Give me your honest opinion of this game

Give me your honest opinion of this game

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I thought this game was great. I didn't buy it but rather watched a let's play of it when it came out. Was really cool and I'm sure it was worth the money... but my computer at the time wasn't good enough for it.

i had a game breaking bug on freedom calls and i never played again.

It's fun in a boring something to do way.


I couldn't get immersed in it like new Vegas, not happy most of the RPG elements are gone. The only thing I liked was being in power armor.


Fallout 4 is not an RPG


Disappointing in almost every way

Turbonormienigger shit.


It's fun, but some people don't like certain things in the game for example:
>Hero with one past, so lack of roleplaying
>Game is more action than dice roll oriented
>Dialogs, voiced character etc,
Game is not at all bad, but if you are going to buy it I'd recommend visiting nexus for some mods like better dialogs, if one past worries you there's a mod for multiple pasts to choose from, craftable ammo (lack of ammo is annoying as fuck in the game) and so on....
pic related, vanilla dialogs in nutshell


had no fun
>No fun loving unique weapons
>shit tier story
>character development was boring

the only good thing to come out of this game was piper being a qt3.14

They somehow managed to make a worse fallout game than fallout 3

Fucking awful


I can say straight up that I enjoyed it for the most part. The only problem I had was with the actual story, where I got pretty bored of all the factions being pricks.
I played it again recently to try survival mode and that breathed some new life into for a bit until the lack of fast travel got overwhelmingly tedious even with the frequent use of vertibirds.
I ask, again as someone who did like it, if you guys think the far harbor dlc is worth £20 or if there's a chance it will drop price?

Survival mode makes the game 100 times more fun, if you're not a huge pussy, and you can deal with no fast travel or manual/quick saves. It makes the stakes a lot higher, and encourages careful exploration of your surroundings (you never know when you might find a bed or sleeping bag tucked away somewhere, and sleeping is the only way to save). Also, being able to pick up empty bottles and fill them at a water source is awesome.

The Last of Us with Guns

I had a blast playing through survival mode and then I got a bug where I couldnt run and it killed it for me. Never finished the game.

Bough it twice, it was that good.
Had tons of fun with it, so many interesting quests, so many suprising twists. Game of the Year 2015, the only thing better than Fallout 4 is the Remastered Edition of our... I mean Bethesda's other masterpiece, Skyrim, which I say you should buy today!

It was alright, nothing to write home about though

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

get out of here Todd

It's actually called Toddposting

Just finished playing Far Harbor
I think it took me something around six to eight hours to finish it and it was fun.
Some great new weapons, great fucked up groups of people. (with children of atom you hunt down heretics), new enemies, some great story quests. But It's in my opinion way too short, if I followed just main story the dlc would take me about 1 -2 hours. If you like exploring I'd give it a try, but if you like just quests I suggest for a price drop.

I really like it. First Fallout game I actually enjoyed (only tried the modern ones though, 3, NV, 4).

Hopefully the next Elder Scrolls game will have the Legendary enemies & weapons, and the settlement building features they introduced in FO4.

Hello again Todd

What little I did play, I enjoyed. Got up to where you first get the power armor, so not long. Stopped playing cus my pc couldn't handle it, pirated it so no loss.

It's bullshit though, since I can run mgs v and witcher 3, which both look ten times better than any fucking thing ever made in gamebryo.

The gameplay isnt that bad but the 4 dialogue options of everything and the changes in the stats/skills/perks system pissed me off so much that I only played for about 5 hours before giving up.

I mean, I expect a little effort on the writing and the roleplay part of a rpg game.

I think it was an alright game that I no longer play

It's alright if you can look past the fact it's not an RPG and just a post apocalyptic game with the Fallout name and theme attached

Finally gave the children of atom something to do then? Maybe I missed it in the main game but I saw no quests that actually gave you any sort of interaction with them apart from searching for Vergil. They seemed like another possible faction but there was no way of integrating with them, and they attacked on sight during random encounters and stuff.
Just would have been cool to join a group that's main goal could have been to nuke the place again or some equally batshit endgame.

It alright

I really tried to like it. I was even able to tolerate the bad voice acting and shitty base building shit. But the quests were tiring at best and boring at there worst. I don't even think I made it half way through.

Plus, it's 2016. There's no excuse for progression bugs. Fuck that noise.

It depends on the circumstances

Actually you can join them and help them destroy far harbor by disabeling the mist generators or whatever they are called.
When I first started to helping them I walked up to the nucleus in the quest to find Dima's memories, they told me if I want to join I need to take a drink from some spring in the food and get a vision or die.
After that you are part of the family.

