Codex entry for Cyberdemon tells Doomguy to "shoot at it until it dies"

>codex entry for Cyberdemon tells Doomguy to "shoot at it until it dies"
>narrator says Doomguy needs to "rip and tear" his way through Hell

How do we feel about the new Doom? It's like they took the public perception of Doom and made a game off of that rather than making something true to Doom. Like they played Brutal Doom and read the comic and that's what they wanted to make.

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pretty much

especially after the reaction to Doom 3 trying to be more horror oriented, it's not surprising they went for the over the top, almost comical gore route

>No HD remake of Doomguy's face for the helmet HUD.

It's like they really want the Halo fanbase.

So, memes saved it, basically.

It did some things right like not being cover shootan call of halo regenerating health but it was still full of cancer like cutscenes and long ass animations whenever you interact with anything or execute an enemy. Way too much Brutal Doom influence.

I liked the brutal doom influences. If it was pure Doom, I think people would have complained that it didn't try anything new.

>mfw the Doom community loved these memes for years and they are genuinely enjoyed as an extra silly bit of depth to DOOM Guys character
>new game references them

Fuck all y'all faggots.

The problem with Brutal Doom influence is that most of the things Brutal Doom added take away from the core game.
>press g to grenade
>long animations that take you out of the game
Doom was pure run and shoot, the obvious route of improving it is adding more things to shoot and more things to shoot with.

Are you just now realizing this?

The new Doom has nothing to do with doom in any way.

It's just another generic AAA shooter with the license slapped on to get free marketing.

Don't forget that the multiplayer half of the game is possibly the worst MP mode ever created.

Yeah, all three of them?
>long ass animations
They literally take under a second.

when will you faggots understand.
memes are only "good" on the internet.

Having memes in comics, movies, or video games always ends up shit.

BTW, memes are not references.
The terminator thing when you fall in lava is a reference
the skeleton with a literal arrow in the knee is a meme.

And every second you sit watching an animation or a cutscene is a second you spend not playing the game which doesn't happen in any of the good Doom games.

>>long animations that take you out of the game

reloading wasn't in d44m and the animations, yeah can get really tiring after a while even if they only last a second or two tops. I have no issue with the g to grenade though

Neither of those are memes so why did you mention them?

Lol then dont do them! You dont need to glory kill, and most of the cuts are just holograms that you dont need to watch.

>I like it when politicians makes rad jokes to be hip with the kids!

>open a door
>have to sit through an animation of doomguy pressing the button
>pick up a gun or a collectible and do the same thing
doom 3 didn't even do that.

>Lol then dont do them! You dont need to glory kill
Then you just gimp yourself.

LITERALLY the only thing they took from Brutal Doom was the executions and they're 100x better in D44M and actually flow with game because they're 1 second long as opposed to 10 seconds of screaming and blood

>They put in some nods to the fandom

Oh no, how horrible.

There have been cultural memes literally since the dawn of culture.

Didn't the original DOOM say to shoot the cyber demon until it dies?

Or you could play D44m like the other Doom games and you will be just fine, even in nightmare.

If playing a first person game, where you see your actions in first person upsets you, then why even play first person games? You did play D44m right?

My thoughts exactly, user.

>have to sit trough
m8, that is like less than half a second. And it's even just a handful of doors, not all the doors.
I really don't get this "D44M has tons of forced cutscenes/exposition" meme

>>codex entry for Cyberdemon tells Doomguy to "shoot at it until it dies"

Terminator thumbs up is a meme, are you retarded? A meme is just a joke whether it's a joke because it's a reference to a cultural thing or whether it's a joke because it's a reference to a joke.

oh what the fuck are people calling the new doom D44M because they think anyone would be talking about the original Doom?

Do you even context

get out

It's not Doom.

The DOOM haters are starting to become a more vocal annoying majority than the people who actually liked the game. Nothing would have satisfied these people aside from just an identical remake of the first game with prettier grapics.

Amazingly, the health system is even worse than Halo.
>oh shit i'm running out of health
>better go kill some enemies XD rip and tear

No, that was from some magazine or something.

No, then it would have been a lazy cash in.

Thats what you get when you try to call it DOOM instead of DOOM 4.

>game asks you to rush into enemies and keep fighting instead of waiting behind covers
>this is somehow bad

So then i guess just don't do nothing with the franchise and let the delusional rabid fans jerk off to the original forever. Cause clearly nothing is going to be good enough for muh doom.

Kind of similar to Meleefags.

So you're just looking for shit to dislike right? The game was solid.

I like it very much. It's addicting and has me intrigued, plus it's fun.

I am okay with this game.

