I miss it Sup Forums

I miss it Sup Forums

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You think you do but you don't.

You don't miss it, you never knew what you wanted. Vanilla is old and busted. Get with the new hotness.

First post best post

Fucking kek

pre order legion and relive the old times friend

Same, but Kronos will have to do for now.

Me too, user. Me too.

This screenshot reminds me of me playing FFXIV just a few days ago.

>permavirgin neckbeards got mad at blizzard because they have zero understanding of what copyright law is like in this country
>Blizzard is almost definitely planning vanilla servers with the nost team anyway

I'm so glad the shitposting over this is pretty much done

Remember when the PvP server was full of chinks and serious raiding guilds were buying gold from them like crazy to get a headstart on raiding to skip the tedious and boring gold/material grind?

My guild had just begun clearing bwl on farm status and we were all preparing and looking forward to the next raid. I bought retail wow during MoP and got bored when I hit level cap, didn't think nost would be any good but it captivated me in a way that modern wow completely failed to. Maybe Blizz thought shutting it down would bring people back to retail but Wod just seems really shallow to me.


We FINALLY got sub 1 hour in a BWL run. Literally the day before they announced the shutdown.

I'm still sad, was so hyped for AQ40.

y-you're just wearing rose-tinted goggles, nostalgia is the enemy of progress!


Did you actually get so excited over a worthless BOE drop that you felt it was important enough to screenshot and post in a thread?

The BoE is not the point, the point is having fun in Deadmines. It's the only screenshot I had from the run.

Oh wait, I just googled it and realized it's BOP. So it's even more unimportant than I thought. Let me try to figure out why your autistic brain decided to screencap this then. Hmmm. Is it because someone in the chat said grats and a reddit emoji? Is that supposed to make me feel emotional? "hurrrrr remember when people used to say gratz all the time? Man I really miss that experience of reading the word gratz. #youthinkyoudobutyoudon't"


I fucking hate people like you.

And I fucking hate people like you. All he did was post a picture from a point he had fun.

Fuck off.

>paying money for in game gold for a private server
That's just sad.

>being so substantially assblasted about someone having fun
think you should follow your own advice

>Nostralius was the only private server ever

There's tons out there guys, for every xpac.

>legitimately getting this triggered because someone screenshotted a deadmines run

Hey, this is kinda unrelated but when was the last time you talked to a girl?

in the end i thought i wanted to grind to r12, but i didn't, good times, cool people all around, still no qt japanese gf

Don't underestimate the power of RMT.

WoWscape was making 300k a month from selling P2W shit before Blizzard shut them down.

what in the fuck is wrong with you?

more like serious raiding guilds were exploiting dungeons to get baron mounts, arcanite reaper plans,HoJs and Ironfoes

What the fuck is wrong with YOU? I for one do not want to have to sift through the piles of pointless garbage content people post all around this forum. Why the fuck would anyone be interested in a picture of a low level character running a low level instance?

epic man, now post ur epic trollolo on timmblr, and rebbit


If you're gonna post vanilla wow pictures, make sure there's actually something interesting going on, like a huge world pvp battle. I spent a literal minute glancing over that retarded poster's picture just to find the point of interest, only to realize there is none. Yes, it's literally just a random screenshot that nobody would ever want to save to their hard drive. It's garbage content.

Do tell, what is copyright law like in this country? It would help if you could post a timestamp with your JD.

i had so much fun there with my irl friends that i played retail vanilla with

but to be honest with you my relatives the devs and GMs were massive cucks and the game was nearly unplayable during chink primetime hours

Did AQ ever launch? I didn't play during the last 3 or so weeks since my guild was content clear and I lost interest for a bit.

epic man, now post ur epic trollolo on timmblr, and rebbit

Somebodys mommy burnt their tendies this morning...

Corecraft team said they were taking a break for a month and have been silent for over 3 months now.

The meme is finally dead. Corecraft never.

AQ was never released

>Reach to level 60 after a month, could have gotten there in less time with addons and guides
>Spam run dungeons to get entry raid ready
>Join raid groups that needed fill in spots
>Raid locked for the week
>Nothing to do but AFK in Orgrimmar on my mount waiting for BG queues or until my raid lockout resets

Well, where is it? Half of Sup Forums told me Blizzard would help them or put up their own.


I bet you didn't even have an epic mount and the craftable bis pieces of your class.

>everybody claimed private servers would explode with popularity due to the Streisand effect of Nost getting shut down
>Kronos flooding with people after playTBC crashed and burned like anybody that wasn't a retard expected

>month later
>both Kronos server are down to retail levels of population and crash several times a day
>population spread thin across several TBC servers that shill against one another constantly
>Lordaeron is up but hasn't really changed much since Wrath is so different from vanilla
>tons of people lost interest in private servers because they expect official ones from Blizzard that'll never happen
>tons of people burnt out from losing their progress on Nost, going to Kronos, and then losing 1-2 weeks of leveling on Kronos when K2 opened
>Blizzard won

I got my epic mount just farming Blackrock Depths for pickpockets and drops and powerleveling noobs through SM cath. Took me like a week.

I know I did
but it was over 2 not just 1

>>tons of people burnt out from losing their progress on Nost


My brother went to see the film and gave me his free month. I haven't played since vanilla and tried it out. I can definitely see the complaints people have with the killed server community, rushing content to just hit a daily quest grind, and very easy and quick content in general. It's still a bit fun though. I couldn't play my old favorite classes because they are so different than what they were it irked me, but the new monks and DKs are really fun. But apparently everything that I like about them now is being pruned or dumbed down for Legion. It was a nice month, I guess.

>take one month to get to level 60
No thanks.

>feel like a scrub because I map skills only on 1-6 and the ordinary modifiers
>see mapping 1-4 only

why do people use damage meters in low level content? shit doesn't even matter unless you're trying to break DPS checks in endgame fights.