+immersive atmosphere
+Smooth gameplay
+detailed visuals

-Worse RP
-Bad story pacing
-Preston Garvey

You can't fix all of that with mods, but ot doesn't hurt to try

I'm only level 27 or something. But I'm enjoying myself.

Could do without all the radiant quests.

Mixed. It suffers from the crime of wasted potential. There are countless moments where you find an item, an area of a shred of lore where you think "oh cool, a sidequest" but it almost never is.

The two examples that come to mind are a racetrack and an arena. Both sugfest bets could be placed, possible player participation, raiders just content to exist. Get within a few feet and every last motherfucker fights to the death. Because no reason.

Then you learn about all the little cuts, silly things like having Dogmeat an another companion, all voiced yet still cut. Or the two above, cut content.

Then there's forced replay, by denying certain outcomes. Then the fact it's near impossible to get a we all friends ending, despite it again being voiced. Or a "screw you all" ending like NV. You never get to call any faction on their shit. The only dialogue choice is four flavours of yes.

It's a mess that wastes hours of dialogue on scripted reactions you may never trigger and has pitiful small amounts of sidequests. Let's not even start on Legendary drops, infinite settlements needing infinite help, the shoddy building minigame or the woefully small amount of DLC and season pass mess.

More of an RPG than Witcher 3


>No funloving unique weapons

What about 2076 World Series Bat? Broadsider? Artillery? Explosive shotgun/SMG?

>Witcher 3 has less of a modding community

Grognak's Axe, The Deliverer.

>Got up to where you first get the power armor, so not long

Yeah, like 15 fucking minutes unless you literally ignored any quest suggestions.

>not playing the superior drm free gog version of tw3

>not knowing most Witcher 3 players are patricians and play on patrician clients like GoG

Stay steam scrub

shit lore
shit writing
shit visuals
less shit gameplay than the other Bethesda games(still shit)
shit quests

give me a reason to play this over witcher 3

Dogmeat is cute.

Good game but nowhere near as good as New Vegas was and continues to be. Don't buy it until its less than 15 dollars

if you like to shoot shit, it's alright, if you're look for an rpg fps, look elsewhere.

Roach is a moron that dissolves in water.

Nobody's here to make you do anything, Arlis. Go play El Brujaer iffins you want.

>Give me your honest opinion of this game

The worst Morrowind-style Bethesda game.

speak english
still more personality than the MC of fallout

Unimaginative, soulless bullshit.

One of those games that is completely "by the numbers", with no thought or care given to any of its various systems and mechanics. No noteworthy locations or characters, no interesting quests, no memorable weapons, garbage enemy designs, settlement shit was pointless, weapon mods were linear and boring - I could go on.

But by far the worst crime was just how empty and bland the world was, which is unforgivable in a game that's supposed to be about exploration.

>hear about the racetrack
>go there to see if i can bet on races, maybe even cheat and rig it to make more money
>it's just filled with raiders and all you can do is shoot everyone

>hear about the cage fight arena
>go there to compete in matches, win money and glory
>it's just filled with raiders and all you do is shoot everyone

That last one is a godamn war crime. I'm not even joking. If you put some sort of gladiator arena fight thing in your game, and don't let the player take part, you should be tried in the fucking Hague.

What makes this "not an RPG?"

The fact that it's difficult to max out one set of skills versus another?

I don't see much difference between NV, 3, and 4 in this regard 2bh

I completely disagree with you about the lack of interesting locations, weapons, or enemies. I think you didn't play it.

forced backstory and impossible to be a bad guy
youre always either a straight man from boston that served in the us military or a straight married mother from boston that went to and graduated from law school

>I completely disagree with you

That's fine.

>I think you didn't play it.

This is where you act like a retard.

A RPG is a game where you can shape your character.

It's impossible in Fallout 4.

>names 2 locations the developers did nothing with
>"you didn't even play it!"

Your statistics have two effects on the gameworld, damage and persuasion. Otherwise they just lock you out of perks.
In previous games, your stats would determine competency in skills, alternate dialogue choices and even affect other NPC's perception to you.

Gameplay is a nice improvement over the previous games, but I found the story to be very disappointing.

Enjoying it on PC with the DLC and mods

Some of the questlines are pretty fun and building settlements is comfy.

Ada is my bff

Yeah, but that's the same in New Vegas, too. You can't change who you were prior to the game.

How does one shape their character in NV any differently than in 4?


What makes it worse is they were both 11th hour cut content.

