Have you ever been aroused by a video game enemy?

Have you ever been aroused by a video game enemy?

Other urls found in this thread:

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=monster_girl femdom

goblins from oblivion...

Yes there have been enemies in games that have given me such a rock hard erection that I had to stop playing so I could stroke my cock until I came.

Desire demons from DA:O

>enter fade
>bang desire demon
>leave connor as is


what srsly, so many i cant even list


Yes. Discovered Fatal Frame and FEAR gave me a hard on for ghosts.

>tongue but hole


Silent Hill nurses



yeah, i liked those sluts in das2

was darklurker a dude btw?

But was before i knew she was on the other side.

what game?

Somehow this got deleted.
i wish i knew.

>was darklurker a dude btw?

If you want him/her to be.

Any Demonness, Succubus, Angel or Goddess.

I am sure there is a scientific name for this uncontrollable fetish of mine.
I must fap to continue playing.

>no desert sorcerer set in DS3
One job from

diablo 1 succubus
final boss (spider lady) from dragon age DLC

honestly if it looks like an attractive female but it has monter attributes such as insect/demon/tentacle parts, my dick goes wild

ask the muscles

Seeing as how those are all powerful women, I think you might be a submissive. If you want them to be lustful and protective toward you instead of violent and abusive, your fetish is gentle femdom.

First time I saw them was at a boring class. It was the worst of the times.

not him but while I agree with everything you said, stabbing them/killing them makes me even hornier

like the succubus from d1 dying kills my focus, whatever I'm thinking/talking about gets lost because I get so into it

>inb4 edgy


Silent hill mannequins
>dat pyramid head scene


Theophilia, daemonophilia.




what the fuck is this

Its good

A Harpy from Serious Sam 3.

shit, never would have guessed it


If you look closely, you can see that this is actually Shanalotte

>powerful but lustful and protective Goddess/Demonness/Succubus/Angel

You hit the nail on the head doc, thanks for the help!
the boner was unasked for, now what do I do...


>that doujin

Can't say I identify with that. The last thing I want to do to a succubus is kill her. I'd much rather kneel before her and pledge myself as her obedient pleasure slave, while she gently strokes my hair and tells me of all the delights that await me in my wonderful new life.

>+two more holes
>-maybe too perfect?

Snake enemies in general get me unbelievably hard. Does this happen to anyone else?

Never played the third game. So sue me.

you cant be serious

>dat death moan from the female enemies in Act 1 of diablo 2

If you include lamias, I'd say there are many guys with similar interests in snake creatures.

DIs nigga serious?

And i though milena was the dick destroyer doing BJs....


how do i do spoilers

>If you want them to be lustful and protective toward you instead of violent and abusive, your fetish is gentle femdom.
Oh, so that's what it's called. I've been wondering about this for a while, thanks doc.

Crtl+s on selected text.

I almost felt bad killing her

Monster Girl Encyclopedia

Yes or Yes?

>wearing desert sorceress without the awful wide shoulders every female character in DaS2 had
would've been too tight for this world

/d/ usually has a thread going on these days.

Lamias are top tier and anyone who disagrees is wrong.
I also didn't expect to actually tear up when fighting Alice. I mean, fuck man, these tissues aren't suppose to be for the liquid that comes from my eyes



Do they have Goddesses or Demonnesses?

Why the fuck is this on /d/ of all places? There is no situation more vanilla than wanting to be loved and be cared for by a woman.
Powerful and divine aside.

>tfw you will never fuck a lamia while she stimulates your prostate with her tail


i'd prefer a spider monster girl tho

If you can kill it, it's an enemy.

>spider monster girl
only thing that trumps my fear of spiders is my lust for monster girls

I have to disagree. My heart (as well as the rest of my body) belongs to succubi.

But I do like Alice. That *was* a very emotional scene, and a nice bit of gameplay and story integration where you have to choose to spare her by waiting or guarding, and you have to do it two or three times before she stops telling you to kill her and accepts your decision.

I do need to get around to playing MGQ Part 3 one day.

Lamias are love

t. Nigger

Alice is cute!


>There is no situation more vanilla than wanting to be loved and be cared for by a woman.
When she's the stronger one, the protector, and the usual initiator of sex? Where she treats you like an object of beauty and desire, the same way men treat women? Where you're not expected to protect, provide, and perform? Where your sexuality is considered erotic and sensuous instead of mechanical and utilitarian? It might be "vanilla" in a sense, but society despises men who go against the traditional male role like that.

Sometimes, as to why /d/, it's mostly that some light bondage is involved in some cases.
As the thread itself has no monster girls at the moment, I went through the trouble and found a bit on Gelbooru.
gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=monster_girl femdom

This comes to mind ALOT lately, man I wish the never games were as godlike as the first one...

Ok, it's gonna be one of these threads.

>that eye on her cheek


>you'll never be whipped by Cia

many times


Is there a name for wanting to protect women who are more powerful for you? I always liked the thought of a knight guarding some powerful female magic user completely out of devotion/honor

Nope, seek help.

Mah nigga. This is my favorite.






God, would I love to have such a creature "enslave" me like that Templar. Just without the children. I hate kids.

I actually got an erection from Kaa in the new Jungle Book movie

All the Shantae games makes me try to master one handed gaming


These games are always so fucking beautiful but they play so badly.


>that whole paragraph

Dammit doc, I never asked for this.
Never had this reaction image been more appropriate for what I am experiencing...

This too!
It couples perfectly with what I am talking about.
>main Paladins or Faith-builds every game
>friends assume it's because I'm religious or something

This game looks neat

Forgot image

Is there face meant to be a vag?

But succubi are sex.

It was between these and for me, but ultimately I decided to go with the one I could find artwork of.

I haven't got her full set yet, how does it look on a man? Does it change in someway if you're female like Hunter's cap?


Don't know. It's a demon from the game 'Agony'.

Mah nigga