Alright faggots, I need to know if I should play the NES versions of Final Fantasy I & II or the PSP versions

Alright faggots, I need to know if I should play the NES versions of Final Fantasy I & II or the PSP versions.

NES if you want it to be hard


Are the PSP versions like way dumbed down?

PS1 for FFI. NES ir Wonderswan if you can't.

Don't listen to any shitty literal child who tells you GBA or anything after; they fucked the magic system that was unique for the series to make it like everything else and it wrecked the balance. GBA and PSP only if you want casual babymode.

For FFII it's the opposite: GBA or PSP. Extra content and bugfixes put them ahead of previous versions.

Did they switch to a point based system like the others, I played a little of the NES one a long time ago and it was like a d&d magic system.

how are the magic systems different? I only played the GBA one

GBA used an mp system.

Play the PSP versions of both, they added a lot of content, really good arranged music and fixed a lot of things for FF2

>muh unique magic system

Is not unique and is honestly not better than the MP system.

This idea that early FF needs to be some 2hard4u experience is pure autism, pay it no mind.

For these ancient games, you want the most comfy experience. JRPGs have advanced way beyond what FF 1 and 2 have to offer in terms of challenge anyway.

FFIV- Complete collection or PC remakes
FFV- SNES or GBA with restoration patches
FFVI- SNES or GBA with restoration patches

I've played ff3 on ds, is the NES version alot different. I've played through 4, 5, and 6 as well.

Oh yes.

Honestly i didn't liked the DS/PSP version because really generic characters get hamfisted as protagonists. The soundtrack feels dumbed down too with the exception of the regular battle theme thought you can enable the original soundtrack on the PSP version. Mechanical wise the DS version gives you more options for using as final classes since in the original game there where two ultimate classes: Ninja and Sage.
For me it was a very different experience.


>PC remake

>PSP for FF1
where they made every battle really fucking easy yet the encounter rate is the same so the game is boring?

no thanks


Yeah, because battles that drag for too long, even higher random encounter rates and archaic magic system is much better right?

yes, at least it's more captivating than mashing A non-stop

You talk like there's even a little bit of startegy on these games. All of them are pure RPGs so don't come to me with your "mash A to win" meme.

there was strategy in FF1 for the NES, have you even played it?

you couldn't win by mashing A as your characters would just attack empty air, you had to think about what would happen if your strongest character hit an enemy first

As a matter of fact, yes you could unless you were playing with four thiefs, plus i wouldn't call deciding between to fight or use magic strategy. The PSP versions are much better refined and even if are one of those nostalgia fags that want a harder experience you can always play the Hard type GBA version.