But you can be someone new in every playthrough.

>How it different...?
Skills, also

but fo4 forces much more than any other fallout game
in 3 you just grew up in a vault
in nv you were a nameless courier
in 2 you were a tribal
youre free to choose your own history for the most part in them but 4 forces you always play the same person since their backstories are overdetailed and referenced all the time in the game

Who named any locations?

I tried to give it a fair shake, but holy fuck it did absolutely NOTHING with any of the locations.

>smelting area with the flame themed guys
>it's just a huge building full of enemies to shoot

>abandoned township on the coast
>it's just a big area to shoot mirelurks

>tons of places that are for nothing more than clearing out so you can make settlements

It's like every time they had an inkling of a good idea they just said "Fill it with bad guys and call it a day."

It's a good game. It's not a good fallout game, it stripped away all the RPG aspects, and instead gave us a crafting gimmick that seemed shovelled in because it never effected the overall story at all.

Only time crafting was required was when it was first introduced and when you need the teleporter, besides that there was no reason for it to exist.

The racetrack and the pit fight area, you dunce.

>in nv you were a nameless courier

Only if Lonesome Road isn't canon. Otherwise you're always a guy being repaid by Ulysses for waking up The Divide, shot by Benny.

you can also just ignore your backstory like most people did in 3

I care about my dead wife in 4 as much as I care about my liam neeson dad in 3 which is to say I don't care

3 also had an equally dumb and bad main storyline and ending, 3 even worse because it could have been solved by just having your super mutant companion press the button as he's immune to radiation

Garbage game that I lost complete interest in after the first playthrough, and I wasn't even that interested in the story as it started slipping up and getting boring about halfway into the game.

No replay value at all, tiny map, innovations that were literally just mods that already existed beforehand and your impact on the story itself is minimal.

FO 3 was also a really shitty game, man.

That doesn't excuse FO 4's shittiness.

So you want more friendly areas?

Pretty shit imo. Got my character to around level 45 and then deleted the game because there was nothing making me want to come back for more. Nothing like the old Fallouts. The environment was pretty shitty as well. Didn't feel like fallout at all.

>He didn't refer to Easy City Downs and Combat Zone by name, must mean he didn't play...
That or they were generic raider turkey shoots only memorable for how much potential they wasted.

the main storyline is bad but that's not why you play fallout, certainly not modern fallout anyway

Areas where there is more to do than just kill things? Yeah, that would be nice.

If the focus of the game is on combat, and the combat is shit, what the fuck is left to appreciate?

Yeah, so? Naming two locations doesn't mean he (you) played it.

Tbh New Vegas is the only fallout I've even been able to completely immerse myself into.

when i saw the skill tree i literally cancelled my order

with some time it'll be a better waifu simulator than skyrim

Prove he didn't, prove you did.
Protip, you can't so shut the fuck up and contribute.

Bethesda's current idea of an interesting place is just polygons surrounded by stupid hostile NPCs with barely any voice lines.
And they not only got away with it, but they also were praised.

It's like they looked at fallout NV and saw what it did right and then went right on to do the exact opposite of what they managed to accomplish with that game.

Absolute fucking retards, Todd is a complete waste of life.

>combat is shit

That seems to be the only thing most people actually LIKE about this game .

give it up todd

How is he supposed to prove to you that he played it? Most people barely remember shit about the game and don't even remember most of the places. Literally the Most forgetful fallout yet. lol

worst game bethesda made, which is an achievement in it's own merit

i-it's fun g-guys
send help

Personal game of the year for sure. Made me cry when at the end you met up with android Shaun and he was programmed to think of you as his mother

So what the fuck are you asking for? Photographic evidence? I uninstalled the game months ago.

Nothing I can say will convince you that I played it if you've already made up your mind that I haven't. That's why you're supposed to give me the benefit of the doubt and assume I'm arguing in good faith. Otherwise, why even bother replying to my posts in the first place? That's just borderline shitposting, user.

I am a huge fallout fan. Admittedly i did enjoy completing the main quest.. And then i haven't played since last year, and most of those 75 hours i have was spent basebuilding. The game just isn't very appealing, the quest chains aren't like in new vegas, there is just no RPG really and the game feels bland and uninteresting. The voice for the main character isn't that bad, but it really limits things and should've just been left out. It's a shame, because imagine if they took everything good about new Vegas, improved it and made fallout 4 with the same passion?
Speaking of which, are the DLCs even worth playing? I heard far harbor is pretty good. But i just don't know if i want to play it.

How did you survive?