>Still being bad at vidya
Plus this isn't nuWow, leveling isn't supposed a delay from getting to the "good" stuff, leveling is an experience on it's own.


>all the nostcucks move to overwatch or better games

muh 6 gorillion signatures!


I miss old Sup Forums.

>why do people do things
sorry about your autism


>genuine question

They don't think it be like it is but it do.

yes yes corecraft, that's nice and all but its dead


the fresh new hotness around the block is gummycraft


it's got an active developer team that constantly posts on the forums and addresses peoples concerns.


here are just a few videos of what he's done and what he wants to do in the future. Heavy emphasis on a puritan experience of TBC and a complete overhaul of the MANGOS engine to completely fix all the problems with pathing, armor&resistance values (aka muh bugged damage meters) and both casual quest and raid scripting.

>WW axe at lv30
Someone had quite a bit of help.

lol enjoy your garbage server being abandoned in a few months by gummy just like scriptcraft

>he didn't solo the quest at lvl30

How bad are you?

>killing a lv38 elite as a lv30 vanilla warrior

only with the cyclonian part
and even then there's so many 60s around tm you just need to ask in general

>I just want to be max level so i can sit around in my garrison and do nothing

hey idiot, leveling in vanilla WAS the game. the END game content was just that, it was for when you were at the END. Leveling was and IS fun if you're not retarded and get a friend.
Currently leveling a shaman for the first time on kronos and Im having a blast doing the cool class quests

leveling was NOT fun.
everyone I knew back in TBC and Vanilla rushed to the level cap just to get the real game. only giant retards enjoyed grinding boar asses for quests or taking an hour just to reach a low level dungeon

Man, I remember when endgame was the literal end. Then it became mandatory to be able to do anything.

>lfm (trivial thing), require 730+ ilvl + ring + AotC, mount reserved, no (rl's class), must be lgbt
>shit like this is now the norm

>leveling was NOT fun
>thousands of people who enjoyed nostalrius and kronos vanilla leveling didn't actually enjoy it, they were tricked into thinking they enjoyed it


Second test

thousands of people who play WoW are retards, news at eleven.

Vanilla and BC leveling was tedious garbage.

Anyone who played ANY of these specs recognized vanilla and BC for the trash it really was:
Protection (Paladin)

The only people who truly liked vanilla were 'pure class' shitters aka mage/rogue/warlock ect, and cucks who got forced into healing or tanking and started liking it due to stockholmes syndrome.

Look deep inside yourself. You know its true.

I too missed doing the same content over and over again while morons spam le epic maymays in chat.

Does it give both paladin seals to both factions? If not then it can fuck right off.

Tired of you faggot 'muh pure blizzlike experience' niggers refusing to fix blatant, glaring problems which Blizzard themselves have admitted were gigantic fuck ups.

>x is fun
>no! x wasnt fun
>thousands of people enjoyed x


You're right. I thought I wanted it but I now see that I don't.

>genuine question
>why do people use damage meters
probably to see their damage

still doesn't change the fact that lots of dumbass people play WoW. people who actually think grinding solo quests was fun and pressing more than 4 buttons was a big deal.

>get the real game

The "real game" mentality is why wow went to shit.

>Max level takes too long, I can't get to the "real game"
>I'm not raiding! I can't play the "real game"!
>Talent points are too hard they're keeping me away form the "real game"!

You should have learned from the south park parody, no matter how mundane the task seems, you are always playing the game.

Fun is also subjective. Some people want to play long to get somewhere, others want quick gratification.

How is it? Been thinking about finding a good private server to play on.

It was about the adventure pleb, not the end result.

if you dont want to sift throught "pointless garbage" why dont you fuck off to reddit and then you can jack off while at the top comments on r/gaming you fucking faggot

fuck you

the adventure was garbage compared to FFXI or Everquest

then wow wasn't made for you congrats you fucking idiot.
>Shooters are stupid you just point and shoot
>RPGs are stupid you just click an attack and watch
>Racing games are stupid you just drive forward

I just leave mine running most of the time, even on alts.

I doubt the guy was posting meters into chat or anything.

damn why don't you run your own server with the marketing motto "Come play on our TBC server that's been heavily modified to what we see fit for a true TBC experience!!!" and tell me how far you get


>got to 60
>only raid experience was UBRS
I'm both pissed off that I wasted all that time getting to 60, but at the same time, I didn't waste any more time going after end game content.

Also I think back to all those faggot alliance campers in Hillsbrad, and I laugh knowing all their dragonstalker gear and thunderfurys are completely gone.

Ive been leveling a bit there
I shit you not theres been a crash every 30 seconds to a minute for the last 3 days. dont waste your time

did I hurt your WoW feels jit?

Fags like you are the reason modern MMO's are terrible.

Still crashes multiple times every day and not nearly as active as before Nost went down but still lively and functions alright when it manages to stay up. Not like there's much of a choice though since it's the only vanilla server worth the slightest bit of a damn.

never considered scholo/ubrs/zg a raid

not but you showed your stupidity.
I could say the same to you. If you dont enjoy what everyone else doesn't, that doesn't make you unique, it makes you broken. you are a broken member of society, and I doubt you've gone outside in the last 4 or more days.

okay so I did hurt your feeling then, grow up babby.

It was nice while it lasted. Good thing I didn't stick around too long, kind of had a gut feeling that this would happen.

>surely if i demand Sup Forums to stop doing something that makes me mad, they will stop doing it

>going out
>sunday monday or thursday
theres no parties , and wednesday not many people go out , so no reason to go out neither

>Oh shit hes right im retarded
>y-your mad!
good one retard

>There is always that one guy in vanilla threads crying rose tinted goggles

just KYS