Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
The knight, he should of found someone with weaker potions because they would of killed a dragon let alone a man.
shoulda just gone to a different potion seller
The potion seller was trying to protect the knight but he was too stubborn. He couldn't handle his potions
Who's to say the potions were for the adventurer though? Why couldn't he use them as poison for the dragon?
Clearly the potion seller.
A man with such a chin could easily withstand any potion.
The customer is always right. If he wants a potion that's so strong it could kill a dragon, perhaps he needs a potion so strong it could kill a dragon
why didn't the seller just sell weaker potions as well? Whats the point of peddling potions that will kill anyone who drinks them? Horrible business practice.
Maybe the knight was going to drink the potion itself and feed it to the dragon to kill it?
You,for making a off topic thread
Always the potion seller. He knew the knight was going into a fearsome battle, what matter if his potions would kill him in the end so long as defense of the land was accomplished. You can't just stand in the way of a knight's duty.
Because the knight insisted on having the potionseller's strongest potions.
Surely the potion seller could recommend other sellers?
He's able to get by from selling the strongest potions to the strongest (and richest) beings for an exorbitant price
This is irrefutable
The Potion Seller. He was a rascal. A rascal with no respect for knights.
What kind of knight would demand anything from a potion seller?
I still find it hard to believe that people find this shit that every kid does when they get their first camera funny.
He didn't demand anything though, he begged the potion seller to sell him his strongest potions. He had full intent to pay, even the ultimate price in his life in order to fulfill his duty.
The Knight
He thought he could handle his strongest potions
Honestly I don't see why the knight is so respected. I mean the Potion Seller's potions can do anything they can.
but this video has deep lore and moral ambiguity
What kind of knight begs by demanding anything from a potion seller? I'm sorry to question his honor but the entire exchange seemed fishy.
I still find it hard to believe that faggots like you go into threads they don't like and post on them
>crying like a bitch
>PLEASE potion seller
if you think thats demanding its the most pathetic demanding I've ever seen
The Knight. A merchant has no obligation so sell his wares to anyone if he doesn't want to, especially if they may cause harm. That's how you get sued.
I'll refute it knave. How do you know the knight was going to fight a dragon? Clearly he is too weak to fight a dragon, as he is of the weakest (proven by how he is unable to obtain the potions)
He only said he was going into battle.
>implying someone with a jawline like that can't handle a potion
It's really depressing that it has more lore than most games these days
If we say that the strongest potions could kill all but the strongest beings, that also makes it an effective weapon.
Dragon, goblin, or bandit - all the knight would have to do is coat his weapon with the strongest potion and his opponent would be doomed once he got a hit in. The knight never stated his intent for the potion, but clearly understands the danger of drinking a potion that is too strong.
The potion seller. Even if the potions would kill him, who cares? It's fucking money, and it's not like the knight wasn't fully aware of the consequences.
That's like asking why lawyers on retainer with Fortune 500 companies don't work in small claims courts. The potion seller's time is precious -- especially if he's the one brewing the potions -- and he's specialized in strong ones.
But how do we know the knights is one of the weakest? The potion seller is being subjective here.
>hit their most fearsome warrior
>now your kingdom is in the hands of the enemy
As he said, he was too weak to know how to handle his strongest potions
>but clearly understands the danger of drinking a potion that is too strong.
Clearly not, or the knight would have explained to the seller his intentions.
It is not the potion seller's fault that he assumed the knight would be drinking the potions -- after all if you intend to poison someone you would go to a shop specializing in poisons, not a shop specialized in making things for consumption.
Would rather have this than 1000 threads about censorship.
His wife
Haven't laughed this hard in a while.
I would rather have nether desu senpai
This is an imperfect world
that second moan was too perfect, always gets me.
Chump detected.
these are potions aka (al)chemical formulations. they may be concentrates meant for use in some kind of bullshit magical industrial processes.
If the knight is of the weakest, what chance would he have of laying a blow on the most fearsome warrior before being killed?
Jesus christ man
It wouldn't be funny if you did it. Lets be honest.
