>Its Tryharding
Other urls found in this thread:
>lose instead
>now you're a faggot
Yup. Perspective is a thing.
>playing tf2
>medic+heavy premades
kek tryhard more nerds
Haters gonna hate hate hate
some people just cant handle getting shit on, it's pretty common
>playing tf2
Better to be a try hard and win than a casual and lose.
this is what tryhards believe
people who doesn't know the meaning of try hard are pathetic and beyond saving, same as people who think "gg" was ever used for anything but good game.
Tryharding means you are trying too hard to look more skilled than you are, trying to pull tricks when you haven't mastered basic stuff so it ends up giving shitty results, trying too hard to fight skilled players who beat you with no effort and also try to look pro owning noobs who just got the game but being devastated when playing with people of your level.
>go for an objective while every other retard is just fighting
>"wow tryhard"
I just assume everyone who uses that word is underage
They're right
>thinks losing is ok
go be a degen somewhere else please
being a try hard doesn't guive you a win.
Being skilled does.
When you are actually good, you don't have to try hard to win, just play right.
Try hard are those middle skilled playes that try to look like pros, typically the peple who gets butt mad when losing and always blaming on teammates with lesser score than him while not being at the top himself.
It's just something underages like to use when trying to insult you. Think nothing of it.
You just can't win OP. Those type of people feed on reactions. All you can do is just ignore them and move on with your life.
>other team: LOL I wasn't even trying
It just a game brah
>join matchmaking
>expect other pubfags
>get stuck in a group of pub randos against a premade clan group
Into the trash it goes!
>Lose against someone
>Beat them
>Wow, lucky game, I wasn't even trying
>Continue to beat them
I don't understand these people. They talk hot fucking shit when they win, and immediately pull the "YOU HAVE NO LIFE" shit when they get stomped
>playing tf2
is this 2008 again
>You have no life
Does anyone even say that anymore? I never see or hear it anymore.
Underage retards are the ones that always get what try hard is supposed to mean wrong.
Funny thing, it's usualy the noobs who have to try harder to improve or get a decent score while skilled players just do their game and win.
>match ends
>"shame about ur [the best player on the enemy team/the only one that was pulling his weight] tho"
medic + heavy is one of the things that slows gameplay the most
>mm doesn't have class limits
>you can literally have 5 overhealed heavies
>2250 combined health
hope classlimits are implemented SOON
>it's usualy the noobs who have to try harder to improve or get a decent score while skilled players just do their game and win
no fucking shit sherlock
what next, "after the peak it's all downhill from there?"
Overwatch players with a level above 80 (1 week after release) got this from time to time.
>holy level 80
>do you even go outside?
Then don't use the shitty matchmaking, the server browser exists for a reason. Unless they removed to make the game more retard friendly.
>still playing tf2 after all the things they've done to it
>All the things they've done to it
But TF2 is still the same game at its' core. Nothing drastic has happened.
i preffer lobbies but i play mm every now and then to see what they implement
>not still enjoying TF2 by doing exclusively 6v6
>be transwoman
>talk on mic
>server explodes because there's a girl there
>get a few immediate friend requests
>decide to tell them I'm pre-op trans hoping that would make them leave me alone
>get a flood of even more friend requests
Every freaking time
I'm glad a sir autismo like you gets it, too bad isn't that easy explaining it to the modern "gamer" that infests servers nowadays.
Except for the massive amounts of weapons they randomly added over the years that don't mesh together at all and are constantly being changed because of this, and if you're not a trading fiend you have to grind like a motherfucker because the economy barrelled out of control or pay up like a good goy.
But that's not drastic, and they haven't replaced the stock weapons.
>Muh economy
Who gives a shit. The gameplay is unchanged, even with the new weapons. They have clear strengths and weaknesses, but, bar the Demoknight, haven't changed how a class is played.
It's a common go to for people who lose at games
>I can't beat someone at this game
>Well I'll try insulting them personally and call them a fucking loser!
I don't even get the no life argument, considering everyone involved is playing the same game. The only place I think it applies is games like Ark Survival Evolved. I played that game for a while, and my fucking god you NEED to have no life if you want to have fun.
