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AMD is screwed
>Comparing factory clock to OC
>Reference vs Aftermarket OC
>a year later, AMD finally caught up
So basically the RX 480 is fucking based? Great
The 480 4GB is launching at $199. The Zotac 970 4GB is... $302 on Amazon. What's the problem?
you mean Zotac 970 3.5GB
>tfw not a poorfag and upgrading from gtx 980 to gtx 1080
feels good
Still a pretty good deal if you are not an edgefag.
>not a poorfag
>skipped 980 ti
try again
Feels good, doesn't it, goyim?
Yes, yes, buy all the NVIDIA™ products because they ARE the best!
It's okay buddy, just lower those image quality settings, start with MSAA then try shadows, you don't need them anyway.
yeah, about that...
1€ is $1.1 usd btw
How does it feel know that when your parents kick you out of their house, they aren't going to buy you more NVIDIA™ products? I bet you have ALL the Razer™ products too, because they are so cool, goyim
>All this shitposting closer to release each day even though we already know what the card is thanks to Thailand.
Sup Forums is a mess right now. Stop leaking over here Sup Forums. God forbid new technology be good.
If you knew anything about business you'd know Nvidia will just steal it anyways, and vise versa for AMD.
t. Underage shitter whose parents buy everything
>purposely waiting to buy a cuck tier poorfag card
literally fuck off with this shit, the 1080 is the most powerful card literally ever made, and it would be a mistake not to buy it. Thanks to BASED Nvidia, you can get an unmatched power from a single card that outperforms any shit tier AMDrone cuck card, especially the fucking firehouse fury, and there's literally no excuse for not buying a superior Nvidia card. Also any jelly AMDrone cuck that tries to rebute this needs to fuck off, one: there's no argument for superiority, two: AYYMD opinion dis""Carded""... Also don't expect anything near as good from AMDrone, the 490x? more like the 490nothankyou
>inb4 muh powerdraw
>inb4 muh temps
>inb4 muh powerdraw
fuck off, there is nothing from with a 450 watt TPD, and 100C is a temp the card was tested to run at, so it literally doesn't fucking matter.
Kill yourself
Not upgrading from my 290x tell the 1080ti. I'm interested in seeing what the 490 is like but if the 480 is any indication on what AMD is bringing to the table then I won't hold my breathe.
Work on it a little more, but it has good pasta potential
>from making a bad decision to another
its okay buddy, no need to rage on me I'm just trying to help you, have you tried lowering your resolution to 1400x900? that will give you more performance.
You don't need a high resolution anyway.
199 is for the 4gb version, this has 8. also theres something called vat which is added on top.
amd screwed how, 1080/60 is all I want. Adjust shadows and view distance bam the other games are 1080/60 too. Can't wait
>I only play WoW, Dota, Hearthstone, Street Fighter on PC anyways so I'll take poo in my gpu anyday
Doesn't seem too bad to me. As stock it seems to be pretty much on equal terms with an overclocked 970, and the 970 is known to trounce the 390 in the listed games anyway. These results would put the 480 above the 390 in performance, which is, well, pretty good for a $200/$230 mainstream card. I'm interested in seeing its performance in some Vulkan/DX12 tests now, and how high the custom boards will overclock.
It's too bad people rode the hype train and believed they could get 980 Ti performance for $200. Was never going to happen. Lots of bitching and wailing to look forward to tomorrow when the NDA lifts and benchmarks start popping up.
Also, Vega/1080 Ti hype is going to be silly in the coming months.
>tfw upgrading from radeon 5450 hd to 980 ti
Get the 1070. Same performance, better tech & futureproofing, roughly the same price point (1070 should technically be cheaper, but availability is a bitch for now). 2GB more VRAM, too.
>$199 stock reference card
>vs $350-$450 aftermarket 3rd party OC cards
>still manages to beat it or be on par for only half the watts
>AMD is screwed
Lmao ok guy
I got this almost a year ago, but I'll consider the new card perhaps later if I need an upgrade, thanks
>almost 2 years later
>1060 comes out soon at the same price range and will be better
A 960 is the same as 680 too