ITT : We post pictures that depict a theme in a game we want recomended to us
ITT : We post pictures that depict a theme in a game we want recomended to us
bonus points if it has a sequel
Air Combat
I need a game with a boy who is told he is a girl by everyone around him, the twist is that he was kidnapped by a pair of disembodied hands who fed him cake in place of their dead daughter.
The fuck are these?
Little Dolls
>Brutal hunt
what the christ is wrong with these children
Grow Home
Mount and Blade: Warband
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
That Assassin's Creed game set in London
Space Funeral
ooh, I've been meaning to try it for awhile
Its shit, just like Dadaism.
I wouldn't really call "The Large Glass" exclusively dada.
I certainly enjoy it more than most dadaist shit, but its still just a meaningless jumble of shit on a broken piece of glass, at least it doesn't feel totally lazy like most of Duchamps later work though. Space Funeral is as close as you'll get to dadaism in games though, that or maybe some of those weird procedural art games.
this is some uncanny shit m8
It's not a meaningless jumble of shit on a broken glass, though. Duchamp intended symbolism for each element there. Sure, it was over-the-top symbolism, but that's kind of the point.
Still, I can see how Space Funeral might be vaguely similar.
Civ with mods
Mighty Jill Off
Skyward Sword
For some reason morrowind comes to mind.
Anyway OP, here's mine
Dantes Inferno. Literally was based on the art of that guy
Planescape Torment, reminds me a lot of the bar in that.
Planescape: Torment.
Sunless Sea
Gone Home
Tropico 3
Nothing, just play some tabletop with some friends
Tokyo Jungle
Are these from a Todd Solondz movie?
Space Engine
Impossible Creatures
Dune 2
I'm just gonna post a few of my favorite art pieces and take the recommendations to heart.
Any jrpg
Nier or Spec Ops: The Line
I hear Pathalogic delivers that feeling, but I haven't started it yet.
A good cyberpunk game that isn't Deus Ex and is currently available to play
>Ain't no millionaire's son start's playing
The Last Guardian
Shadowrun Dragonfall?
>tfw about to start reading Heart of Darkness and have been putting off Spec Ops:The Line for years now
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters
Darksiders 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Animal Crossing
Prey, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Cyberpunk 2077
Kane and Lynch 2
Just go masturbate in the woods.
Gothic II
Dark Souls
Skyrim had some spots that looked somewhat like that. They usually had highwaymen guarding the area.
Wouldn't really recommend the game, though.
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
>in the woods
>not in public
Sounds like someone failed Philosophy 101.
Subnautica. But you'll be alone in a submarine
Dark souls was great for this, As was demon's
Should i play the first one? Also heard it was a bit hard to get into, But im willing to put up with that
Looks like that bear on the left is about to savagely eat that dog's booty
I wonder if anyone can do it.
Alice: Madness Returns
First one is great. Personally I like G1 more than G2 but thats an unpopular opinion. Definitely play G1 first though or you'll miss all the impact of one of the best moments in G2.
I was trying to keep him from getting arrested, but he could take his dog with him.
as a boatman that design is beyond retarded and wont help
I don't think it's supposed to look very practical.
you're fucking right.