>playing nes games in 2d
>playing nes games in 2d
Other urls found in this thread:
>Playing NES games
Just why? Play the SNES instead
We have this thread every year.
>people put time and effort into this
>from the looks of it TONS of time and ASSLOADS of effort
while at the pearly gates if i have to beg and plead to barely make it in through the skin of my teeth and i see someone who worked on this on the other side ill just turn around and leave
>Playing SNES games
Just why? Play the N64 instead.
Just why? Play the Dreamcast instead.
Where's Castlevania?
Anything that's not mapper 0 looks like a pile of vomit on shrooms.
This is actually kind of neat, if the bugs get worked out
it's better than nothing
You can tweak all the graphics. Not all games work by default. It was in the trailer
>He thinks this gay unity shit is actually good
This isn't in widescreen the window just defaults to this for some reason
The developer was upfront about forced perspective/isometric games pretty much don't work at all
still looks fucking garbage to me
I want this but on oculus right, while using the power glove.
I want a mash up of Can you feel the Sunshine, with Smash mouth all star, playing on super low quality, real high to be playing as I play, and I want to be on a treadmill too.