>Most FPS games are about murdering enemies
>Scrounging for healthpacks (as much I prefer this over the others) isn't that exciting.
>Hiding behind a wall, waiting for your health to restore isn't fun.
>Rushing up to an enemy and ripping its head off is fun and rewards you with health

Really, it seems like it'd be a good thing, actually.

At least in Brutal Doom the finishers are purely for fun, instead of being a critical gameplay mechanic.

>Ugh, I'm dying!
>better stop playing right this second

>mfw the Doom community loved these memes for years

not even true in the slightest and you know it

take your (You) and fuck off

>Gee, nothing will ever satisfy X fans

Because they don't know what they actually like at the point where a Halo developer worked in the game, why do you think the modding community is still alive to this day?

Why not just make the player invincible, that way you can fight all the time and it make the DOOM SLAYER even more epically brutal

better yet, why don't you go play dark souls

They're coming out with a free update at the end of the month to have your weapon centered on the screen. Its only a matter of time before classic hud returns

Yeah, I'm not certain that making players play recklessly when at low health is a genius gameplay mechanic. Isn't it more fun to play cautiously than to make a beeline for the closest HP pinata?

They better give him a face, i want my Doombro back.

meanwhile DOOMGuy can both rip open the door AND has to hunt down keycards in the same game

I'm assuming you never played Arkham Origins multiplayer
>Next update adds centered weapon model
Doom is saved!

Rewarding running and gunning in a Run and Gun game isn't really the same as making your character invincible for the sake of coolness

>not even true in the slightest and you know it

Haha, Jesus. Revising history already.

I too love it when enemies are so unthreatening that rushing them at low health is a major gameplay mechanic

It already makes you invincible when you do a glory kill :^)

This is the same community that brags about how DOOM Guy can run 170 mph and can beat any other vidya character.

and what does that have to do with anything?

>identical remake with prettier graphics
After the success of DOOM, one can only hope that the tools to make that become available. Someone will do it.

Nope. Community never did that.

Stop making shit up. Doom is serious business, always has been.

>Revising history already.

Okay fuckface, here come the links.

>Some time in 1996 a couple of guys got together and smoked what was apparently a large amount of crack and then injected pure heroin into their eyes and then proceeded to create what is now known only as 'the Doom comic'.
>Throughout its sixteen pages of madness the main character (the Doomguy) utters many inane phrases while killing various hellspawn without so much as a second thought. Why he feels the need to talk to himself the entire time we'll never know, but I'm guessing he was smoking what the authors of the book were.
>The comic actually has two authors, which makes it all the more puzzling because I can't for the life of me comprehend how this work could possibly require two minds. Still, I supposed when you're working on something this awful you probably want to take a breather every few seconds to keep your brain from exploding.
>Anyways, the basic plot (if you want to call it that)
>Ahh, but I've blabbered enough about this comic. You're probably fussing in your seat by now (if you haven't skipped ahead) wondering what all this has to do with you. Well, we here at Doomworld think that this comic has been in the shadows far too long. We think that what is quite possibly the most hilarious piece of modern literature (intentionally or not) should no longer constricted to its limited release. Thus, we present to you, in all its bloody glory, the Doom Comic.

>Warning: Comic may cause brain damage. Do not operate heavy machinery for at least three hours after reading the comic.

I'm sure you asshats will find something to complain about that as well.

>Sup Forums hates the new doom

Fuck this board, you fags really are impossible to please.

It means that rip and tear, shoot it till it dies, and 170 mph were all a part of the persona of DOOM Guy that the community had built. Just because the Devs acknowledged these things doesn't mean it's bad. It's them knowing their audience, the DOOM community.

>inb4 some incredible mental gymnastics about how this isn't valid

He did absolutely nothing wrong

I resent he'll be the "bad guy" in the DLC when he's just trying to solve an energy crisis threatening humanity.

i bet you think doom 3 is the best one

>He did absolutely nothing wrong

The devs went on the record that the story in this game is very tongue-in-cheek. His speech is one hundred percent fedora-tier.

sums up carmack's quote that story in video games is not important perfectly

>open a door, it's actually an elevator and you have to wait another three seconds to go up

Classic doom had its ways of padding. Pickup animations can be cancelled out.

that's the joke

>mfw Doomguy kicks his ass in just a cutseen
>he tries to use the crucible against doomguy, and just gets it ripped off his hands
>proper punishment and humiliation for a wise ass who thought that messing with hell was a good idea

>there's people who still believe this was a genuine pro-tip on a magazine

Standalone DLC culminating in a one on one fight between Doomguy and Hayden going full demon energy FUCKING WHEN

yeah kinda figured that out half an hour ago

I'm willing to bet a lot of people in this thread haven't even played the new doom

should have figured it out sooner, but i guess you can't help it

Stop responding.

you first