What's the scariest non-horror game you've played?
What's the scariest non-horror game you've played?
What's....that thing name again?
>Ya go' a dick or not?
Vampire the Mascarade: Bloodlines.
The Ocean Hotel level man
Mario 64
If a game has vampire and blood in the title, it's a horror game
At this point I know every event trigger in it and it's still creepy as fuck because of the ambiance.
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
What's the scariest non-horror game you've played? - the answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D
Woah...they used the same audio multiple times to save memory...deepest.....lore........
It's the main reason why people think resident evil is a horror game because it has zombies in it and the title
Swat 4 easily. Obviously the whole game is pretty tense and PTSD inducing, especially when you have to clear slowly while you hear people getting shot up down the hall. There's the level with the muttering junkies wandering around, but shit, one of the first ones, with the serial killer was so fucking unsettling.
>the masks are literally staring at you
>that music
>discovering and going into that tunnel
>optiwanding under the door and that mannequin is looking straight at you
VTMB isn't horror. It's a role-playing game FPS hybrid with dark themes
>lurk in horror thread
>see a notice that says someone replied to my post
>but i didn't even post anything
>scroll to the bottom
Pretty scary when the music changes if you are low on health
Also the game over
Eva Green
I'd fuck that skeleton
ooooh yes, that shit was scary. nothing gets under your skin like clearing a home full of twacked out cultists.
best believe i was shoot to kill.
dammit even when I know this is bullshit I still feel like I have to look behind me
>20 dollars and I'll spook your mcdoot
Ps1 certain levels of whatever Spiderman game scared the shit out of me. Lizards in the subway, rhino, and venom in that office building.
The empty ballroom in Mario 3 was creepy. There are no enemies and it's the only place with dead ghost platforms
morrowind for the first 10 hours
Postal 2, fuck the hospital
OoT Shadow Temple as an 8-year-old
i want to play that game, get it ? ;-)
Having scary monsters in it doesn't make a game scary.
>not a trap
nice meme
>kids game
fuck me i was fucking scared
>hurr durr lets have enemies that cant die and look big as fuck
For a game about samurai mages in space it gets pretty dark at times.
>kids' game
>final boss is an evil insect inhabiting the body of a subterrenean monster, wielding the power of a pagan god
>That image
Im sure they thought it was a great idea when he pitched it but realized mid production that he was just a hack writer who couldn't ever make it in the film world. And now they have to suffer through this entire ordeal
Just post it already so that this thread can be over.
I thought the shadow temple was brutal but the forest temple really got under my skin as a kid. The ambiance kept me on edge the whole time and the way the ghosts moved between the paintings spooked me. I remember the first time I beat shadow ganon I had to turn the game off because I was so tense my hands were shaking
Same here, I got spooked by the 1st level (I think) where you find some kidnappers secret tunnel which leads underground. Your pic reminds me of that but I don't know if its the same level. It gave me Fritzl vibes.
Yeah that's the one I was talking about.
Its a siren from killing floor. Dont let her scream!