear in any meaningful way; as far as I know it is just as gated and the opening section locks you in just as much as OoT's does.

>OoT: has some of the most creative out of order exploration in the series.
Explain this.

>you can do forest/water/fire in any order

Really? How exactly do you do that?

Glitches nigga.

By going to the dungeon and doing it?

Are you retarded? Literally just go to whichever one you want, idiot.

Don't you need the items from the previous dungeon to get through the next one?

You get the Hookshot, and the go where you want.

None of those temples require the bow. Although, the Water Temple almost does. You just need to get good and you can do it though. This is how (you can use Farore's Wind instead of saving and quitting).


That does not count.

Nothing in the Water Temple needs the Hammer, nothing in the Fire Temple needs the Longshot. Nothing in Shadow needs the Mirror Shield, and nothing in Spirit needs the Hover Boots.

>Really at the end of the day you can do forest/water/fire in any order, and shadow/spirit in either order, but that's pretty damn linear compared to LTTP
LTTP's structure is the exact same, assuming you do not break excessively.

Child/Light World are presumed to be three dungeons, completely Linear.

You must do Forest first, and you must do Palace of Darkness First, as you need the Hookshot/Bow and Hammer to progress.

You can do Fire/Water in either order, and you can do Swamp/Thieves/Woods in any order. You cannot progress until you have the items from these dungeons (need Mitt/Hookshot/Fire Rod in Ice, need Mitt/Hook in Mire).

You can do Shadow/Spirit in either order, and you can do Ice/Mire in either order.

You have to do Turtle Rock after Mire. You have to do Ganon's Tower in both games at the end.

LTTP can be broken moreso than OOT, especially with easy tech like bomb jumping in Ice, but it's a very similar structure.

Couldn't you do 5/6 earlier than 2/3/4 so that you could get the golden sword/titan's mitt early too? IIRC you could get the super bombs/silver arrows like this too right?

You need the Titan's Mitt (4) to enter Ice (5) and Mire (6) at all since the warps to get into their areas are under black rocks and closed off from the world. If you don't bomb jump, you need Hookshot (2) to get through Ice Palace.

You also need Tempered Sword (which needs Mitt) to get the Golden Sword.

Theoretically you can do Woods (4) later if you get Bombos instead of Fire Rod, as you need either Bombos or Fire Rod to defeat the ice enemy immediately at the start, as well as Kholdstare.

However there is a glitch where the Golden Sword does no damage to Mothula (Skull Boss), so it's advised to not get GS before Skull.

So I could just do 1 < 4 (Mitt) < 5 < 6 < 2 < 3 < 4 (The rest) < 7 < 8



Fire temple requires the goron tunic(goron city), I guess
Water temple requires hookshot(dampe) and iron boots(ice cavern), you really don't need the zora tunic at all
Forest temple requires hookshot(dampe)

I'm OP and I'm not even talking about glitches. You can completely skip the Well or do it immediately on being able to return to being a child, do the Ice Cavern whenever, get the longshot without setting foot in the forest or fire temples, do Spirit before Fire, not get the fire arrows at all etc.

If you bomb jump to skip half the ice palace (and thus don't need Hookshot), sure. That's no different than skipping around in OOT though where you could go get the items in dungeons and move on without finishing them. Or bomb jump through stuff to skip "required" things (there's a "required" hookshot spot in Mire too thats easily skippable). Hell, you could get the Hammer from 1 and go on your merry way. You could do stuff like that in most Zelda games, you can skip around in MM as well.

There's also no reason to not complete Thieves Town when you get the Mitt. Blind takes flat damage from all types of swords and you get the Mitt right at the end of the dungeon.

modern day 3d NES Zelda is more like Dark Souls.