>for the first few days just went around leveling up, not bothering to build a house until I could make it a wood one, so only people with metal tools could harm it
>After several real life hours finally have a nice sized house for me and my one dino that took fucking forever to tame
>Tame a second dino for my friend and start making a garden inside, so I don't have to scavenge for food nonstop
>Three dudes come along and try breaking into my house for no reason
>Try fighting them, get knocked out and put in a cage
>Watch them break into my house and kill my dinos, even though I had literally nothing of value to steal
If you want to tame something like a fucking T rex or high level birds, you need to dedicate a minimum of 6-8 fucking hours, real life hours to it. And you don't even do anything exciting, just watch their body, and keep them unconscious. The biggest tribes in the game are literally comprised of people who do fucking nothing but play the game, and go out of their way to make it less fun for others. Quit that shit forever ago
>the massive amounts of weapons they randomly added over the years that don't mesh together at all and are constantly being changed because of this
At least they add variety, TF2 was explicitly developed NOT to be a competitive game.
>and if you're not a trading fiend you have to grind like a motherfucker because the economy barrelled out of control or pay up like a good goy
"Have" to grind for what? Weapons? They're all available from random drops as by far the most frequent item type to drop. If you're unlucky/really want a particular weapon you can just trade a metal banking bot for a scrap and pay 200% just because there's no smaller currency.
Hats? Of fucking course they're overpriced collectible luxuries, that's their one and only purpose.
I wouldn't give a shit about the economy if it didn't directly affect your ability to get new weapons without paying real money and some of the "weaknesses" on the weapons are a joke.
>bonesaw that does slightly less damage but gives you regenerating health and a healing aura
>sniper that gets 15% bonus bodyshots but can't shoot unscoped which hits for dick anyway
Heh, you sound like my friend.
Yep, but it's mostly hypocrites who want to pretend they are "true gaymers" but forget about their act as soon they getting owned and start pretending they are now chad.
Which part?
>haha hey dude, why dont you ever use your mic? seriously?
>yeah man come on, join our party, itll be fun!
>put mic in
>hahahaha wtf dude! you sound like fucking kermit the frog!
>holy shit...he really does...
>they slowly back away from me and stop being my friend
Random drops. Or are you a f2p cockroach?
Good luck getting a specific weapon to drop instead of a bunch of worthless shit and crates. New weapons are always extremely expensive when they come out meaning anyone who pays real money for them or trades for a living will have an advantage over everyone else.
>can't shoot unscoped wich hits for dick anyway
found the casual
The whole venting about higher level Ark players
You sound like Kermit the frog?
Dude WTF?
Jesus that's basically the definition of tryhard. Everyone else is just fucking around and having fun and here you are trying your hardest to win the game because that's all that really matters to you.
i dont even remotely know this feel
what the fuck man
Record your voice and upload it on vocaroo for us.
>just fucking around
>having fun
Not even that user, but that seems contradictory, real fun of a game comes when you actually playing it right, otherwise you are just wasting time pointlessly.
dont ever reply to me again, kid
>New weapons are always extremely expensive when they come out
>he thinks weapons cost more than 1 scrap ever
how do you even turn the computer on you literal medical retard
Oh right, I also forgot about crafting. Which recipe is the most expansive, like, Solemn Vow because of 9 piss jars because memes?
>I wouldn't give a shit about the economy if it didn't directly affect your ability to get new weapons without paying real money
I've paid literally zero shekels (Other than to buy the game, I guess.) and I have all the weapons. And even if you didn't have all the weapons, it doesn't matter, because most are valid choices, and you've still got stock weapons, which are all good.
I think your problem is that you started playing after it became free and you get all your opinions from random retards fro Sup Forums who have no idea what they're talking about.
How is that tryhard?
Playing the game the way it was meant to be is tryharding? Oh in that case, I guess I should just intentionally throw games despite my team screaming at me to stop griefing because they're tryhards ruining my fun.
>fucking around is one and only canonical way to have fun
Well have you played the game? It's entirely true. In order to get anywhere in the game in a public server you need to dedicate a ridiculous amount of time to it. I tried taming a level 100 T rex one night when I had nothing going on the next day. I babysat it for literally 6 and a half hours, just to have some high level guy with a sniper kill it without me ever seeing him.
