What went right?
What went right?
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nigger the game
Is this a new form of reparations? Giving white history to black people?
Why don't the mods just let the fire burn? It won't be going out any time soon that's for sure.
The middle two classes
>>Historical revisionism is a way of keeping the minorities from financially succeeding, because they feel superior in thinking they had more shit going for them back in times where they had nothing.
>>It works because they're too distracted by feeling superior
>>White man makes money off of colored ignorance
Yea, yea, suck it up honkies, this our country now, this our history n there ain't shit u can do about it honkies
Jews always win
I'm black and this stuff depresses me. It's basically just a heavy handed way of saying my people don't have an interesting enough history to base a game off of, so we're going to shoehorn you into white history instead. I would rather just not be in it, to be honest. A lit of blacks I know feel the same. Social justice warriors don't realize the side-effects that all their meddling has.
Maybe the WW stands for WE WUZ.
how does it feel to be an uncle tom
I bet the goddamn jews did this, goddamnit
No french
Why is Preston Garvey in Battlefield?
Well I guess indigenous Australians did fight in WW1. 400-600 I think.
You know they did, user.
the irony is that there actually was black Americans in WW1, over million Indians and a shit load of sub Saharan Africans and south Africans,
I know EA are going full on sjw by focusing on these races but the accuracy is true. something that most people wouldn't really know. people think of WW1 as a European war, where the whole world was in it.
It's almost if it's an world war :/. Wonder why they called it ww? Perhaps after some obscure auto company?
the UK had a shitload of indians and southafricans fighting for them tho
I want a game where you play as a sikh islam remover
Funnily enough, reading this post, i can here the frogs outside at the building site talking to each other.
This game is racist and biggoted.
America being the big hero again and while it's even factual that HARLEM HELLFIGHTER never fought outside of FRANCE, it's ridicilous to have them in the game.
And there was no Black Wehrmacht.
Show me a picture of one Black Soldier with a Stahlhelm Pro-Tip, you can't
And i'm not talking about colonial troops from West Africa that also mostly only fought there in Africa.
He needs you to save another setllment.
Is that Hadji from Johnny Quest?
The south african army was mostly whites
Apparently the whole world doesn't include France nor Belgium.
Gee I wonder where those fights in Europe were fought.
But apart from that, user is right, this is accurate.
If they had FRANCE in the game this black soldier thing wouldnt be a problem
>135,000 served in europe
>30,000 ded
>that mostly fought in Africa
They only fought in Africa. No black soldiers left Africa.
yeah and german pilots who shot down parachuting allied forces would get a bullet to the back of head by their commanding officer
No russians too. I feel offended.
- russian
>Always play support/medic
>now I have to play as Poo in the Loo turban man
Almost two thirds of the army was white
Well at least they added an Indian. They are much better framed for the war than Battlefield: Worldstar Hiphop.
Still not buying it. Eat shit, EA marketers.
>Implying Russians are important
You know what Battlefield isn't? A game about an average soldier
none of them were allowed to just steal a jeep and do donuts trying to roadkill enemy infantry
They were the entire eastern front m8.
True, niggers and australians are more important.
Dice couldn't figure out how to balance russian peasants killing germans with pikes
They could make Russian Zombies DLC:
> Germans waited until 6 August for the right wind conditions. At 4 am, at the same times as regular artillery started firing, German forces used poison gases against the defenders. Thinking that all of the defenders were dead, Germans started advancing. Fourteen battalions of Landwehr - at least 7000 infantry men - were participating in that attack. When German infantry reached the first line of defense, they were counter-attacked by what was left of 13th company of the 226th Zemlyansk regiment (about 60 men). Surprise attack and bloody clothing (Russian soldiers were coughing blood up because of poison gases destroying the lung tissue) put Germans in the state of shock and made them run. The five remaining Russian guns opened fire at this point aiming at the running mass of Germans. European papers called it «The attack of the dead (ru)».
well i'm black and have legit no problem with it.
you shouldn't have to fucking care about accuracy in a shitty multiplayer game anyways. just let me play a black character if i want same with female. If I want to play something that actually accurate to ww1 there is other games for it.
> Most of the Harlem Hellfighters and other black companies fought with french soldiers and/or under french command because white American soldiers didn't like to fight alongside blacks
> France not even in the base game, filled to the brim with black characters
At least use the proper version.
holy shit language.
I'm actually better but today i'm just to tired to care.
I'm trying to post things like that on normies sites, you won't believe the kind of response I'm facing
BTW, imagine zombie horde of russians that yells "CYKA BLYAD" and runs towards you. I would be spooked as fuck.
Post a screenshot, user. I'm curious.
There was no Wehrmacht in WW1 you nigger, German Army during WW1 was called Reichswehr.
>health regen
Good question, because other then the setting it is the same shit we have seen in every battlefield
Have fun with your balance patch that is also a retexture
Really makes you think..
Agreed, who the fuck cares as long as the game is good and I can make a nice THICC waifu character. Not an SJW but I FUCKING HATE when there's no female option.
something to dig out of this
oh shit, Sup Forums was right? again?
Sup Forums is technically right, but sometimes missing the bigger picture.
Not all people trying to take over the world with secret influences and secret pacts are jews.
But all jews are people trying to take over the world with secret influences and secret pacts
"Where diversity makes the difference"
>bf isn't about the average soldier
Fucking what? That's all it's ever been, except maybe BC. The appeal to the series has been being an average dipshit in a combined arms force. Being one dude or a squad of dudes with different roles, particpating with the large picture of a battlefield.
The dudes you play didn't have names, they were simply classes.
To be more specific:
>Sup Forums captures a live zionist jew
>interrogates it
>finally finds the jew motherbase
>goes to the I/O bridge, and elevates the disk for the user, where the program is written
>travels the jew maze until finding the laser dreidel, that is defeated when the disc is inserted at the base of the dreidel after defeating the gigajew
>the world quietly celebrates because its too racist to do that out loud
>the irish comes to Sup Forums
"Hey Sup Forums! then you for destroying the dreaded jews that were trying to control over the world!, now it will be free and peaceful!"
".. hey o'connor, fire up the racemixer turbo plus, america is still too white"