What would you do if you found yourself in Majula?

What would you do if you found yourself in Majula?

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Jump off the cliff and hope I respawn in a better game.

Fuck the herald


Make my way to chloanne of course

Spend the rest of my life cuddling with Shanalotte while looking at the sea listening to Majula ost.

wander off to molest a gargoyle

Hang out, be happy forever, and never go hollow because the only thing that makes me lose my will to live is the thought of death and nonexistence. Also, fuck fighting all the other hollows.

Is pet that cat an option?

Realize that Dark Souls 2 is actually of equal quality to Dark Souls 1, and that there are just some core mechanical and conceptual differences that come down to a matter of taste over anything else.

curious to know why you would put 2 and 1 on the same level.

Take a fucking shit off the side and watch it respawn somewhere

Cum on cat so she can hiss at penis


Dark Souls 2 is at its core a different experience, but not necessarily a worse one.

If level design and inter-connectivity of the worlds is what drew you in so much about the first one, it's probably worse. But once you grown to learn how to manage the mechanics that differentiate itself from the first in the series, you learn it has its own strengths and weaknesses.

I'm going to LOVE the Emerald Herald!!!

I disagree. In my opinion Dark Souls 2 is a fundamentally worse game than the first in almost every way. That said, it is not a bad game like a lot of people make it out to seem. The first game is simply a great game while the second is a good one.

try two-handing, behind

Fucking kek

I'd say one thing that DS2 trumps over DS1 is replayability. The build making in DS2 is just better than 1, with the addition of Bonfire Ascetic that allows you to get NG+ items early, and you can get equipments fit for end game very early as long as you know where to go and focus on getting it. I had much more fun making new distinct builds in 2 than 1. 3 you can't even mention because of how absolutely garbage the replayability is.

But there's no better game so you're completely hopeless.

You spawn in Majula in the beginning of the game idiot, you have to go rescue her before she shows up in town.

Fuck the cat

Pet the cat, then join the resident Crestfallen Warrior because I can't fight for shit.

I agree with you but only to some extent, that's why I said "almost every way". The item builds could be argued to be better than 1 but with the dumb nerfs to faith and strength I think it's not as free as you are saying.

I wanna fuck that cat

I'd go down that hole, and I'm talking about the Emeral Herald and not the actual hole in the middle of it

You mean the big hole in the ground?

But that's rape

Weakness: Rear, therefore try thrust.

Chill under the lighthouse and tell newbies there's no point in going forward

>we will never know what tanimura might have made instead if bamco actually gave him time
>we will never know whatever shibuya was making that got scrapped and if it might have actually been good
>ds3 turns out to be THE rehash game that everyone has been memeing about since forever

At least I have a renewed appreciation for how unique 2 was. Just compare Forest of Fallen Giants to Lothric Wall. One of them is literally Burg 2.0.

rape the gem slut then head off and kidnap one of the sluts from sen's fortress 2.0 and rape her too

I had way more fun with 2 than I did with 3 fight me

> Play Dark Souls
> Get to Blighttown
> It's fucking awful
> Play Dark Souls 2
> Play Dark Souls 3
> Thank god there won't be a Blighttown in this ga

This series is shit

>DS2 diapers

oh my god shut teh fuck up ds2 fucking sucks at least the ds3 pve is fun for a run or two



Keep killing the hollow soldiers in the forst area until Im like Level 75 and way too stronk. Then venture forth and become the Kangz they told me I wuz.

Out of all of those, the absolute worst is the Valley of Defilement

That's just the one location I feel genuinely uneasy when I go back to

I won't, cause 3 is absolute garbage.

>for a run or two