The taming times in that game are just ridiculous for anyone who has a job and can't dedicate a minimum of 6 hours to not even playing the game, just babysitting a knocked out dino
Just give the child a box of tissues and move on to the next game.
>new weapons costing a scrap when they come out
Have fun trying to find that you mongoloid. If they're all as cheap as you say then crafting is even more retarded because most things need at least a rec.
I never bothered with trading until the economy was well in the shitter.
>Stomp the enemy team, not even a chance for them to win
>say bad game
>"wow look at the salt coming from user"
>Stop being your friend because aof yoyr voice
Kek, abusing the word friend there.
>not medic+soldier
wow, its like you don't want to win
Post examples of tryharding please
>playing the game with an exact copy of a professional team class composition when they start getting raped
>picking only the most op characters of the pool
Fuck that noise, having a bud that sounded like Kermit the frog would be awesome.
I'll be your friend Kermit.
>Any game
>lose to enemy team on siege
>guy on their team who got carried, fucking 0 kills and 5 deaths, starts talking shit, says "hahaha you guys suck"
>reply back "hahaha your k/d"
>instantly get their whole team replying "SALTY MUCH?"
>Have fun trying to find that you mongoloid
Not my fault you got scammed hard and are now salty.
>If they're all as cheap as you say then crafting is even more retarded because most things need at least a rec.
If trading is as expansive as you say then crafting is even more viable because one two-dollar key would net you enough refined metal you'd ever need for the crafting and trading weapons, over paying like 10 fucking dollars at the shop for a singular weapon.
>40+ minute game
>winning team says "ez"
That's the joke.
>New weapons are always extremely expensive when they come out
what the fuck am I reading
So why would you bother trading after the economy was "in the shitter"?
And also what does the economy have to do with the gameplay? Where are the drastic changes that you claimed earlier?
To be fair the people who hit 100 in week 1 pretty much WERE poopsocking.
>Wanting to purposefully restrict the meta to one boring setup
This is why TF2 comp is a joke.
>wrecking enemy team
>"lol it took five of you to kill me"
>"lol it only took you three ults to kill me?"
>game is actually really close
>we win
>gg ez no re go to bed
>Is this bots?
would you preffer 4 scouts or 5 heavies you retard
class limits are a must, i didnt even mention weapon bans or the 6s classes and you are already starting with this pubbie baby shit
Quick, what's the best thing to say in order to trigger my opponents? Preferably when I'm ahead/just won.
>pressing "find match"
ftfy that for you
>winning without a support
>enemy picks 4 tracers and 2 lucios
>still loses
>huur duur youre too tryhard
>mfw they all quit after the match
>it was a 6 man stack
>Implying there isn't a counterpick to a team comprised entirely of one class.
Pretty sure you're the pub baby here
Nope! Better ban everything that could slightly impact the meta so we are always running 2 scouts 2 soldiers 1 demo 1 medic!
if the game is F2P
>Did you know [game] is also free to uninstall?
>David Sirlin
I love how HD Remix basically outed the guy as a fraud who doesn't know shit about game design and all of his changes were just wack ass shit he did "because it felt more competitive"
>aof yoyr
>fucking around
>mad at people who win
If you're truly fucking around, then you don't mind if you get beaten. Stfu
act like a middle school student with chuuni
>"heh.... u noobs were no match against me..."
autistic shit like that
>whenever you get a kill
>whenever you win
>"Wow, this wasn't a bot match?"
>spam tonkor
>blind everything with prims
>WoF with Ember on low level mission
>playing as Limbo
>wow limbo sucks, play something better like ember
gg before its gg.
>thinks TF2 is pokemon
lol dude
maybe learn the basics before sharing your shitty pub mentality with the world
a good 6s team doesnt need to "counter" any offclass, because its simply the best game composition, not because of "wahh wahh 6v6 is stale" but because the game works that way
What's wrong with trying your hardest?!?!
Easy like Orlando
prism* whoopsy daisy
>New weapons are always extremely expensive
No they aren't. Normal weapons are always a scrap each, irregardless of when they came out, some people will even be willing to trade you 1:1 for another weapon they want that you have. You're literally retarded.