Xbone finally got its first +90 "exclusive".
It's not an exclusive. It's coming to PS4.
No its not
thats why i used " " because its not coming to ps4
Yes it is you fucking retard. Why do you think they didn't say exclusive to Xbox and PC at E3?
It's on Steam right now
it's not coming to ps4
Inside and Dead Rising 4 will both be coming to PS4. Shit your diaper all you want.
there's no way that is staying console exclusive to xbone for long
inside wont be on ps4
stay mad
>muh piece of shit indie game any potatotop from 2008 can play ins't coming to your console nananana
Even if I wanted to play it I'd just pirate, I have a pc for shitty indie games
why is this gif not giffing
I don't get why people care if a game that is on PC and a console will come to the other console or not. Everyone has a PC so the point is moot.
stay mad ps4 wont get it nd have fun waiting a year for dr4
same reason why psfags were bragging about having rocket league and xbone not having it
what the fuck is dr4 and why should I care? The only one mad here is (You)
>Inside and Dead Rising 4 will both be coming to PS4
>stay mad ps4 wont get it nd have fun waiting a year for dr4
Dead Rising 3 sucked, PS4 owners aren't missing much.
I'm not the user that posted that, and I have negative interest in Dead Rising, How are you going to shitpost now?
>dead rising
I feel sorry for the xbox drone failing
I'll pirate this game next week on pc
Yes, Dead Rising is dogshit. Any other brilliant post you want to trade for some (You)s?
>xbone drone
I clearly put the exclusive around THIS >>>" "
inside* not around
>I only played the dogshit port of DR3 so i know the whole franchise is bad
You don't deserve it, but here's your (You)
Beautiful irony.
No my friend, I didn't even play Dead Rising 3. I played 1 and 2 for 4 hours max and got bored. I heard 3 was even worse so I didn't bother
Didn't even know it got a port from the xbone
How's that irony? There's a difference between reading and making spelling mistakes when your first language isn't english. Dumb Sup Forumsedditor
Nah, this time you wont get your (You)
Which port is the dogshit one? I own it on Xbox One and it looks like shit and runs like shit.
>Sup Forumsedditor
>you wont get your (You)
Oh the fucking irony.
Kill yourself shitposter
give me a (You) please
>implying Sup Forums isn't literally réddit 2.0
>he bought an Xbox One
I own a PS4 as well
>someone taking console wars this seriously
Normally I'd laugh but honestly kind of feel bad for the xbots in 2016. Missing out on Bloodborne, Ace Combat 7, Gravity Rush 1 & 2, Death Stranding, Nier 2, N++, Cyber Sleuth, 4 Dragon Quest games so far, FF7 remake, God of War (4), Gran Turismo 7 and Gran Turismo Sport, King of Fighters XIV, Nioh, The Last Guardian, World of Final Fantasy, Yakuza and much more.
Meanwhile xbots are bragging about games that you don't need need an xbox one to play. I loved my 360 but seriously no point when all their games are coming out on windows. Legitimately feel bad for people that got an xbox one especially the current models. Forza, Gears of War, Halo Wars, Crackdown, Dead Rising are all really fucking fun games but guess what? All on PC. Even the next Titanfall is PC.
In all honesty it's the smartest decision for Microsoft moving their IPs to PC seeing how far behind they fell this console race. Still unfortunate for the xbots. Obviously turning them into bitter jealous shit posters like the one I replied to desperately trying to cling to multiplat indie games.
that doesnt make it better at all
>literally just saying its not coming to ps4
>hurr why u take console wars so serious
>posts a fucking paragraph about how much better ps4 is
The irony
>implying im an xbot
>i literally have Inside pre-ordered on steam
>im an xbot
>Judging game quality based on Metascore
>3 hours of game-play
>it's literally just limbo 2
Pretty disappointed desu
Does saying I regret the Xbone make it better?
>laughs at people taking console wars seriously
>makes essay on why ps4 is better
Wew lad did you get free console with these disability papers
How are the games available on PC a bad thing? I think it's good for consumers. It's not like you have a choice of where to spend your money, it's that you spend your money and get both no matter what.
>xbots this mad
Like poetry. It's not even a matter of preference on games. I'm about as idort as they come. I have significantly more games on 360 and xbox combined than my ps1-4.
That said I'm not about to go out and buy a sunset overdrive/halo 5 machine. If you are buying it to play with your friends that is understandable but if not just stick to PC. Same exact games, running even better too.
>it's literally on steam right now
Literally never heard of this. What is ut?
No one said it's exclusive you retard, read again
>lol xbot so mad
said the mad sonygger
what did they mean by this?
>Gonna pirate the steam version on win7
Microsoft always losses
>not even Win 10 and Xbox exclusive
Stretching that definition as hard as you can
Do you know what you use " " for on 4chinz?
Look above, "Also On:PC"
Limbo 2? No thanks guys... Try hiring some real artists next time..... if you can afford another "next time".
>its not on PS4 so its an exclusive
When did this meme start?
Are Call of Duty, RDR, GTA, Witcher 3, etc exclusive because theyre not on Wii U? God you Xbots are desperate for games. Pretty hilarious.
It deserves to, after all this time, honestly.
Arnt Jensen is a gift to video games.
So limbo but with colors ? Cool I suppose
This is out? I thought it was a week or so off
It's true though
Sonycucks only have a ps4 and are the most numerous console owners of the current gen
If it's not there it's a windows exclusive
a 2d, 2deep4you puzzle walking simulator. who cares
Nope. Its available on mutiple platforms, its a multiplat. No amount of of desperation or mental gymnastics will make it an exclusive. Only reason why people are jumping on this "Xbox exclusive" is because they know the age of actual Xbox exclusives is over. There wont be anymore. PS4 has three actual exclusives with 90+ scores, they dont need the help of PC.
>this delusion
Wake up user. Even idorts don't have xbox ones because they get the same shit on PC these days.
cucked again!