Cloud nerfs incoming
Cloud nerfs incoming
>believing in a patch
Lol. No more patch faggot, last patch was just because Bayo was way overpowered
Except he already was nerfed unless you think not being able to kill at 60% with finishing touch anymore is not a nerf. He wasn't touched that badly, but the one thing people complained about the most (60% finishing touch kills) has been nerfed into the ground. Just like Bayonetta now, what made him broken has been removed.
Everytime the servers for smash are under maintenance is there a new patch?
Thank God. I cannot fucking stand Cloud.
So when is this the online going to be available again?
hope they dont nerf ryu
Should they nerf or buff villager?
Servers undergo maintenance all the time this means nothing
Go home
5.6 happening, get those DNS filters up.
>People thinking there will be a patch
Literally why?
>inb4 Greninja nerf
Is this why I can't play Xenoblade? I need muh squad tickets.
Its a GLOBAL nintendo network maintenance nerd,all 3ds and wii u games cannot be played online, not just smash.
You are retarded. They will still be patching the game, just not adding any new content.
Oh you silly little pvp faggots
Play some pve games for once and stop ruining videogames as a whole
Cloud and bayo are shitters and fucking ruin smash.
Corn is quite a fag too.
Pokken is in maintenance too. I'm pretty sure it's just regular maintenance.
global maint
Nintendo putting their foot down on CFW
Screencap this deluded faggot, I will play Monster Hunter X in 2 hours after maintenance is done with my CFW just like always.
Keep thread alive.
Games that even a monkey could play? Wheres the fun in that?
Wow you beat up a computer! Congratulations!
nope, those who haven't gotten cfw. It's going to be like 4.5
Bayonetta has already been nerfed into the ground.
Cloud is literally EZ mode though.
In my opinion, Mewtwo is more annoying than Corn.
They already did that with 3ds version 11.0 user, and this is a global wiiu/3ds online service maintenance, not a firmware update for the console.
i hate fighting against mewtwo so much
any news on cfw for 11.0.33? I know next to nothing about custom firmwares for 3ds and like the retard I am I updated the official firmware.
I think the eshop is also down. Can't connect to the eshop.