The potion-coated sword would kill anyone but their most powerful warrior, at which point you power him up so much he levels the kingdom
The fuck does the potion seller care if the knight is too weak? As long as he pays it's okays
I thought it was pretty obvious that the potion seller had some underlying feelings for the knight
It was for the best, the knight abandoned his old ways and went on to become a famous musician: youtube.com
>Only uploaded 22 days ago
I was expecting this to be 8 or 9 years old
He respects knights, he doesnt just want to see them die.
It is old, read the description, he had the video on his drive but never did upload it because he made it for a few friends and didn't think people on the internet would think it's funny.
>powerful is subjective
Why couldn't the knight just take the potion and go to an inch of land 10 miles o8utside of the kingdom and declare it the kingdom of landihave. He would be the strongest warrior in his kingdom, and one able to wield the strongest potion only meant for the strongest of warriors?
Unlike you, the potion seller has morals. He's not going to sell potions that will get the knight killed. If the knight clearly understood the risks it would be a different story, but the knight obviously doesn't know what he's dealing with so selling him potions would just kill him with no benefit.
Understand the futility of trying to make Sup Forums about video games, knave
You are the reason why this place is so shit
If the potion seller's potions were too strong, why didn't he just water them down so he could increase his consumer base?
Would've made a lot more money that way
The potion seller actually runs a market for diluted (read:ineffective) potions to continue the wars and ramp up demand for potions. He can't let the traveller purchase the strongest potions because its deception as a placebo won't work and they'll find out it's all fake.
what game?
oh you sweet summer child
>the second someone steps in your general vicinity you die
Nice plan.
That's why you aren't allowed to buy the strongest potions
am I on Sup Forums right now?
user, you could've just said "kill yourself" instead of a hamfisted meme, and the effectiveness of that post would've increased tenfold.
Why are you intentionally giving yourself a disability like this?
I only play on hard, kid
what videogame is this?
kyss? Jag vill inte kyssa nån, jag har flickvän
any rpg with level requirements
The adventurer was actually going to use the potion to kill the dragon with.
Potion seller was wrong.
Didn't you get the memo? Sup Forums and Sup Forums merged years ago.
What fucking dragon there was no mention of a dragon.
My nigga
That game's too hard for you user, you can't handle that game
but low-level characters don't need potions that heal 500 if they only have 250 in health
Yes, this magical potion with a precise recipe will work just by adding fucking water to it.
Don't be retarded.
>This curry is too spicy, have the chef mix it with water.
no that was Sup Forums nearly 2 years ago
Videogame seller, sell me that vidya, I've beaten Dark Souls and I have numerous of hours wasted in Dwarf Fortress
My games could defeat an autist, user. They are too hard for you.
what videogame is this then?
potion seller
if his potions were really too strong he shouldve just sold them to the knight anyway, the knight dies, and the potion seller gets his money.
I saw that before in one of these threads, you ain't tricking me again.
Videogame seller, I need that videogame. My OCD is kicking in real hard and I don't have any more collectibles to pick up in any of my vidya. Sell it to me videogame seller
I need them so i can stash them and never use them you casul
Why should the potion seller care what the Knight does to his own body? This is like a brewer refusing to sell the knight alcohol because he could get poisoning. It's none of his damn business. Assuming the consumer can't be responsible is insulting. If anything the Knight will just go and give his money to a shady criminal black market potion seller. Fucking conservative elves I swear.
My games are only for the hardest and you are clearly one of the most casual. You should find a store that sells mobile games.
>This is like a brewer refusing to sell the knight alcohol because he could get poisoning.
Have you ever been to a bar? It's perfectly acceptable, and morally responsible, to refuse to sell to someone who clearly has no idea what he's doing.
>Clearly not, or the knight would have explained to the seller his intentions.
Do you think the knight had to explain his intentions when he bought his sword or his horse? I think not
>My games could defeat an autist, user.
You are a rascal videogame seller! A rascal with no respect for TRUE GAMERS like myself!
that's to keep them from causing problems on their private property. A liquor store will not refuse to sell you bottles of Everclear.
>That imperial power attack grunt as he spins
Too good.